Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Dominik Zimny
I would recommend. Everything as described. Nice service. Accommodation approx. Prices approx. Agency trustworthy ...
Polecam. Wszystko zgodnie z opisem. Miła obsługa.
Kwatera ok. Ceny ok.
Agencja godna zaufania...
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(17 July 2012)
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Polish (original)
Zuzana Erlichová
We were satisfied with the CK services, from the way we searched the site, the ordering of the stay and the whole realization.
So službami CK sme boli spokojní, od spôsobu vyhľadávania na stránkach, až po objednanie pobytu a celú realizáciu.
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(17 July 2012)
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Czech Republic
Marta Štrosová
We were very pleased with the CK booking process. The web pages are well-done, well-arranged, people find lots of information and photos that correspond to reality. The process was done quickly, clearly, legibly - very good communication.
Byli jsme velice spokojeni s vyřizováním rezervace ze strany CK. Internetové stránky jsou výborně provedené, přehledné, člověk najde spoustu informací i fotek, které odpovídají skutečnosti.Vyřizování proběhlo rychle, srozumitelně, čitelně - velmi dobrá komunikace.
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(17 July 2012)
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Czech (original)
István Báránkó
Everything was done according to our expectations, and I found the payment deadline short of the administration. (at our place it was a holiday)
Minden az elvárásaink szerint történt, egyedül az ügyintézésnél rövidnek találtam a fizetési határidőt. (nálunk pont ünnep volt)
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(17 July 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Виктор Мигачев
Thanks to the agency for the clarity in the work, but it is very unfortunate that the exact location of aparthets on the map you will find out only after the end of the reservation.
Спасибо агентству за четкость в работе, но очень жаль , что точное расположение апартов на карте узнаешь только после окончания бронирования.
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(16 July 2012)
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Russian (original)
Czech Republic
Pavel Tomášek
Hello, we were very happy and next year we will go back to your office, P. Tomasek, Sušice.
Dobrý den,byli jsme velice spokojeni a příští rok pojedem zase s Vaší kanceláří,P.Tomášek,Sušice.
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(16 July 2012)
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Czech (original)
Once again, we spent a great holiday thanks to We also got a discount for regular customers. Professional service, easy, transparent booking system, great contact with the client. I would recommend !!!
Kolejny raz spędziliśmy udane wakacje dzięki Do tego dostalismy jeszcze znizke dla stałych klientów. Profesjonalna obsługa, łatwy, przejrzysty system rezerwacji, świetny kontakt z klientem. Polecam!!!
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(16 July 2012)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Vratislava Boldišová
very well made websites, all clear, good communication
velice dobře udělané internetové stránky, vše přehledné, dobrá komunikace
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(16 July 2012)
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Czech (original)
Agnieszka Nowak
Everything settled for the last moment, but thanks to P. Kamili Puchalska managed to settle everything in one day and it is still on Sunday - the accommodation as described, the place beautiful and peaceful - beautiful holiday. I recommend honestly.
Wszystko załatwiane na ostatnią chwilę, ale dzięki P. Kamili Puchalskiej się udało załatwić wszystko w jeden dzień i to jeszcze w niedzielę - kwatera jak w opisie, miejscowość piękna i spokojna - piękne wakacje. Polecam szczerze.
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(15 July 2012)
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Polish (original)
Richard Zluky
With CK Adriatic we were the second time and again we were satisfied at 100%. Thank you:-D
S CK Adriatic sme boli druhý krát a zas sme boli spokojný na 100%.Ďakujeme:-D
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(15 July 2012)
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