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API dokumentácia

Version 1.2


Adriatic.hr XML Service is a web service [?] based on XML format [?], which allows communication between yours and Adriatic.hr web site. Thanks to it, visitors of your web site can search, preview and place order for any service in our offering, without leaving your web site.

It can be used by calling the access URL - https://api.adriatic.hr/xml-service/server. Actually, this URL is only an endpoint and you need to provide some additional information in the form of GET/POST parameters. Every call to the specified URL should be accompanied with at least two special parameters - method name and application ID - but actual number of parameters depends of method. Here is the list of all special parameters:
  • method - web service (method) name (required)
  • aid - application ID (AID); this is your unique ID information which will be generated for you after opting for our web services (required)
  • lang - two-letter language code (according to ISO 639-1 standard) in lowercase, used to localize results (if needed, only some of data is language dependent). (not required, defaults to "en" - english)
  • sig - request signature, composed of the called method name, application ID and private key hash. (required)
    • signature generation (pseudo code): md5(<method>;<your AID>;md5(<your private key>))
    • signature generation in PHP: md5($method.';'.$aid.';'.md5($privateKey))
    • example: https://api.adriatic.hr/xml-service/server
Methods of our web service are divided into the following groups (namespaces):
  • Private accommodation - namespace Private
  • Geography locations - namespace Geo
  • Ordering process - namespace Order
  • System/helper/common - namespace System

Examples are using testing AID, you should change it to your own before calling XML Service from your application.


The following example retrieves data of private accommodation house with ID 1005. Click on preview link to see the service result.


Each parameter is specified inside URL as name=value pair. The method parameter specifies service method to be invoked. All subsequent parameters are parameters passed to specified method. Some method parameters are optional while others are required to be set - faling to specifiy the required parameter will result in error.


Here is the list of supported service methods. Request parameters written in bold are required.

Many response elements contain special boolean attribute na. It stands for "not available" and means that element value is unknown (null). This attribute exist only for elements which value can be unknown.

Possible response statuses are success and failure.


Search private accommodation. Method is pagination aware (results are split across multiple pages).

Request parameters

i_fromdateBeginning of interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
i_todateEnd of interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
i_devboolAllow slight shifting of given date interval to find more accommodation units. Default value is TRUE.
ttypeComma delimited list of accommodation unit types. Example: "apartment,room". Supported types are:
  • house
  • apartment
  • studio-apartment
  • room
idintComma delimited list of house IDs. Example: "1005,1006". Use case example - if you want to get a price range of desired house(s).
id_refintReferent house ID, used for distance sort type.
coord_latfloatReferent latitude coordinate, used for distance sort type.
coord_lngfloatReferent longitude coordinate, used for distance sort type.
kit_roomboolUse of kitchen for units of type room.
pintNumber of persons.
p_distboolAllow to split persons in more than one accommodation unit inside the house. Default value is FALSE.
cattypeHouse category. Supported types are:
  • luxury
  • pool
  • house
  • pension
  • family_owned_hotel
  • family_friendly
  • beach
  • quiet
  • robinson
Supports multiple values separated by ',' (AND operator) or '|' (OR operator).
prc_minfloatMinimal price in EUR (per day). Default value is 0.
prc_maxfloatMaximal price in EUR (per day).
prc_lowboolLow-price accommodation.
b_bboolBest buy accommodation.
dc_ttypeDiscount type. Supported types are:
  • all_discounts
  • special
  • special_term
  • last_minute
qstringKeywords for textual search (geography location names only).
lstringGeography location ID.
ri_ttypeRiviera type. Supported types are:
  • mainland_not_sea_coast
  • mainland_sea_coast
  • island
  • islands
  • island_bridge
Supports multiple values separated by '|' (OR operator).
landtypeLand type. Supported types are:
  • mainland
  • island_bridge
  • island
Supports multiple values separated by '|' (OR operator).
pl_ttypePlace type. Supported types are:
  • large_city
  • tourist_city
  • small_city
  • cove
Supports multiple values separated by '|' (OR operator).
be_ttypeBeach type. Supported types are:
  • sand
  • pebble
Supports multiple values separated by '|' (OR operator).
be_dintMaximal house to beach distance.
isolationboolHouse is located in isolation.
poolboolHouse with pool.
acboolAccommodation unit with air conditioner.
stvboolAccommodation unit with satellite TV.
foodboolHouse with food service.
petboolHouse with pet approval.
boatboolHouse with boat rent service.
moorboolHouse with boat moor.
outer_view_seaboolHouse with sea view.
outer_grillboolHouse with outer grill.
inetboolHouse with internet.
bedroomsintNumber of bedrooms. It can be used in combination with p_dist param.
parkingboolHouse with parking.
obboolOnline booking - Book the apartment right away! Adriatic.hr guarantees the availability of facilities in this program.
sorttypeSort criterion. Supported types are:
  • standard
  • price
  • beach - Distance from the beach.
  • grade - Guest grade average.
  • distance - Houses that have straight line distance from the referent house (defined by the id_ref parameter) shorter than 1000m. If the referent house does not have GPS coordinates defined, result set is empty.
Default value is standard.
sort_dirtypeSort direction. Supported types are:
  • asc - Ascending
  • desc - Descending
Default value is asc.
pageintPage number. Default value is 1.
limitintNumber of results per page (max. 25). Default value is 10.


