Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Valerie Buzgovičová
Adriatic recommend my friends and others, I want to thank you for the perfect equipment and interest of your itineraries. We found the accommodation according to your wishes, holiday took place in order. Sincerely Valika
Doporučím Adriatic aj ostatným mojim priateľom, chcem sa poďakovať za perfektné vybavenie a záujem vašej cestovky. Ubytovanie sme našli podľa Vašich pokynov, dovolenka prebehla v poriadku. S pozdravom Valika
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(13 September 2012)
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Czech Republic
David Koucky
Upon arrival in the chalets-Kučište pol.Pelješac, the owner gave us another with the fact that we ordered in leakproof voda.Při accommodation alternative room we discovered that they are completely broken blinds and broken air conditioning, although it was declared in the apartment with air conditioning. Another annoying thing was that the whole apartment smelled septic tank and waste and kitchen equipment at least basic equipment was missing.
Po příjezdu do apatmánu-Kučiště na pol.Pelješac,nám majitelka dala jiný s tím,že v námi objednaném neteče voda.Při ubytování v náhradním pokoji jsme zjistili,že jsou úplně rozbité žaluzie a nefunkční klimatizace,ač byla v apartmán deklarován s klimatizací.Další nepříjemná věc byla,že v celém apartmánu páchl septik a odpady a vybavení kuchyně alespon základním vybavením chybělo.
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(13 September 2012)
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Czech (original)
Katarína Franczisztiová
Hello, Do you still wish to Adriatic, Thank holiday fell on a unit with hvizdičkou .. We were happy and experiences is a hill .. The owner was accommodating .. So we are looking forward to the holidays and unique ďalľšiu can I recommend your office by supeeeeeeer you:-).
Dobrý deň prajem do Adriatic,
ďakujeme dovolenka dopadla na jednotku s hvizdičkou..Boli sme spokojný a zážitkov je kopec..Majiteľ bol ústretový..Takže tešíme sa na ďalľšiu dovolenku a jedine odporúčať môžem Vašu kanceláriu ste supeeeeeeer:-).
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(13 September 2012)
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Czech (original)
Wojciech Bobek
Very good information on the accommodation website, a simple way of booking accommodation in accordance with the description even better. I recommend using the services of this company. Regards Wojtek.
Bardzo dobra informacja internetowa dotycząca kwatery, prosty sposób rezerwacji, kwatera zgodna z opisem a nawet lepsza. Polecam wszystkim korzystanie z usług tej firmy. Pozdrawiam Wojtek.
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(13 September 2012)
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Polish (original)
Tatiana Pružinská
Travel agency I used the first time and I was very pleasantly surprised to approach the office. Accommodation We found no single problem in one word thank you and I also recommend your services office people who wanted to holiday in Croatia. Thank you again.
Služby cestovnej kancelárie som využila prvý krát a bola som veľmi príjemne prekvapená prístupom kancelárie. Ubytovanie sme našli bez jedného problému, jedným slovom
ďakujem a už som aj doporučila služby vašej kancelárie ľuďom, ktorí chceli dovolenkovať v Chorvátsku. Ešte raz ďakujem.
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(13 September 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Molnár László Gábor
Second time this year we traveled to the Adriatic-al, I think it just does not travel with them ... they do not know who we were fully satisfied with everything! I highly recommend anyone to price / performance ratio the best service! What if we travel to Croatia, not even looking for another company! Olvasgatva the posts, most of you good ... many people are under the impression can not be wrong! I just wish not to entrust themselves to remain as good, and has to travel a very long time for our Adriatic al. Hundreds of them have already recommended it to my friend, and I can recommend!
Idén másodszor utaztunk az Adriatic-al, szerintem csak az nem utazik velük aki nem ismeri őket...maximálisan meg voltunk elégedve mindennel!!! Csak ajánlani tudom bárkinek, ár/érték arányban a legjobb szolgáltatás! Mi ha Horvátországba utazunk, nem is keresünk más céget!Olvasgatva a hozzászólásokat, többségünknek jó a benyomása...ennyien pedig nem tévedhetünk! Csak azt kívánom, hogy ne bízzák el magukat, maradjanak ilyen jók, és még nagyon sokáig utazhassunk az Adriatic-al. Több száz ismerősömnek ajánlottam már őket, és fogom is ajánlani!!!
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(12 September 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Martyna Komolka
Description on the site in accordance with the facts. The reservation went smoothly and quickly. I am very happy and recommend it.
Opis na stronie zgodny ze stanem faktycznym. Rezerwacja przebiegła sprawnie i szybko. Jestem bardzo zadowolona i polecam.
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(12 September 2012)
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Polish (original)
Юлия Хеккенен
Our family thanks the Adriatic for the quality and prompt service. Separately, thanks to Svetlana Golubik for answering my endless questions
Наша семья благодарит адриатик за качественный и оперативный сервис. Отдельно спасибо Светлане Голубик за ответы на мои бесконечные вопросы
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(12 September 2012)
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Russian (original)
Marek Moravčík
Services I've used the first time, I was happy with a few things ... I feel that something has been written as I receive the mail in addition Voucher map of the exact position of the object (for ease of reference), and nothing to me there has to my knowledge .... (Just by the name and address of the street I had a little trouble finding via google maps or GPS - then I found it by coordinates-no street name) and the second subtlety is that the whole thing took a little - due to interbank transfer including, so I waited until the money credited to your account before I got VOUCHER - otherwise fine THANK YOU
Služby som využil prvý krát, bol som spokojný až na pár drobností... mám pocit že niekde bolo napísané ako mi príde na mail okrem Vouchera mapka s presnou polohou objektu (pre ľahšiu orientáciu) a nič také mi neprišlo pokiaľ viem.... (akurát adresa a podľa názvu ulice som mal malý problém s hladaním cez google maps alebo GPS - potom som to našiel podľa súradníc- nie názvu ulice) a druhá drobnosť je že to celé trochu trvalo - kvôli medzibankovému trasferu, takže som čakal kým sa peniaze pripíšu na Váš účet až potom som dostal VOUCHER - inak fajn
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(11 September 2012)
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Horváth György Árpád
We have been on the Croatian coast several times, but this year we first used the services of Adriatic, hr. We were most satisfied with it!
Többször voltunk a horvát tengerparton, de ebben az évben vettük először igénybe az Adriatic,hr szolgáltatásait. A legmesszebbmenően meg voltunk elégedve!
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(11 September 2012)
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