Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Good afternoon! I booked apartments on this site, Ms. Svjetlana Golubić contacted me promptly, paid advance payment, I now fill out the form on the voucher. I hope in time I'll get the correct original by mail. Everything is fine so far. It's not enough information about the villa, the owner, any working moments, but I think everything will be settled. : heart:
Добрый день! Забронировала на этом сайте апартаменты, оперативно со мной связалась г-жа Svjetlana Golubić, оплатила с кредитки аванс, заполняю сейчас форму на ваучер. Надеюсь во-время получу по почте правильный оригинал. Все пока отлично. Маловато конечно информации о самой вилле, хозяине, всяких рабочих моментов, но думаю все утрясется.:heart:
You've rated us:
(10 April 2009)
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Russian (original)
It is the best and complete presentation of tourism site that I saw on the internet. What is presented on the site is located exactly on the ground. I recommend this site to all.
Este cel mai bun si complet site de prezentare a ofertelor turistice pe care l-am vazut pe internet.
Ceea ce se prezinta pe site se gaseste exact si pe teren. Recomand tuturor acest site.
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(10 April 2009)
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Romanian (original)
With the offers on your site, I was very happy as there is a great choice of accommodation for good prices. I will use your services first, and I believe that after the end of the holiday, I will use them for a year as well, and I will rebuke your name.
S ponukami na Vasej stranke som bol velmi spokojni, nakolko je tam velky vyber moznosti na ubytovanie za dobre ceny. Vase sluzby vyuzivam prvykrat a verim, ze po skonceni dovolenky ich vyuzijem aj o rok a taktiež Vas odporucim svojim znamym.
You've rated us:
(7 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
Hello, I was very pleasantly surprised with the quality of websites, such as the speed of your employees work. Are you one of the few agencies that offers tours and stays for 10 days. This was one of the reasons why I chose your agency and hope that the promises which we have ordered will be at that level, then I recommend you also my friend, Regards, Peter Dicer
Dobrý deň,bol som veľmi milo prekvapený s kvalitou internetových stránok, s rýchlosťou akou pracujú Vaši pracovníci. Ste jedna z mála agentúr, ktorá ponúka pobytové zájazdy aj na 10 dní. To bol aj jeden z dovodou prečo som si vybral Vašu agentúru a dúfam že aj sluby ,ktoré sme si objednali budú na takejto úrovni, potom Vás budem odporúčať aj mojim priateľom, s pozdravom Peter Dičér
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(7 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
Excellent customer service - thanks to Ann Fodor, who answered promptly, promptly and accurately! I hope that the holiday will have the same positive experiences!
Kifogástalan ügyfélszolgálat - köszönet Fodor Annának, aki minden kérdésre készségesen, gyorsan és pontosan válaszolt! Remélem, hogy a nyaraláson is ugyanilyen pozitív tapasztalataink lesznek!
You've rated us:
(6 April 2009)
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Hungarian (original)
Good afternoon. Booked through apartment for June-July 2009, waiting for the original voucher. The site is excellent, feedback is operational. Thank you so much! Could not find information - which means "standard equipment" of the equipment. We go with children, I want to know for sure about the amenities.: Smile :: smile:
Добрый день.
Забронировали через аппартаменты на июнь-июль 2009 года, ждём оригинал ваучера. Сайт отличный, обратная связь оперативная. Спасибо большое! Не смогли найти информацию - что значит "стандартное оснащение" аппараментов. Едем с детьми, хочется знать наверняка об удобствах.:smile::smile:
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(6 April 2009)
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Russian (original)
Excellent service! The search for apartments is very simple, clear and efficient. : Smile:
Ottimo servizio!
Molto semplice, chiara ed efficiente la ricerca degli appartamenti.:smile:
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(6 April 2009)
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Italian (original)
We made holidays for the first time on the Adriatic. Their pages are clear and I like the fact that I can calculate the price per stay. The first impression, however, spoiled the mail that the apartment was already occupied, even though, according to the calendar, it was free. Otherwise we are looking forward to a holiday. : cool:
Zajistili jsme si přes dovolenou na Jadranu poprvé. Jejich stránky jsou přehledné a líbí se mi, že si hned můžu vypočítat cenu za pobyt. První dojem však zkazil mail, že apartmán je již obsazen, ikdyž byl, dle kalendáře, volný. Jinak se na dovolenou už moc těšíme.:cool:
You've rated us:
(5 April 2009)
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Czech (original)
: Smile: I recommend planning the office holiday Adriatic. In 2008, through the agency spent a pleasant holiday in Croatia. Iformacje given in the descriptions of Lodging 100% to confirm.: Cool:
:smile:Polecam planowanie wakacji z biurem Adriatic. W roku 2008 za pośrednictwem biura spędziłem udany urlop w Chorwacji. Iformacje podawane w opisach kwater w 100% się potwierdzają.:cool:
You've rated us:
(5 April 2009)
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Polish (original)
Perfect co-operation, well-established websites and quick and excellent cooperation with the travel agency. I can only recommend how to choose a holiday while sitting at home with a computer.
Perfektní spolupráce,přehledně udělané internetové stránky a rychlá a výborná spolupráce s cestovní kanceláří.Mohu jen doporučit,jak si vybrat dovolenou a přitom sedět doma u počítače.
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(4 April 2009)
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Czech (original)