<list> - List data
itemsarrayItems on current page. Array of <item> elements. See <item> (List item data) for details.
pagersetSet of pager elements. See <pager> (List pager data) for details.
<item> - List item data
housesetFound house. See <house> (House data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: House ID.
unitsarrayAccommodation units which belongs to house from the same <item> element. Only units that match search criteria are enlisted here. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit data) for details.
<pager> - List pager data
totalItemsintTotal items that match search criteria.
totalPagesintTotal pages.
currentPageintCurrent page.
pageLimitintMaximum number of items per page.
<house> - House data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: House ID.
namestringHouse name.
capacityintNumber of beds.
foodboolFood service available?
lastIntervalCheckdatetimeTime when availability intervals are last updated. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
onlineBookingboolBook the apartment right away! Adriatic.hr guarantees the availability of facilities in this program.
bestBuyboolBest buy guarantee (best ratio quality and price).
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belongs to this house (not necessary match search criteria). Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
geosetGeography location. See <geo> (Geography location data) for details.
distancesetDistances. See <distance> (Distance data) for details.
categoriesarrayCategories which house belongs to. Array of <category> elements. See <category> (House category data) for details.
discountsarrayDiscounts and additional payments. Some types of discounts are related to accommodation unit (see Private_getUnit response), whilst others are related to the whole house. Discounts related to the whole house are applicable on every associated accommodation unit. Array of <discount> elements. See <discount> (Discount/additional payment data) for details.
relatesetRelated houses. See <relate> (Related objects) for details.
ratingsetRatings. See <rating> (Ratings (1-5)) for details.
imagearrayImage of house. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details.
<unit> - Accommodation unit data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
lastIntervalCheckdatetimeTime when availability intervals are last updated. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
typetypeType. Supported types are:
  • house
  • apartment
  • studio-apartment
  • room
labelstringAccommodation unit character label. Used to distinguish multiple accommodation units with a same type, within the same house.
capacitysetCapacity data. See <capacity> (Capacity data) for details.
classsetClassification data. See <class> (Accommodation unit classification data) for details.
priceRangearrayAccommodation unit price range (discounts are applied if available). Contains two amounts (range), single amount (exact price is known) or no amounts (price is unknown). Value depends on search parameters used (date interval and number of persons). Array of <amount> elements. See <amount> (Price amount (per day).) for details.
regularPriceRangearrayAccommodation unit price range without discounts. Contains two amounts (range), single amount (exact price is known) or no amounts (price is unknown). Value depends on search parameters used (date interval and number of persons). Array of <amount> elements. See <amount> (Price amount (per day).) for details.
discountsarrayDiscounts and additional payments. Some types of discounts are related to accommodation unit, whilst others are related to the whole house. Discounts related to the whole house are applicable on every associated accommodation unit. Array of <discount> elements. See <discount> (Discount/additional payment data) for details.
lowPriceboolAccommodation unit has a low price?
imagearrayImage of house. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details.
<unit> - Accommodation unit reference data
selfstringAccommodation unit name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
  • type [type]: Accommodation unit type.
  • label [string]: Accommodation unit character label. Used to distinguish multiple accommodation units with a same type, within the same house.
  • capacityBasic [int]: Basic capacity of the accommodation unit.
  • capacityAdditional [int]: Additional capacity of the accommodation unit.
<geo> - Geography location data
regionstringRegion name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
rivierastringRiviera name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
placestringPlace name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Place ID.
  • isletName [string]: Islet name, if set, the place is located on a islet.
beachnullBeach placeholder - beaches does not have names, only IDs. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Beach ID.
<distance> - Distance data
beachintDistance from beach (meters).
houseintDistance from the referent house (meters) - available if sort type is "distance" and id_ref parameter is provided.
currentLocationintDistance from the referent coordinates (meters) - available if coord_lat, coord_lng parameters are provided. Default sort type is "distance". If object is closer than 1000 m method returns 1000 m
<category> - House category data
selftypeHouse category. Supported types are:
  • luxury
  • pool
  • house
  • pension
  • family_owned_hotel
  • family_friendly
  • beach
  • quiet
  • robinson
<discount> - Discount/additional payment data
typetypeDiscount type. Supported types are:
  • special
  • extra_day
  • first_minute
  • valentine
  • special_term
  • easter
  • last_minute
  • highlighted
validitysetBooking date time limitation in which a discount is valid. See <validity> (Discount booking time limitation) for details.
termValiditysetOrder stay term date time limitation in which a discount is valid. See <termValidity> (Discount order stay term time limitation) for details.
valuesetPercent, money or freeDays value. See <value> (Discount/additional payment value) for details.
<validity> - Discount booking time limitation
Booking date time limitations in which a discount is valid.
fromdatetimeBooking date from which a discount is valid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
todatetimeBooking date from which a discount is invalid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
<termValidity> - Discount order stay term time limitation
Order stay term date time limitations in which a discount is valid.
fromdatetimeOrder stay date from which a discount is valid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
todatetimeOrder stay date from which a discount is invalid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
<relate> - Related objects
existboolIs object related with any other object?
housesarrayOther houses that are related to this house. Array of <house> elements. See <house> (Related House element) for details.
<variant> - Image variant data
Image variants are versions of the same image, differentiated by size, listed if exist.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image variant type (size class). Supported types are:
    • l - large (max. 365px, horizontal or vertical)
    • s - small (115x86px)
    • m - medium (200x133px)
    • max4000x2667 - jumbo (max. height 4000px)
urlstringImage variant URL.
<rating> - Ratings (1-5)
placeintAverage place rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
beachintAverage beach rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
accomodationintAverage accomodation rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
hostintAverage host rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
totalintTotal average rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
<capacity> - Capacity data
totalintTotal number of beds.
basicintNumber of basic (main) beds.
additionalintNumber of additional beds.
<class> - Accommodation unit classification data
official intOfficial classification mark (by Croatian authority).
<amount> - Price amount (per day).
selffloatPrice amount. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
<value> - Discount/additional payment value
Percent, money or freeDays amount. Negative values are discounts, positive values are additional payments.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Value type. Supported types are:
    • percent
    • amount
    • extra_day
percentfloatPercent value.
amountfloatMoney amount value. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
freeDaysintNumber of free days. Element has the following attributes:
  • total [int]: Total number of days.
<house> - Related House element
namestringHouse name
capacityintNumber of beds
sameBuildingboolThis house belong to the same building.

