Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Kochneva Svetlana
Hello everybody! We plan with a friend to spend a vacation in Croatia. The organization was engaged in February. On the Internet, many sites offering their services for housing reservation. This site was the most convenient and understandable. A convenient, detailed search engine. Full description of the objects of housing and services. The reservation was successful. We hope for further positive cooperation.
Всем здравствуйте!
Планируем с другом провести отпуск в Хорватии.
Организацией занялись еще в феврале. В интернете много сайтов предлагающих свои услуги по бронированию жилья. Самым удобным и понятным оказался именно этот сайт. Удобная, детализированная поисковая система. Полное описание объектов жилья и предоставляемых услуг. Бронирование прошло успешно.
Надеемся а дальнейшее позитивное сотрудничество.
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(8 March 2011)
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Russian (original)
Czech Republic
I hope we chose well. We are happy with the weather services. The reality will be important in the chosen place, we will see ...
Doufám, že jsme si vybrali dobře. S prozatimními službami jsme spokojeni. Důležitá bude realita na vybraném místě, uvidíme...
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(8 March 2011)
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Czech (original)
Włodzimierz Wolny
Very positive contact. Professional service. Always a quick answer. Interesting propositions of accommodation. recommend
Bardzo pozytywny kontakt. Profesjonalna obsługa. Zawsze szybka odpowiedź. Ciekawe propozycje kwater. Polecam
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(4 March 2011)
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Polish (original)
I can not see the "My Choice" option on this new page. Did you cancel him?
Na tejto novej stránke nevidím voľbu "Môj výber". Zrušili ste ho?
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(4 March 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Goran Carl
Very satisfied with service, professionalism and attitudes.
Zelo zadovoljni s storitvijo, profesiolnalnostjo ter odnosom.
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(4 March 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Czech Republic
V .Kodimová
We are going for the first time with this CK and I hope we will enjoy everything so far OK We chose the opinions of people who have experience with this CK.Ubytovanie we ordered 1.3.2011 and we are going to 5.9.2011 and we already have a voucher so the speed really works , I write more when we get back.
Jedeme poprvé s touto CK a doufám že se nám bude líbit zatím je vše O.K.Vybírali jsme podle názorů lidí kteří mají s touto CK zkušenosti.Ubytování jsme si objednávali 1.3.2011 a jedeme až 5.9.2011 a už máme i voucher,takže rychlost opravdu funguje,více napíšu až se vrátíme.
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(4 March 2011)
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Czech (original)
Marian Solkan
Hello, I recommend the agency, I am very pleased with the professional approach. I have already used twice this year will be the third.
Witam ,polecam agencję , jestem bardzo zadowolony z profesjonalnego podejścia . Korzystałem już dwa razy w tym roku będzie trzeci .
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(4 March 2011)
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Polish (original)
Kiss Kata
Dear colleagues! I have been visiting Adriatic for a long time, and I was very pleased with the profile so far. The latest development breaks the sight, is not clear, not beautiful, but at least very ugly. The previous version was a character, unique, as it looks like it was being edited by a small child. It would be good if they would re-operate on the older web interface. As a regular guest, I can not find my previous "My Spaces" field anyway. I hope that my opinion will meet with you, and again on the usual pages I can choose the place for you. Sincerely, Kata
Kedves Munkatársak!
Már nagyon régóta látogatom az Adriatic honlapját, s nagyon megvoltam elégedve az eddigi profillal. A legújabb fejlesztés széttördeli a látványt, nem áttekinthető, nem szép, de legalább nagyon csúnya. Az előző verzió karakteres, egyedi volt, a mostani mintha egy kisgyerek szerkesztette volna meg. Jó lenne, ha a régebbi web-es felületen működnének újra. Mint törzsvendég nem találom egyébként az eddigi "Válaztásaim" mezőt sem. Remélem, véleményem töbünkével találkozik, s újra a megszokott oldalakon választhatnám ki a nyaralás helyét Önöknél.
Üdvözlettel: Kata
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(3 March 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
We are going to use services of Adriatic agency for the 3rd time this year. Highly professional agency with unique attitude to their clients. We canoly erecommend it !!
We are going to use services of Adriatic agency for the 3rd time this year. Highly professional agency with unique attitude to their clients. We canoly erecommend it !!
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(1 March 2011)
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English (original)
Włodzimierz Kusajko
Transparent website, professional service and fast. Accommodation offered by the company in accordance with the description, conditions on site super. I would like to recommend it .. I use this year for the third time, certainly not the last. It is a pity that the selection tab has disappeared.
Strona internetowa przejrzysta, obsługa fachowa i szybka.Kwatery oferowane przez firmę zgodne z opisem,warunki na miejscu super.Szczerze polecam..Ja korzystam w tym roku po raz trzeci, na pewno nie ostatni. Szkoda, że zniknęła zakładka mój wybór.
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(1 March 2011)
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