Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Martin Buček
I'm very happy with smile: Marty
Jsem velice spokojen se službami
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(27 January 2011)
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Czech (original)
Czesław Brząkała
In my opinion, the settlement of formalities related to booking the accommodation went very smoothly. You have a good site, which allows you to search for the right accommodation for a decent price. I would recommend.
W mojej ocenie załatwienie formalności związane z rezerwacją kwatery przebiegło bardzo sprawnie.Posiadacie dobrą stronę, co pozwala wyszukać odpowiednią kwaterę za przyzwoitą cenę. Polecam.
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(27 January 2011)
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Polish (original)
Cristian Pup
I have already benefited twice from the services and I have to say that they are prompt, exceptional, oriented towards the client-beneficiary, so I will not hesitate to approach them in the years to come.
am beneficiat deja de 2 ori deserviciile si trebuie sa spun ca ele sunt prompte,exceptionale, orientate inspre clinetul-beneficiar,astfel ca nu voi ezita sa apelez la ele in anii ce vor urma.
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(26 January 2011)
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Romanian (original)
Karolina Iwankiewicz
The office works professionally, the offers are attractive, transparent, I have received an exhaustive answer to every question. The service is fast and reliable. May only holidays go as sensational as cooperation with this agency!: Smile:
Biuro działa profesjonalnie, oferty są atrakcyjne, przejrzyste, na każde pytanie otrzymałam wyczerpującą odp. Obsługa jest szybka i rzetelna. Oby tylko wakacje przebiegły tak rewelacyjnie jak współpraca z tą agencją!:smile:
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(24 January 2011)
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Polish (original)
света мыцак
4686-a Excellent place.Prekrasnye masters.Do Starovo city 20 min. On the road, magnificent views. Purely, neatly.
4686-а Отличное место.Прекрасныые хозяева.До Старово города 20 мин. пешком.По дороге великолепные виды.Чисто,аккуратно.
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(24 January 2011)
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Ukrainian (original)
Quick contact, correct information, professional administration. Everything is OK.
Gyors kapcsolatfelvétel, korrekt tájékoztatás, szakszerü ügyintézés. Minden ok.
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(23 January 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
This travel is very expensive, you pay her more than on the site owner in addition to important information you do not know slowly or on the day of departure the coordinates are inaccurate and the email that we can hide the receipts for next year's discount We learned after the holiday when we have already dropped them We can not use this discount for this year, we will call you every call ended and we have to call ..... email or name we do not write because we do not want to hurt the owner of the object of the traveler we paid in 10 days 400eur + money to HR on account, for these services is 10 thousand really a lot
Tato cestovka je velmi drahá, zaplatíte jí více než na místě samotnému majiteli navíc důležité informace nevíte pomalu ani v den odjezdu souřadnice jsou nepřesné a email o tom, že si můžeme schovat účtenky za mítné pro příští rok na slevu jsme se dozvěděli až po dovolené když už jsme je vyhodili tutíž slevu na tento rok nemůžeme uplatnit, se slovy my se Vám ozveme končil každý hovor a stejně jsme museli volat ani jméno nepíšeme protože nechceme ublížit majiteli objektu cestovce jsme platili za 10 dní 400eur + převod peněz do HR na účet, za tyto služby je 10 tisíc opravdu hodně
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(22 January 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Marian Bileny
We would like to thank p. Katke Homol and Adriatice. hour for mediation holidays on the Adriatic. Very fast negotiation, 100% reliability and warmth. Family Bilena / Piešťany / Slovakia
Týmto sa chceme poďakovať p. Katke Homolovej a Adriatice. hr za sprostredkovanie dovolenky na Jadrane.Veľmi rýchle jednanie, 100% spoľahlivosť a ústretovosť. Rodina Bilená /Piešťany/Slovakia
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(22 January 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Peter Ondrejka
We are fully satisfied with the services: smile: and communication. This will be our second holiday with CK Adriatic and I believe it will be at least as good as the past: heart:: heart:: heart:: heart:: heart:: heart: This year we spend in Promajne: cool:: cool:: cool: : cool:
Sme maximálne spokojni so službami:smile: a komunikáciou. Toto bude naša druhá dovolenka s CK Adriatic a verím ,že bude aspoň taká dobrá ako tá minulá :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Tohtoročnú strávime v Promajne:cool::cool::cool::cool:
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(21 January 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Никита Тареев
questions on soap as far as possible I will answer that I know.
вопросы на мыло по возможности отвечу что знаю.
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(21 January 2011)
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Russian (original)