Example usage

Find apartments available in date interval 2025-08-09 to 2025-08-15.


Search guest comments for objects. Method is pagination aware (results are split across multiple pages).

Request parameters

idintObject ID. This parameter is required.
pageintPage number. Default value is 1.
limitintNumber of results per page (max. 25). Default value is 10.


<list> - List data
itemsarrayItems on current page. Array of <item> elements. See <item> (List item data) for details.
pagersetSet of pager elements. See <pager> (List pager data) for details.
<item> - List item data
unitstringAccommodation unit name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
  • type [type]: Accommodation unit type.
  • label [string]: Accommodation unit character label. Used to distinguish multiple accommodation units with a same type, within the same house.
idintReview id.
authorstringReview author name.
createddatetimeReview creation time. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
customerboolAdriatic.hr customer.
reviewstringReview text. Element has the following attributes:
  • deleted [bool]: Has the review been deleted due to inappropriate contents?
ratingsetRatings. See <rating> (Ratings (1-5)) for details.
<pager> - List pager data
totalItemsintTotal items that match search criteria.
totalPagesintTotal pages.
currentPageintCurrent page.
pageLimitintMaximum number of items per page.
<rating> - Ratings (1-5)
placeintPlace rating.
beachintBeach rating.
accomodationintAccomodation rating.
hostintHost rating.

Example usage

Find reviews for object with ID 1005.


Retrieve house data.

