Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Bernadett Farkasné Vuk
It's true that I'm just on the booking, but I'm 100% satisfied with the office's work. The Hungarian colleague was very kind and helpful. The rest after the holiday: lol:
Igaz, hogy még csak a foglaláson vagyok túl, de 100%-ig elégedett vagyok az iroda munkájával. A magyar nyelvű kolléganő nagyon kedves és segítőkész volt. A többit a nyaralás után:lol:
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(2 February 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Jolanta Krawczyk
The pages are transparent and legible. Exactly you can get acquainted with a given offer interesting for the client.:
Stron przejrzysta i czytelna. Dokładnie można zapoznać się z daną ofertą interesującą klienta.:smile:
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(1 February 2011)
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Polish (original)
: lol :: heart: very kind owners, linen changes every 3 days (unexpected service) really a wonderful holiday
proprietari gentilissimi,cambi di biancheria ogni 3 giorni (servizio inaspettato)veramente una vacanza stupenda
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(1 February 2011)
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Italian (original)
Jolanta Szymanek
The website is clear and readable. Service fast and professional.
Strona internetowa przejrzysta i czytelna. Obsługa szybka i profesjonalna.
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(1 February 2011)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Jiří Voneš
I am very happy with Adriatic Travel Agency and I strongly recommend it: lol:
Jsem velice spokojen s cestovní agenturou Adriatic a vřele doporučuji.:lol:
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(1 February 2011)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Blanka Kultova
Your pages are clear, they are looking for them nicely. We are satisfied with your services. This is the second time this year, and it is certainly not the last time. We are most grateful that there is nothing "embraced" on your pages and that the photographs correspond to reality. We also appreciated the VISA card payment over the internet. It's quick and easy.
Vaše stránky jsou přehledné,hezky se v nich hledá. Jsme spokojeni s Vašimi službami. Letos jedeme s Vámi podruhé a určitě to není naposledy. Nejvíce jsme ocenili, že není na Vašich stránkách nic "přikrášleno" a fotografie odpovídají skutečnosti. Dále jsme ocenili platbu VISA kartou přes internet. Je to rychlé a jednoduché.
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(31 January 2011)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Reliable communication, helpfulness, clarity and speed of negotiation. I can all recommend this service to everyone. Marek: smile :: lol:
Bezchybná komunikace, vstřícnost,srozumitelnost a rychlost jednání. Všem mohu vřele doporučit služby této CK. Marek:smile::lol:
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(31 January 2011)
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Czech (original)
Paweł Kosiński
Transparent website, professional and fast service. Accommodation offered by the company as described, conditions on site super. I can recommend using this office. I use this year for the second time and certainly not the last.
Strona internetowa przejrzysta, obsługa fachowa i szybka. Kwatery oferowane przez firmę zgodne z opisem, warunki na miejscu super.Szczerze mogę polecić skorzystanie z tego biura. Ja korzystam w tym roku po raz drugi i na pewno nie ostatni.
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(28 January 2011)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Věra Pavelková
Super fast and pleasant communication.We are very satisfied with the services of your travel agency: smile:
Super rychlá a příjemná komunikace.Jsme moc spokojeni se službami vaší cestovní kanceláře.:smile:
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(28 January 2011)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Iveta Sikorová
We are convinced through this trip our holiday in CRO. The Lord who wrote anonymously 21.1. and angry that this travel is dear ... the master is probably not looking at the offerings of other travelers: snose: he would have paid much more heavier money there. We drive over the traveler, we have arranged our own accommodation a few times over the owner and once we went to CRO just blind - never more !!!! Mrs. Homol, who helps us make a holiday, is a very friendly and dear lady. if he does not like this, let him do it himself and see how much work he is ...: astonish:
Domlouváme přes tuto cestovku naší dovolenou v CRO. Pán, který psal anonymně 21.1. a zlobil se, že je tato cestovka drahá... pán asi nekouká na nabídky jiných cestovek:snose: , tam by zaplatil mnohem mnohem věší peníze. My jezdíme přes cestovku, párkrát jsme si zařídili ubytování přímo sami přes majitele a jednou jsme jeli ´do CRO jen tak naslepo - nikdy víc !!!! Paní Homolová, která nám pomáhá dovolenou zařizovat je velice vstřícná a milá paní:wink: . pokud se to pánovi nelíbí, ať si to zařizuje sám a uvidí, kolik je to práce...:astonish:
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(28 January 2011)
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Czech (original)