Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I booked the apartments through this agency in September this year. Now in anticipation of receiving a voucher. The organization of the agency and its website I liked. There is a Russian version and employees. There is a possibility of a free call and communication in Russian. The staff are polite and friendly, promptly answer all questions. The only thing I miss on the agency's website is the binding of the chosen apartments to the city map so that you can imagine its location relative to the beaches, the city center, etc. In the rest - everything is fine.
Забронировал апартаменты через это агентство на сентябрь текущего года. Сейчас в ожидании получения ваучера.
Организация работы агентства и его сайта мне понравились. Есть русскоязычная версия и сотрудники. Есть возможность бесплатного звонка и общения на русском языке. Сотрудники вежливы и доброжелательны, оперативно отвечают на все вопросы.
Единственное чего мне не хватает на сайте агентства - это привязки выбираемых апартаментов к карте города, чтобы можно было представить его месторасположение относительно пляжей, центра города, и т.д.
В остальном - все прекрасно.
You've rated us:
(13 April 2009)
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Russian (original)
I want to praise and appreciate both clarity and sophistication of websites, but also a system in place when the client gives you the freedom to choose the service, according to needs. Your service will use again this summer and very happy.
Chtěl bych pochválit a ocenit jednak přehlednost a propracovanost internetových stránek,ale i zavedený systém,kdy se klientovi dává svoboda si zvolit dané služby, podle toho jak potřebuje. Vaše služby toto léto využiji podruhé a velice rád.
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(13 April 2009)
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Czech (original)
The pages are very well done, there is a good search. The possibilities are clear. Thank you I used them earlier and did not disappoint me
Stránky jsou velmi dobře udělané,jde tam dobře vyhledávat. V rámci možnosti jsou přehledné.Děkuji využil jsem jich již dříve a nesklamali mě
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(13 April 2009)
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Czech (original)
Thanks to Miss Alexandra, who was very nice and very happy.: Happy: I'm looking forward to your stay.
So zabezpečením pobytu som vďaka slečne Alexandre,ktorá bola veľmi milá a ochotná veľmi spokojný.:happy:teším sa na pobyt.
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(12 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
Thanks to Miss Alexandra, who was very nice and very happy.: Happy: I'm looking forward to your stay.
So zabezpečením pobytu som vďaka slečne Alexandre,ktorá bola veľmi milá a ochotná veľmi spokojný.:happy:teším sa na pobyt.
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(12 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
I really hope that I will use this year
nagyon remélem hogy ebben az évben használni fogom
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(11 April 2009)
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Hungarian (original)
Thank you again for Alexandra Petraniové flawless and quick booking a summer vacation. Already last year we have used the service and everything worked out to one. I recommend to all.: Smile:
Děkuji Alexandře Petraniové za opět bezchybnou a rychlou rezervaci letní dovolené. Již vloni jsme využili služby a vše klaplo na jedničku. Všem doporučuji.:smile:
You've rated us:
(10 April 2009)
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Czech (original)
Commendable, courteous and fast. I hope to confirm the compliments also for the recommended accommodation.:smile:
Encomiabili, cortesi e veloci. Spero di confermarvi i complimenti anche per l'alloggio consigliato.:smile:
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(10 April 2009)
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Italian (original)
A lot of dedication and professionalism. Courtesy and competence. Definitely recommend travel forums that usually attend. Special congratulations to Ms Vanya who assisted me.: Heart:: smile:
Molta disponibilità e professionalità. Cortesia e competenza. Consiglierò sicuramente nei forum di viaggi che abitualmente frequento. Complimenti particolari alla sig.ra Vanja che mi ha assistita.:heart::smile:
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(10 April 2009)
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Italian (original)
The second time I use the services of Complete satisfaction on my part! Congratulates the creation of such a well-performing company: smile: Yours
Po raz drugi korzystam z usług Pełna satysfakcja z mojej strony! Gratuluje stworzenia tak sprawnie działającej firmy:smile:Pozdrawiam
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(10 April 2009)
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Polish (original)