Request parameters

idintHouse ID. This parameter is required.


<house> - House data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: House ID.
namestringHouse name.
capacityintNumber of beds.
publishDatedateHouse publish date. Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
postalCodestringPostal code.
lastIntervalCheckdatetimeTime when availability intervals are last updated. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
onlineBookingboolBook the apartment right away! Adriatic.hr guarantees the availability of facilities in this program.
bestBuyboolBest buy guarantee (best ratio quality and price).
preferredReservationsarrayAll prefered reservations by the lessor. Array of <period> elements. See <period> (Period of prefered reservation.) for details.
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belongs to this house (not necessary match search criteria). Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
geosetGeography location. See <geo> (Geography location data) for details.
coordinatessetGeography coordinates See <coordinates> (Geography coordinates) for details.
exteriorsetHouse exterior. See <exterior> (Exterior data) for details.
servicesetAvailability and details of services. See <service> (Service data) for details.
distancesetDistances. See <distance> (Distance data) for details.
locationsetLocation data. See <location> (Location data) for details.
communicationsetPossibilities of communication inside house. See <communication> (Communication data) for details.
categoriesarrayCategories which house belongs to. Array of <category> elements. See <category> (House category data) for details.
robinsonsetList of items related to "Robinson Crusoe style" type of tourism. See <robinson> (Robinson tourism data) for details.
discountsarrayDiscounts and additional payments. Some types of discounts are related to accommodation unit (see Private_getUnit response), whilst others are related to the whole house. Discounts related to the whole house are applicable on every associated accommodation unit. Array of <discount> elements. See <discount> (Discount/additional payment data) for details.
lowPriceboolHouse contains at least one unit that has a low price?
relatesetRelated houses. See <relate> (Related objects) for details.
notesarrayAdditional house characteristics. Array of <note> elements. See <note> (Additional house characteristic) for details.
ratingsetRatings. See <rating> (Ratings (1-5)) for details.
imagesarrayHouse images. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (House image) for details.
descriptionsetObject description. See <description> (Object description) for details.
guidesetObject tourist guide. See <guide> (Object location tourist guide) for details.
<period> - Period of prefered reservation.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • arrivalDay [type]: Prefered reservation arrival day Supported types are:
    • monday
    • tuesday
    • wednesday
    • thursday
    • friday
    • saturday
    • sunday
  • departureDay [type]: Prefered reservation departure day Supported types are:
    • monday
    • tuesday
    • wednesday
    • thursday
    • friday
    • saturday
    • sunday
<unit> - Accommodation unit reference data
selfstringAccommodation unit name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
  • type [type]: Accommodation unit type.
  • label [string]: Accommodation unit character label. Used to distinguish multiple accommodation units with a same type, within the same house.
  • capacityBasic [int]: Basic capacity of the accommodation unit.
  • capacityAdditional [int]: Additional capacity of the accommodation unit.
<geo> - Geography location data
regionstringRegion name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
rivierastringRiviera name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
placestringPlace name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Place ID.
beachnullBeach placeholder - beaches does not have names, only IDs. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Beach ID.
<coordinates> - Geography coordinates
longitudedecimalGeographical longitude.
latitudedecimalGeographical latitude.
altitudedecimalGeographical altitude.
<exterior> - Exterior data
disabledPersonsboolIs suitable for disabled persons?
courtyardsetExistence and description of courtyard. See <courtyard> (Courtyard data) for details.
infieldtypeInfield description. Supported types are:
  • decorated
  • tidy
  • messy
  • none
poolsetAvailability and terms of pool usage. See <pool> (Pool data) for details.
parkingsarrayArray of parking units. Array of <parking> elements. See <parking> (Multiple parking data.) for details.
fixedGrillsetFixed grills. See <fixedGrill> (Fixed grill data) for details.
showerboolHas shower in the courtyard?
<service> - Service data
wifiInternetsetWiFi internet access usage data. See <wifiInternet> (WiFi Internet access service data) for details.
foodsetFood service data. See <food> (Food service data) for details.
laundrysetLaundry service outside of the accommodation unit data. See <laundry> (Laundry service outside of the accommodation unit data) for details.
boatsetBoat usage data. See <boat> (Boat service data. Service available on request) for details.
moorsetMoor usage data. See <moor> (Moor service data. Service available on request) for details.
petsetUnit with pet approval. See <pet> (Pet service data) for details.
ironsetIron. See <iron> (Equipment data: Iron) for details.
ironingBoardsetIroning board. See <ironingBoard> (Equipment data: Ironing board) for details.
hairDryersetHair dryer. See <hairDryer> (Equipment data: Hair dryer) for details.
portableGrillsetPortable grill. See <portableGrill> (Portable grill data) for details.
