Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Рыжкова Ирина
Many thanks to operators for attentive and patient attitude to our issues and problems! Everything is very well organized and well done! Many thanks!
Большое спасибо операторам за внимательное и терпеливое отношение к нашим вопросам и проблемам! Все очень хорошо организовано и доброжелательно выполнено! Большое спасибо!
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(6 August 2011)
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Russian (original)
Goran Učakar
I used for the second time. Everything was OK, no comments. Thank you! sem uporabil drugič. Obakrat je bilo vse OK, brez pripomb. Pohvalno !
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(6 August 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Claudio Paiano
Beautiful experience the agency has followed us throughout the trip but the most beautiful part was the spectacular accommodation practically a villa with garden, owners of unconditional availability, treated like family think that when we left we all moved and only after a week, what about the experience to be repeated next year, big, big fam.Wagner of Rovinj. A heartfelt greeting.Great the grappa they gave us.
Esperienza bellissima l'agenzia ci ha seguito per tutto il viaggio ma la parte più bella e' stato l'alloggio spettacolare praticamente una villetta con giardino,padroni di una disponibilita' incondizionata,trattati come in famiglia pensate che quando siamo partiti ci siamo commossi tutti e solo dopo una settimana,che dire esperienza da ripetere assolutamente il prossimo anno,grande,grande fam.Wagner di Rovigno.Un saluto di cuore.Ottima la grappa che ci hanno regalato.
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(6 August 2011)
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Italian (original)
Nán Jenő
Thanks for the fast, professional administration, from Friday to Saturday, Sunday departure!
Köszönöm a gyors , szakszerű ügyintézést, péntekről -szombatra, vasárnapi indulással!
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(6 August 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Péterné Keszler
I was very satisfied with the work of the office. They are very kind, courteous, helpful. The flow of information is quick and accurate. Thanks: Péterné Keszler
Az iroda munkájával nagyon elégedett voltam.Nagyon kedvesek, udvariasak, segítőkészek.Az információáramlás gyors és pontos. Köszönet : Péterné Keszler
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(5 August 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Richard Zluky
Thanks to Adriatic, we were very satisfied and we are looking forward to another collaboration.
Dakujeme Adriaticu boli sme velmi spokojny a tesime sa na dalsiu spolupracu.
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(5 August 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Lajkó Attila
Accommodation code: 00416, Postirán! We had a great time during this week. Postira is a very nice small town. Our accommodation was impeccable, just like the hosts' hospitality!'s service was attentive and very useful, with their website well-publicized with a lot of useful information!
Szállás kódunk: 00416, Postirán!
Remekül éreztük magunkat ezalatt az egy hét alatt! Postira nagyon kedves kis település. A szállásunk kifogástalan volt, csakúgy mint a házigazdák vendégszeretete!
Az szolgáltatása figyelmes és nagyon jól használható volt, a honlapjuk jól áttekinthető, sok hasznos információval!
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(5 August 2011)
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Czech Republic
Pavel A Libuše Imrichovi
Thank you to Adriatic for our holiday. We all went to our satisfaction and we will definitely use the services again.
Děkujeme ck Adriatic za zprostředkování naší dovolené.Vše proběhlo k naší spokojenosti a v budocnu určitě služeb ck opět využijeme.
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(5 August 2011)
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Czech (original)
Fejes Viktor
Simple, quick, straightforward helpful and enjoyable space. Accommodation code: AS-2818-a
Egyszerű gyors korrekt segítőkész, élmény náluk helyetfiglalni.
Szálláshelykód: AS-2818-a
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(4 August 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Joanna Kurek
I recommend using the services of this agency. Friendly, professional service, quick answer to questions asked before leaving for the apartment's equipment. The apartment standard was consistent with the description provided so there was no disappointment and only nice memories remained. For the next year, I will use the agency's services 100%.
Polecam korzystanie z usług tej agencji. Miła , profesjonalna obsługa , szybka odpowiedż na pytania zadawane przed wyjazdem co do wyposażenia apartamentu . Standard apartamentu zgodny był z zamieszczonym opisem tak więc nie było rozczarowania a tylko pozostały miłe wspomnienia. Na przyszły rok skorzystam z usług tej agencji w 100 % .
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(4 August 2011)
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Polish (original)