Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
For the first time I took the services and I'm happy. Booking procedure went very smoothly. Booked an apartment in Mandre was as described, very nice, in an intimate setting. I recommend this office.: Smile: I
Po raz pierwszy skorzystałem z usług i jestem zadowolony.
Procedura rezerwacji przebiegła bardzo sprawnie. Zarezerwowany apartament w Mandre był, zgodnie z opisem, bardzo przyjemny, w kameralnym otoczeniu.
Polecam wszystkim to biuro.:smile:
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(22 August 2008)
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Polish (original)
a very good system and a good guy (p.Homolova) on the other hand make your service very flexible and quality. I would be interested in info for motorists about otptimalny road links, warnings about problematic coke / zapcha ... dufam, that the holiday will be nice, thank you and the zela of the successes
velmi dobry system a pohotovi ludia (p.Homolova)na druhej strane robia vasu sluzbu velmi flexibilnou a kvalitnou. Privital by som info pre motoristu o otptimalnych cestnych spojeniach, upozornenia na problematicke useky/zapchy ...
dufam, ze nasa dovolenka bude fajn,
dakujem vam a zelam vela uspechov
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(22 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
The site is among the best I have ever seen. Well organized, full of important information widely distributed. Compliments
Il sito è fra i migliori che abbia mai visto.
Ben organizzato, pieno di informazioni importanti ben distribuite.
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(22 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
I recently returned from Croatia and was excelent.cazare perfect, nice people, quiet on plaja.Multumiri Mrs. Laura Luncan ptr.amabilitate and promptitudine.Felicitari!
m-am intors recent din Croatia si a fost excelent.cazare perfecta,oameni amabili,liniste pe plaja.Multumiri D-nei Laura Luncan ptr.amabilitate si promptitudine.Felicitari!
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(21 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
We stayed very well: smile:
abbiamo soggiornato benissimo ottimo:smile:
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(21 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
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(21 August 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
I reserved 2 objects for 2 weeks for 4 people. We go tomorrow by car - I'll write back later what happened in reality. So far I liked everything: the design of the site, the speed of the answer to any questions. Many thanks to Irina and in her person to all
Зарезервировал по 2 объекта на 2 недели на 4 человек. Едем завтра на машине - позже отпишу, что вышло в реальности. Пока понравилось всё: дизайн сайта, скорость ответа на любые вопросы.
Огромное спасибо Ирине и в её лице всему
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(21 August 2008)
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Russian (original)
It was the first time I went on vacation through an agency online.Eram tzeapa somehow not be stressed, but it was great. The hosts knew that going to come and was super reliable and it was held at its peak. Accommodation looks exactly like the pictures, everything is benefiu even wrote that it was. I am very happy with the services provided by and are happy with the accommodation chosen. worth trying as it is easier than you think.
A fost prima data cand am mers in concediu printr-o agentie online.Eram stresata sa nu fie cumva tzeapa, dar a fost minunat. Gazdele stiau ca urmeaza sa venim, iar a fost super de incredere si totul s-a desfasurat la cote maxime. Cazarea arata exact ca in poze, tot ce scria ca e benefiu chiar era. Eu sunt foarte multumita de serviciile oferite de si sunt multumita de cazarea aleasa. merita sa incercati ca e mai simplu decat credeti.
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(21 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
: Lol:: heart: super, everything as described. I recommend
:lol::heart:super , wszystko zgodne z opisem . polecam
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(20 August 2008)
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Polish (original)
Excellent courtesy, kindness and speed of the staff we dealt with: smile: Now I hope that the hotel that will host us is dignified and clean. All I ask. We will resend the return .:wink:
Ottima cortesia, gentilezza e rapidità del personale con cui abbiamo trattato:smile:
Ora spero che l'albergo che ci ospiterà sia dignitoso e pulito.
Non chiedo altro.
Ci risentiremo al ritorno.:wink:
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(20 August 2008)
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Italian (original)