bicyclesetbicycle. See <bicycle> (Equipment data: Bicycle) for details.
beachUmbrellasetSun umbrellas. See <beachUmbrella> (Equipment data: Sun umbrellas) for details.
deckChairsetDeckchairs. See <deckChair> (Equipment data: Deckchairs) for details.
infantBedsetInfant bed. See <infantBed> (Infant bed data) for details.
extraBedsetExtra bed. See <extraBed> (Extra bed data) for details.
extraBabysetOne baby up to 4 years (with no extra bed) is allowed. See <extraBaby> (One baby up to 4 years (with no extra bed) is allowed data) for details.
smokingsetSmoking allowed. See <smoking> (Smoking data) for details.
luxurysetLuxury services. See <luxury> (Luxury services.) for details.
<distance> - Distance data
seaintDistance from sea (meters).
beachintDistance from beach (meters).
shopintDistance from shop (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Shop is located in the facility?
marketintDistance from market (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Market is located in the facility?
restaurantintDistance from restaurant (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Restaurant is located in the facility?
ambulanceintDistance from ambulance (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Ambulance is located in the facility?
postOfficeintDistance from post office (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Post office is located in the facility?
nightClubintDistance from night club (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Night club is located in the facility?
divingintDistance from diving center (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Diving center is located in the facility?
pharmacyintDistance from pharmacy (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Pharmacy is located in the facility?
atmintDistance from atm (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Atm is located in the facility?
exchangeOfficeintDistance from exchange office (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Exchange office is located in the facility?
touristInfointDistance from tourist info (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Tourist info is located in the facility?
infirmaryintDistance from infirmary (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Infirmary is located in the facility?
airportintDistance from airport (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Airport is located in the facility?
ferryPortintDistance from ferry port (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Ferry port is located in the facility?
busStationintDistance from bus station (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Bus station is located in the facility?
trainStationintDistance from train station (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Train station is located in the facility?
rentaCarintDistance from rent-a-car (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Rent-a-car is located in the facility?
gasStationintDistance from airport (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Gas station is located in the facility?
autocampintDistance from autocamp (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Autocamp is located in the facility?
nationalParkintDistance from entrance of the national park (meters). Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Facility is located in the national park?
otherParkingintDistance of public parking or parking that is charged extra from facility. Element has the following attributes:
  • inHouse [bool]: Parking is located within the facility?
centreintDistance from place center (meters).
<location> - Location data
notByTheRoadboolIs not by the road?
byD8RoadboolIs near Adriatic Highway?
byMainRoadboolIs near main road?
byLocalRoadboolIs near local road?
noRoadBeforeBeachboolIs there no road between house and beach?
roadD8BeforeBeachboolIs there a Adriatic Highway between house and beach?
mainRoadBeforeBeachboolIs there a main road between house and beach?
localRoadBeforeBeach boolIs there a local road between house and beach?
overpassOrUnderpassBeforeBeachboolIs there an overpass or underpass between house and beach?
nearBeachboolIs near beach?
stairsToBeachintNumber of stairs between house and beach.
reachableByCarboolIs object reachable by car? Element has the following attributes:
  • carApproachDistance [int]: Nearest car approach distance.
slopeboolAccess by slope road? Element has the following attributes:
  • length [int]: Length (m).
macadamboolAccess by macadam road? Element has the following attributes:
  • length [int]: Length (m).
narrowStreetboolAccess by narrow street? Element has the following attributes:
  • length [int]: Length (m).
highUndercarriageboolRoad is not suitable for cars with low undercarriage?
accessByBoatboolObject accessible only by boat?
boatTransferUnavailableboolBoat transfer offer is unavailable?
boatLineNoCarsboolBoat line transfer is available but not for cars?
boatTransferOffersetBoat transfer offer by lessor. See <boatTransferOffer> (Boat transfer offer data) for details.
noisePollutiontypeNoise pollution. Supported types are:
  • low
  • medium
  • high
  • potential
isolationboolHouse is isolated?
greenerytypeGreen vegetation. Supported types are:
  • high
  • medium
  • none
<communication> - Communication data
hostPresentboolIs host presence possible?
otherGuestsboolIs other guests presence possible (in accommodation units outside of our offering)?
hostLanguagesarrayForeign languages which the host is familiar with. Array of <language> elements. See <language> (Host foreign language data) for details.
<category> - House category data
selftypeHouse category. Supported types are:
  • luxury
  • pool
