Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Held M.
We tried to leave through the Adriatic island of Pag. Even our demanding sons were happy. Thanks and I will contact you.
Skúsili sme dovolenku cez Adriatic na ostrove Pag. Dokonca aj naši nároční synovia boli spokojní. Vďaka a zase sa na vás obrátim.
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(6 October 2010)
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:Елена Землянская
Bdagodaryu agency for a great vacation, especially Yaroslav Sadovyy for help and clarity in their work. Special thanks to the owners of the object 4755 for the warm welcome and excellent accommodation.
Бдагодарю агенство за отличный отдых,особенно Yaroslav Sadovyy за помощь и четкость в работе. Особая благодарность хозяевам объекта 4755 за теплый прием и отличные условия проживания.
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(3 October 2010)
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Konstantin Kozhin
The second time use the services of this remarkable company. All as last time - excellent.
Второй раз воспользовался услугами этой замечательной компании. Все, как и в прошлый раз - отлично.
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(1 October 2010)
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In the quarters in 2350-b spent a lot of very nice moments. Very close to the historic center and the beach. Picturesque views of the mountains and the island of Krk Vinodolu. I recommend
W kwaterze 2350-b spędziłem wiele bardzo miłych chwil. Bardzo blisko do zabytkowego centrum miasta i plaży. Malownicze widoki na góry Vinodolu i wyspę Krk. Polecam
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(30 September 2010)
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Polish (original)
Janina Balicka
apartment in 4819 I spent a very nice part of the holiday. In fact, better than the apartment zdjęciu.Gospodarze kind, hospitable and very friendly. Terms and Conditions without reservations and even better than the best eatery near oczekiwałam.W of delicious fruits morza.Gorąco recommend
w apartamencie 4819a spędziłam bardzo miło część urlopu. W rzeczywistości apartament lepszy niż na zdjęciu.Gospodarze mili,gościnni i bardzo życzliwi. Warunki bez zastrzeżeń a nawet lepsze niż oczekiwałam.W pobliżu najlepsza knajpka z pysznymi owocami morza.Gorąco polecam
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(29 September 2010)
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Polish (original)
Наталья Рыжова
Thank, in particular Svjetlane Golubić for operative work on booking our selected apartments! Rest was excellent!!! Croatia Beautiful!!!
Спасибо ,в частности Svjetlane Golubić за оперативную работу по бронированию выбранных нами апартаментов!Отдых был ОТЛИЧНЫЙ!!!Croatia Beautiful!!!
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(28 September 2010)
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Csökmei Lászlóné
Thanks to everyone who wrote a code and wrote down on the opinion of the hotel. It helps me to close the "bad" hotels next year.
Köszönöm mindenkinek aki kódot írt be, és leírta a véleményét a szállásról.Sokat segít abban,hogy jövőre ki tudjam zárni a "rossz" szállásokat.
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(28 September 2010)
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Hungarian (original)
Ремезова Юлия
Many thanks to the agency for our vacation!! Everything turned out even better than we ozhidali.Omish beautiful city, we will definitely return! Solar Solar people of the earth, THANK YOU!
Огромное спасибо агентству за наш отдых!!!!Всё оказалось даже лучше, чем мы ожидали.Омиш прекрасный город,мы обязательно вернёмся!!! Солнечные люди солнечной земли,СПАСИБО ВАМ!!!
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(27 September 2010)
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Roman Nespala
Services Adriatica we used the first time, satisfaction of the unit, we look forward to the summer season, the 2011th
Služby Adriaticu sme využili prvý krát,spokojnosť na jednotku-tešíme sa na letnú sezónu 2011.
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(26 September 2010)
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Czech Republic
Services we used the first time and we were pleasantly surprised by the helpfulness, speed and reliability of travel agencies. Thank you.
Služby jsme využili poprvé a byli jsme příjemně překvapeni vstřícností, rychlostí a spolehlivostí cestovní kanceláře. Děkujeme.
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(26 September 2010)
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