Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
The accommodation was excellent, the environment was well known, the beach was convenient, the crowd of the main road is covered by the dial, home to us were many miles, the children have been grateful to them, they always advised us and were stab. The rooms are spacious, spacious, modern in the kitchen, only in the kitchen you need to get out of their stuff ... We also recommend to others .....
Ubytovanie bolo vyborne, prostredie sme uz poznali, plaz nam vyhovovala, preplnenost hlavnej cesty je vyriesena dialnicou, domaci k nam boli velmi mili, deti si ich oblubili, vzdy nam poradili a boli ustretovi. Izby su pekne, priestranne,kupelna moderna, len do kuchyne si treba priniest zopar svojich veci... Odporucame aj ostatnym.....
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(28 September 2008)
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Slovak (original)
With your site, I was working best on all the accommodations on the Adriatic. The following communication about payment was excellent, only a little nervous if we get a voucher before we pay. The accommodations corresponded to what we expected - in other words praised for - the descriptions are clear, clear and unpleasantly surprised at the backside. I consider the to be very professional. For the next year, we will go somewhere else, but if I want to Croatia, I'm probably going to search again through DC
S vasim webem se mi pracovalo nejlepe ze vsech o ubytovani na jadranu. Nasledna komunikace o zaplaceni byla vyborna, jen vzdy trochu nervy, jestli voucher dostaneme vcas pred zaplacenim. Ubytovani odpovidalo tomu, co jsme ocekavali - jinymi slovy pochvala pro - popisy jsou srozumitelne, vystizne a na miste zadna neprijemna prekvapeni.Sluzbu povazuji za velmi profesionalni. Pristi rok mozna pojedeme nekam uplne jinam, ale pokud bych chtel do Chorvatska, pravdepodobne budu ubytovani zase hledat pres
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(28 September 2008)
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Czech (original)
We spent a wonderful wakacje.Wszystko consistent with the description, the hosts very sympatyczni.Piękna okolica.Już we think about future vacation with
Spędziliśmy wspaniałe wakacje.Wszystko zgodne z opisem,gospodarze bardzo sympatyczni.Piękna okolica.Już myślimy o przyszłych wakacjach z
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(26 September 2008)
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Polish (original)
Hello! I returned from Dubrovnik, I want to say thank you to the staff of the agency: pleasantly surprised the efficiency and competence of both the operators and the manager of Svetlana. I want to say that I was easily and easily admitted to the country (flew to Dubrovnik via Zagreb) on the voucher scanner, printed on a color printer))))) No problems, I saved on delivery DHL (because I did not have time to get the original). And yet: Dubrovnik is almost Paradise)))))
Вернулась из Дубровника, хочу сказать спасибо сотрудникам агентства: приятно уидивила оперативность и компетентность и операторов, и менеджера Светланы. Хочу сказать, что меня легко и без проблем впустили в страну (летела в Дубровник через Загреб) по скану ваучера, распечатанному на цветном принтере))))) Никаких заморочек, съэкономила на доставке DHL (т.к. не успевала получить оригинал).
И еще: Дубровник - это почти Рай)))))
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(26 September 2008)
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Russian (original)
We are very pleased with the treatment agency recibido.Tanto as the homeowners a greeting: happy:
Estamos muy contentos con el trato recibido.Tanto de la agencia como de los dueños de las casas un saludo:happy:
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(26 September 2008)
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Spanish (original)
Holiday dreams, so I called this year's holiday. The first time we used the services of and we were very satisfied with the handling of our vacation. Many thanks to all and especially p.Petaniovej agency whose work is on a professional level. As for our vacation on the island of Pasman, I write only praise. Very peaceful place for relaxing, warm and clean sea, accommodation and especially super nice and welcoming home, who of us care very much and we fully enjoy our vacation. I hope that in future, we will use services and we can discover the beauty of this country.: Smile:
Dovolenka snov-tak môžem nazvať tohtoročnú dovolenku. Prvý krát sme využili služby a boli sme veľmi spokojní pri vybavovaní našej dovolenky. Poďakovanie patrí hlavne p.Petaniovej a celej agentúre, ktorej práce je na profesionálnej úrovni. Čo sa týka našej dovolenky na ostrove Pašman,musím napísať len chválu. Veľmi pokojné miesto vhodné na oddych, more teplé a čisté, ubytovanie super a hlavne milí a srdeční domáci, ktorí sa o nás veľmi pekne postarali a spríjemnili nám našu dovolenku. Verím, že v budúcnosti opäť využijeme služby a budeme môcť spoznávať krásy tejto krajiny.:smile:
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(25 September 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I am happy to have an office in Croatia. Special thanks to Ms.Emilia Rutkowska: lol :. Next year I will definitely use the services of this office!
Jestem zadowolony z załatwienia pobytu w Chorwacji przez biuro Szczególne podziękowania dla P.Emilii Rutkowskiej:lol:. W przyszłym roku równiez na pewno skorzystam z usług tego biura!
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(24 September 2008)
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Polish (original)
Holiday has met our assumptions and information on Quiet vacation, dear home, good biking and boat: tongue:
Dovolená splnila naše předpoklady a informace uvedené na stránkách Klidná dovolená, milí domácí, dobrá možnost na cyklistiku a člun.:tongue:
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(24 September 2008)
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Czech (original)
: Happy: accommodation in truly super, landlord also can only weitereimpfehlen
:happy:Unterkunft ganz super, Vermieter auch, kann man nur weitereimpfehlen
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(23 September 2008)
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German (original)
Mr Roman Waligórski is a professional seller. Everything was great and quickly arranged when I used the services of the office. I am satisfied with my stay in Croatia. And this is already 4 times.:
Pan Roman Waligórski jest profesjonalnym sprzedawcą . Świetnie wszystko i szybko załatwił gdy korzystałem z usług biura. Ja z pobytu w Chorwacji jestem b.zadowolony. A to już 4 raz.:smile:
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(22 September 2008)
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Polish (original)