  • house
  • pension
  • family_owned_hotel
  • family_friendly
  • beach
  • quiet
  • robinson
<robinson> - Robinson tourism data
watersetWater availability data. See <water> (Water availability data) for details.
waterHeatingsetWater heating data. See <waterHeating> (Water heating data) for details.
powersetPower data. See <power> (Power data) for details.
othersetOther data. See <other> (Other robinson tourism related data) for details.
<discount> - Discount/additional payment data
typetypeDiscount type. Supported types are:
  • special
  • extra_day
  • first_minute
  • valentine
  • special_term
  • easter
  • last_minute
  • highlighted
validitysetBooking date time limitation in which a discount is valid. See <validity> (Discount booking time limitation) for details.
termValiditysetOrder stay term date time limitation in which a discount is valid. See <termValidity> (Discount order stay term time limitation) for details.
valuesetPercent, money or freeDays value. See <value> (Discount/additional payment value) for details.
<validity> - Discount booking time limitation
Booking date time limitations in which a discount is valid.
fromdatetimeBooking date from which a discount is valid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
todatetimeBooking date from which a discount is invalid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
<termValidity> - Discount order stay term time limitation
Order stay term date time limitations in which a discount is valid.
fromdatetimeOrder stay date from which a discount is valid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
todatetimeOrder stay date from which a discount is invalid. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
<relate> - Related objects
existboolIs object related with any other object?
housesarrayOther houses that are related to this house. Array of <house> elements. See <house> (Related House element) for details.
<note> - Additional house characteristic
<rating> - Ratings (1-5)
placeintAverage place rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
beachintAverage beach rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
accomodationintAverage accomodation rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
hostintAverage host rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
totalintTotal average rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
<image> - House image
selfarrayImage variants. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image type (based on subject). Supported types are:
    • exterior
    • courtyard
    • parking
    • host
<courtyard> - Courtyard data
existboolCourtyard exists?
sizeintCourtyard size (in square meters).
shareboolIs shared with other objects?
playgroundboolHas children playground?
seatsboolHas seating place?
<pool> - Pool data
existboolCommon or private pool exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
lengthfloatPool length in meters.
widthfloatPool width in meters,
depthfloatPool depth in meters.
waterTypestringPool water type.
heatingboolPool has heating?
privatesetPrivate pool data. See <private> (Private pool data.) for details.
<private> - Private pool data.
existboolPrivate pool exists in units?
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belong to this house (not necessarily matching search criteria) and have access to private pool. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
<parking> - Multiple parking data.
isGarageboolIs designated parking actually a garage?
stackParkingboolCars are parked one behind the other?
reservedPlacesintNumber of reserved parking places.
distanceintDistance in meters.
stairsToParkingintNumber of stairs from house to parking.
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
positionYardboolIs parking in the yard?
<fixedGrill> - Fixed grill data
sharedsetShared fixed grill. See <shared> (Shared fixed grill data.) for details.
privatesetPrivate fixed grills. See <private> (Private fixed grills data.) for details.
<shared> - Shared fixed grill data.
existboolShared fixed grill exists?
<private> - Private fixed grills data.
existboolPrivate fixed grill exists?
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belongs to this house (not necessary match search criteria) and have access to private fixed grill. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
<wifiInternet> - WiFi Internet access service data
existboolWiFi Internet access service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<food> - Food service data
breakfastsetBreakfast service data. See <breakfast> (Breakfast service data) for details.
halfboardsetHalf-board service data. See <halfboard> (Half-board service data) for details.
fullboardsetFull-board service data. See <fullboard> (Full-board service data) for details.
freeAgeLt4boolIs food service free for children with age under 4 years?
halfAge4To12boolIs food service on 50% discount for children with age of 4 to 12 years?
<laundry> - Laundry service outside of the accommodation unit data
existboolLaundry service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<boat> - Boat service data. Service available on request
existboolBoat service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<moor> - Moor service data. Service available on request
existboolMoor service exists?
typetypeMoor type. Supported types are:
  • coast
  • buoy
distanceintDistance from object in meters.
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<pet> - Pet service data
existboolPet service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belong to this house where pets are allowed. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
<iron> - Equipment data: Iron
