Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
A lot of mistakes on the pages in the valuation of the stay. Then, not very clear and polite explanations that do not explain anything. I'm disappointed and will not take advantage
Bardzo duzo błędów na stronach w wycenie pobytu. Potem niezbyt jasne i uprzejme wyjaśnienia które niczego nie wyjaśniają. Zawiodłem się i nie skorzystam
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(4 May 2011)
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Polish (original)
Andrea Šmihulova
Perfect and easy-to-read presentation of objects, all the necessary information is available. Great willingness to help. Katarina Homolova for help.We are looking for a holiday. šmihulovci.
Perfektne a prehľadne spracované prezentácie objektov, dostupné všetky potrebné informácie. Veľká ochota pomôcť.Ďakujeme p. Kataríne Homolovej za pomoc.Tešíme sa na dovolenku. šmihulovci.
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(3 May 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Mila Vašíčková
Adriatic services: helpfulness, willingness, excellent communication, patience and subsequent satisfaction with the accommodation, thank Mrs Alena Bešinová.
Služby Adriatic: vstřícnost, ochota, výborná komunikace, trpělivost i následná spokojenost s ubytováním, děkuji paní Aleně Bešinové.
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(2 May 2011)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Tomáš Doležal
Ryclost and very good communication when booking a holiday with delegates Alena Bešinová. I hope that the stay will be just as good.
Ryclost a velmi dobrá komunikace při rezervaci dovolené s delegátel Alenou Bešinovou. Doufám, že i pobyt bude stejně vydařený.
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(2 May 2011)
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Czech (original)
Elisa Mogliani
service as always perfect !! thank you
servizio come sempre perfetto!! grazie
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(30 April 2011)
English Google Translate |
Italian (original)
Torsten Nitschke
Fast and smooth handling of the booked object. Perfect thank you
Schnelle und reibungslose Abwicklung des gebuchten Objektes. Perfekt, Vielen Dank
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(28 April 2011)
English Google Translate |
German (original)
Torsten Nitschke
Very fast processing of inquiries, especially the feedback! Friendly clerk! Many Thanks.
Sehr schnelle Bearbeitung der Anfragen, besonders die Rückmeldung ! Freundliche Sachbearbeiterin! Vielen Dank.
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(28 April 2011)
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German (original)
Anja Mlakar
I am very pleased with your agency, I am very pleased that you are so up-to-date and have a really nice site.
Z vašo agencijo sem zelo zadovoljna, predvsem me veseli, da ste tako ažurni in imate res lepo pregledno stran.
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(28 April 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Czech Republic
Karel Nevšímal
I am very satisfied with the services provided so far, related to the provision and selection of accommodation
S dosud poskytnutými službami ,spojenými se zajištěním a výběrem ubytování jsem velmi spokojen
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(28 April 2011)
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Czech (original)
Nász András
Although I have not used the services of yet, my booking and payment, confirmation, voucher release was done very quickly and precisely - thanks to Melinda Parčina! I'm confident that our vacation will be so good!
Bár eddig még nem használtam az szolgáltatásait, de a foglalásom és az előleg befizetése, a visszaigazolás, a voucher kiadás nagyon gyorsan, precízen megtörtént – hála ezért Melinda Parčina személyének! Bízom benne, hogy a nyaralásunk is ilyen jó lesz!
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(27 April 2011)
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Hungarian (original)