Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Pavol Michalik
adriatic is super and ket su de drahy but it is sure to blink it will go cheaper but uncertain whether something is good and will some 9 June 2011 to biograd? : D: D
adriatic je super aj ket su drahy ale je to iste na blink to vijde lacnejsie ale neisto ci sa neco dobre najde a ide nekto 9 juna 2011 do biogradu?:D napiste:D
You've rated us:
(19 May 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Ana Dene
As a new user I am very pleasantly surprised and satisfied with your way of working; exhaustive information, kindness and professionalism, as well as the quality of your pages.
Kao novi korisnik vrlo sam ugodno iznenadena i zadovoljna vasim nacinom rada; iscrpnim informacijama, ljubaznoscu i profesionalnoscu, te kvalitetom vasih stranica.
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(19 May 2011)
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Croatian (original)
Rosella Vianello
again this year I am satisfied with the service rendered both for the seriousness of the agency and for the availability of the operator
anche quest'anno sono soddisfatta del servizio reso sia per la serietà dell'agenzia che per la disponibilità dell'operatore
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(19 May 2011)
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Italian (original)
Kelemen László
I am very satisfied with the service ... this shows that I already use the service of the office 3x ... I can only say goodbye .. it is a skin texture, just somehow it resulted in a much slower browsing of this new platform ...
Nagyon meg vagyok elégedve a szolgáltatással..ezt mutatja hogy én már 3x veszem igénybe az iroda szolgáltatását..csak jót tudok mondani..honlap testzik, csak valahogyan ez az új platform jóval lassabb böngészsét eredményezett...ezen jó lenne javítani még
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(19 May 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
We will use the services of Adriatic once again. We wish very pleasantly to Mrs. Alenka Basin for her comfort, willingness and help. We recommend using the services of this office. Tesime for a holiday to Starej Novalje.Hodulikovci
Sluzby Adriaticu budeme vyuzivat prvy raz.Chceme sa velmi pekne podakovat p.Alenke Basinovej za jej ustretovost,ochotu a pomoc.Vsetkym odporucame vyuzit sluzby tejto kancelarie. Tesime sa na dovolenku do Starej Novalje.Hodulikovci
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(18 May 2011)
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Slovak (original)
We were last summer on holiday with Adriatic and we were very satisfied. The accommodation corresponded to the description, the home was nice, clean, but the weather did not work, but the CK can not. This year we go again.
Boli sme minulé leto na dovolenke sCK Adriatic a boli sme veľmi spokojní. Ubytovanie zodpovedalo popisu, domáci bol príjemný, more čisté, len to počasie nám nevyšlo, ale to CK nemôže. Tento rok ideme opäť.
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(18 May 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Gabriele Neugebauer
We have been booking our Croatia holiday for many many years on and can only recommend it! Great service, German-speaking contact person, the help immediately with questions and the booked accommodations were always great! Also this time we booked our vacation here, in 2 weeks we go! We are looking forward to see you next time!
Wir buchen unseren Kroatienurlaub bereits seit vielen vielen Jahren über und können es nur empfehlen! Toller Service, deutschsprachige Ansprechpartner, die einem bei Fragen sofort weiterhelfen und die gebuchten Unterkünfte waren bisher immer super!
Auch diesesmal haben wir unseren Urlaub hier gebucht, in 2 Wochen gehts los! Wir freuen uns, bis zum nächstenmal!
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(18 May 2011)
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German (original)
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(17 May 2011)
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Romanian (original)
Андрей Игнатов
Many thanks to Svetlana Golubic (Svjetlana Golubić) for help and patience in the process of booking apartments in Omis
Большое спасибо Светлане Голубич (Svjetlana Golubić ) за помощь и терпение в процессе бронирования апартаментов в Омише
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(17 May 2011)
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Russian (original)
Peter Tászli
I am very happy with the adriatic especially s.Alenka Beseniova is very kind and conscious of the roby my job I recommend to everyone, and I hope the stay will be so nice and respectful. We thank you
ano som velm spokojny adriaticom hlavne sl.Alenkou Beseniovou je velimi milá a svedomite roby svoju prácu doporučujem každému,a dufám aj pobyt bude tak pekne a dodre . Dakujeme
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(16 May 2011)
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Slovak (original)