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Blog about Croatia

Read about natural beauties and culture of Croatia, get some fresh ideas for trip to Adriatic and find useful tips.

Top 10 Instagram Spots in Croatia

Top 10 Instagram Spots in Croatia

Published: 26/08/2022
The Adriatic coast is truly diverse and special; it isn't difficult to find an eye-catching corner, and today we bring you the list with the best photo spots (and their exact locations) that will... More info...
4 places to visit on island Brač

4 places to visit on island Brač

Published: 23/06/2017
Brač is a common choice for vacation or daytrip. Other than the world famous beach Zlatni rat there are lots of other interesting places that are definitely worth the trip. We've chosen 4 places... More info...
Islands in Croatia | Brač vs. Hvar

Islands in Croatia | Brač vs. Hvar

Published: 22/04/2016
Many islands, islets and rocks adorn the Croatian coast and make it so beautiful. Islands Brač and Hvar are one of them. If you're not sure which one is best destination for your holiday, check... More info...
And the Oscar goes to... Croatia!

And the Oscar goes to... Croatia!

Published: 15/03/2012
Croatia has won an ''Oscar in Tourism''! On the International Tourist Fair in Berlin the Croatian promotional film won the 1st prize in the category music video, published on the website of the... More info...


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