Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I am happy to return home for vacation. I would like to thank the team, accurate, and complete their work! More good luck! (I hope you mention the hotel number 4196) was perfect! : Smile:: smile:: smile:
Örömmel jelentkezem a nyaralásból hazatérve.
Szeretnék köszönetet mondani az csapatának, pontos és tökéletes munkájukért!
További sok sikert!
(remélem megemlíthetem
a szálláshely számát 4196)TÖKÉLETES VOLT !!
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(30 July 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
Many thanks to Svetlana Golubich, and in her face and all the staff agency for the excellent work! Attention to customer service and efficiency in the work just above all praise! Special thanks! for the Russian version of the site! So many options, covered the entire coast, easy and convenient to navigate, information on housing options is sufficient to decide the place of rest. Good luck and prosperity to you! I look forward to further cooperation!
Огромное спасибо Светлане Голубич,а в её лице и всем сотрудникам агентства за отличную работу! Внимание к клиентам и оперативность в работе просто выше всех похвал! Отдельное спасибо! за русскую версию сайта! Очень много вариантов, охвачено все побережье, ориентироваться просто и удобно, информация о вариантах размещения достаточна для принятия решения по месту отдыха. Удачи и процветания Вам ! Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество!
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(30 July 2008)
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Russian (original)
Today received a voucher! Thanks for the promptness !!!: smile:
Сегодня получили ваучер! Спасибо за оперативность!!!:smile:
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(30 July 2008)
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Russian (original)
We were sddisfatti the service given by your agency and would like to congratulate Ms. Mikelina Hure for his kindness and for the apartment very clean and bello.grazie and good work: wink:
Siamo stati sddisfatti del servizio dato dalla vostra agenzia e vorremmo fare i complimenti alla signora Mikelina Hure per la sua gentilezza e per l'appartamento molto pulito e bello.grazie e buon lavoro:wink:
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(30 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
The reservation service of the apartments has been found effective, fast and extremely friendly
Il servizio di prenotazione degli appartamenti si è rilevato efficace, veloce ed estremamente gentile
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(30 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
You have been really professional and fast in finding my requests. Thank you
Siete stati veramente professionali e celeri nel riscontrare le mie richieste.
Vi ringrazio
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(30 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
Serious and professional agency; the site, then, is truly portentous.
Agenzia seria e professionale; il sito, poi, è veramente portentoso.
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(30 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
Everything went very well, good understanding and good service from the agency. If we are as we think, satisfied once on the spot, we intend to stay an extra week and we hope to easily find another accommodation. Thank you
Tout c'est très bien passé jusque la, bonne compréhension et bon service de la part de l'agence. Si nous sommes comme nous le pensons, satisfait une fois sur place, nous comptons rester une semaine de plus et nous espérons trouver facilement un autre logement.
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(30 July 2008)
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French (original)
Waiting to see the rented apartment I congratulate you for your kindness and precision in the work !!!!!: lol:
In attesa di vedere l'appartamento affittato vi faccio i miei complimenti per la vostra gentilezza e precisione nel lavoro!!!!!:lol:
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(30 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
We were very satisfied with your internet service, even if we did not get the first reservation, we did not have other options according to our ideas, the communication from the travel agency was always very fast, we are looking forward to the booked stay and we believe that our holiday will be successful: cool:
S Vašimi internetovými službami jsme byli velmi spokojeni, i když nám nevyšla první rezervace, byly nám nybídnuty další možnosti dle našich představ, komunikace ze strany cestovní kanceláře byla vždy velmi rychlá, těšíme se na objednaný pobyt a věříme, že se nám dovolená vydaří.:cool:
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(30 July 2008)
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Czech (original)