Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Krzysztof Studziński
Satisfied with the stay in Gradac, the owners are wonderful - beautiful views, great place. Very good service by the agency
Zadowoleni z pobytu w m. Gradac, przemili właściciele - piękne widoki, super miejsce. Bardzo dobra obsługa przez agencję
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(14 July 2012)
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Polish (original)
Richard Sagi
Everything was fine, they were helpful to me in the hotel and during the administration! I am satisfied, was an unforgettable experience! Peter Kamondi
Minden rendben volt, segítőkészek voltak velem a szálláson és az ügyintézés közben is! Elégedett vagyok, felejthetetlen élmény volt! Peter Kamondi
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(13 July 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
FILIP STELIAN ORADEA The services were very complete, prompt and professional. I will recommend your knowledge to your company.
Serviciile au fost foarte complete, prompte si cu profesionalism. Voi recomanda cunostintelor compania dvs.
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(13 July 2012)
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Romanian (original)
Ádám Róbertné
Accommodation booked smoothly, office staff helpful and courteous. I hope the accommodation will be all right too! Róbertné Ádám
A szállás lefoglalása gördülékenyen ment, az iroda munkatársai segítőkészek, udvariasak. Remélem a szállással is minden rendben lesz! Ádám Róbertné
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(12 July 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Czech Republic
Alena Sidorová
Services absolutely perfect, that I want to thank Ms. Katharina Homolová mostly communicate with you, nice, helpful, willing, trying to pomoci.V 2013, our ladies' team goes "hic" to relax in the solitude Uvala Ripišče third time.
Služby naprosto perfektní, tímto chci poděkovat slečně Katarině Homolové se kterou většinou komunikuji, milá, vstřícná, ochotná, snaží se pomoci.V roce 2013 jede naše dámská parta "hic" za odpočinkem na samotu do Uvala Ripišče již potřetí.
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(12 July 2012)
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Czech (original)
Bibiána Matisková
Hello, we have used your service for this year's holiday, the description of the apartment with air conditioning, it was only after what we wanted and surprisingly we came to the place and air conditioning was not there, but of course was included in the price. We have three children, sleep there was something terrible, otherwise home was fine. I therefore ask how we will refund the portion of the costs for the failure to air conditioning? Because this is certainly not good for you reklama.Jedná of the apartment A-3018 / for 6 persons /
Dobrý deň, využili sme vaše služby na tohtoročnú dovolenku, v popise bol apartmán s klimatizáciou,to bolo jediné po čom sme túžili a napodiv prišli sme na miesto a klimatizácia tam nebola,ale samozrejme v cene bola zahrnutá. Máme tri deti, spať tam bolo niečo hrozné, ináč domáci boli fajn. Chcem sa teda spýtať, akým spôsobom nám budete refundovať časť nákladov za tú nesplnenú klimatizáciu? Pretože toto určite nie je pre vás dobrá reklama.Jedná sa o apartmán A-3018/ pre 6 osôb/
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(12 July 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Bernarda Pušnik
This is the first time we went on vacation for the first time, through your agency, and we are not sorry. We spent a nice week on the Croatian coast, for the apartment and accommodation Bili we are very satisfied.
Letos smo prvič šli na dopust, preko vaše agencije in ni nam žal. Preživeli smo lep teden na hrvaški obali, za apartmajem in nastanitvijo Bili smo zelo zadovoljni.
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(12 July 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Lubomir Ligas
all the info we got at the time and everything answered the photos or the description, except we did not know the water is not drinking water, everything was okay, we dakujeeeeme
vsetky info sme dostali vcas a vsetko odpovedalo fotografiam alebo popisu, az na to ze sme nevedeli ze z vodovodu nejde pitna voda, bolo vsetko uuuuplne v poriadku, dakujeeeeme
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(11 July 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Андрій Мрака
Extremely easy to find and reserve an apartment. More than half a month, I was looking for various sites where to go to rest, but still stopped at All at the highest level, starting with the site, customer service and ending with the possibility of booking. Currently the best site from the ones I've seen. I recommend everyone !!!
Надзвичайно легко знайшов і зарезервував апартаменти. Більше ніж пів місяця шукав по різних сайтах куди б поїхати відпочити але все ж зупинив свій вибір на Все на вищому рівні, починаючи з самого сайту, обслуги клієнта і закінчуючи можливістю бронюванням. Наразі найкращий сайт з тих, що я бачив. Усім рекомендую!!!
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(11 July 2012)
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Ukrainian (original)
Daniel Mantoiu
Very satisfied with the services.
Foarte multumit de serviciile oferite.
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(10 July 2012)
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Romanian (original)