Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Jan Bohun
pension Koša - Primošten = homely is conceived and complexed TUPEC and BURAN = NEVER MORE !!!
penzion Koša - Primošten = domácí je namyšlený a zakomplexovaný TUPEC a BURAN = NEVER MORE!!!
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(9 August 2011)
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Czech (original)
Katarzyna Izydorczyk
I used the office for the first time and it was shot in 10 !. Accommodation recommendable and a reliable and honest office. If you still get refunds for the costs for the highways, I will be full of admiration for professionalism and a nice touch from the office. The people we lived in - przesympatyczny.
Korzystałem pierwszy raz z usług tego biura i był to strzał w 10!. Kwatera godna polecenia a biuro rzetelne i uczciwe. jesli jeszcze dostane refundacje kosztów za autostrady to będę pełen podziwu dla dla profesjonalizmu i miłego akcentu ze strony biura. Osoby u których mieszkaliśmy - przesympatyczne.
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(9 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Robert Jelen
Everything went the way it was. I am happy with services Thank you
Všetko prebehlo tak ako malo. Som spokojný so službami Ďakujem
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(8 August 2011)
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Slovak (original)
Fekete Anna
super fast and fast service
super servicii si rapide
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(8 August 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Anna Całka
Very nice, reliable and helpful service. A competent, full answer to all concerns. The apartment as in the description and in the photos. I recommend this office!
Bardzo miła, rzetelna i pomocna obsługa.Sprawne, pełne odpowiedzi na wszystkie wątpliwości.Apartament taki jak w opisie i na zdjęciach.Polecam usługi tego biura!
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(8 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Lucia Lecce
Great service! It is the most functional agency I have contacted. Thanks for the wonderful holiday.
Servizio ottimo! E' l'agenzia più funzionale che abbia contattato. Grazie per la splendida vacanza.
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(7 August 2011)
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Czech Republic
Petr Komžák
Communication with was good, we did not have any problems, we were happy with her approach. However, it would be good to say even more about the furnishing of the apartments.
Komunikace s byla dobrá, žádné problémy jsme neměli, s jejím přístupem jsme spokojeni. Bylo by však určitě dobré uvádět ještě více informací o vybavení apartmánů.
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(7 August 2011)
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Czech (original)
For the third time we went to Croatia by the Adriiatic agency. You can rely on them, everything is great !!!
Już trzeci raz jechaliśmy do Chorwacji przez agencję Adriiatic. Można na nich polegać, wszystko super!!!
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(7 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Ольга Мазурова
Excellent agency, for which the client is the main thing. They helped to solve problems with noisy neighbors, the arrival was organized perfectly, the service was at a high level (they answered any request and solved any problem). Thank you.
Отличное агентство, для которого клиент -это главное. Помогли решить проблемы с шумными соседями, заезд был организован отлично, сервис на высоком уровне (отвечают на любое обращение и решают любую проблему). Спасибо.
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(7 August 2011)
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Russian (original)
Erika Sipos
Second we spent the summer in Podgorica, first with Adratic, but on the basis of this year's experience, we choose them next. Melinda Parcina has special thanks to the quick flow of information and helpfulness! Our accommodation was 10 m from the beach, we got a wonderful, clean apartment as shown in the pictures, we are not disappointed, but still, DE pleasantly !!! Special thanks to our hosts who are very good people! Thank You!
Másodszor nyaraltunk Podgorán, először nem az Adratic-val, de az idei tapasztalatok alapján legközelebb is őket választjuk. Melinda Parcina-nak külön köszönet a gyors információáramlásért és a segítőkészségéért! A szállásunk a parttól 10 m-re volt, csodálatos, tiszta apartmant kaptunk, ahogy a képeken mutatták, nem csalódtunk, illetve mégis, DE kellemesen!!! Külön köszönjük szállásadóinknak, akik nagyon jó emberek! Köszönjük!
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(7 August 2011)
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