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<ironingBoard> - Equipment data: Ironing board
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<hairDryer> - Equipment data: Hair dryer
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<portableGrill> - Portable grill data
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<bicycle> - Equipment data: Bicycle
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
quantityintQuantity in numbers.
<beachUmbrella> - Equipment data: Sun umbrellas
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<deckChair> - Equipment data: Deckchairs
existboolDevice available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<infantBed> - Infant bed data
existboolInfant bed available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<extraBed> - Extra bed data
existboolExtra bed available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
quantityintQuantity in numbers.
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belongs to this house (not necessary match search criteria) where extra bed is available. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
<extraBaby> - One baby up to 4 years (with no extra bed) is allowed data
existboolExtra baby available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<smoking> - Smoking data
existboolSmoking allowed?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
unitsarrayReferences to all accommodation units which belongs to this house (not necessary match search criteria) where smoking is allowed. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
<luxury> - Luxury services.
jacuzziboolIs jacuzzi available?
saunaboolIs sauna available?
wellnessboolIs wellness available?
massageboolIs massage available?
fitnessboolIs fitness available?
wineCellarboolIs wine cellar available?
minibarboolIs minibar available?
additionalCleaningboolIs additional cleaning available?
attendantsboolIs additional staff available?
<water> - Water availability data
waterTankboolHas water tank filled by rainwater or by a cistern.
waterPlumbingboolHas regular water supply.
waterNonDrinkableboolWater is not drinkable?
<waterHeating> - Water heating data
onlyColdWaterboolOnly cold water is available.
oilboolIs water heated by an oil generator.
solarboolIs water heated by solar collectors.
gasBoilerboolIs water heated by a gas boiler.
sunboolWater is heated by direct sunlight.
showerSunboolWater for the outside showers is heated by direct sunlight.
<power> - Power data
noPowerboolThe house has no power supply.
solar12bool12V solar energy power supply.
solar220bool220V solar energy power supply.
oil12bool12V power supply through oil generator.
oil220bool220V power supply through oil generator.
electricGridboolPower supply from electric grid.
<other> - Other robinson tourism related data
mobileMarketboolMobile market is available.
gasRefrigeratorboolGas refrigerator.
gasStoveboolGas stove.
outsideToiletboolHas an outside toilet. Element has the following attributes:
  • distance [int]: Distance of outside toilet from the object (in meters).
<variant> - Image variant data
Image variants are versions of the same image, differentiated by size, listed if exist.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image variant type (size class). Supported types are:
    • l - large (max. 365px, horizontal or vertical)
    • s - small (115x86px)
    • m - medium (200x133px)
    • max4000x2667 - jumbo (max. height 4000px)
urlstringImage variant URL.
<boatTransferOffer> - Boat transfer offer data
existboolBoat transfer offer available?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<price> - Pricing data
typetypePrice type. Supported types are:
  • extra - service is charged additionaly
  • extra_adult - service is charged additionaly only for adults
  • included - service is not charged additionaly
  • agreement - service price is subject of agreement with house owner
  • extra_by_device - service is charged additionaly for each device
  • consumption - service is charged additionaly based on consumption
amountfloatPrice amount. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
unittypePrice unit type. Supported types are:
  • onetime
  • day
  • person
  • person_day
  • hour
  • minute
  • second
  • page
  • kb
  • mb
  • gb
  • wash
  • call
  • kwh
  • agreement
  • transport
  • week
  • day_piece
<value> - Discount/additional payment value
Percent, money or freeDays amount. Negative values are discounts, positive values are additional payments.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Value type. Supported types are:
    • percent
    • amount
    • extra_day
percentfloatPercent value.
amountfloatMoney amount value. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
freeDaysintNumber of free days. Element has the following attributes:
  • total [int]: Total number of days.
<language> - Host foreign language data
codestringTwo-letter language code (according to ISO 639-1 standard) in lowercase.
knowledgeintKnowledge mark. Range is from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
<breakfast> - Breakfast service data
existboolBreakfast service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<halfboard> - Half-board service data
existboolHalf-board service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<fullboard> - Full-board service data
existboolFull-board service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<house> - Related House element
namestringHouse name
capacityintNumber of beds
sameBuildingboolThis house belong to the same building.
<description> - Object description
summarystringObject description summary
bodystringObject description body
<guide> - Object location tourist guide
itemsarrayTourist guide information of the place, riviera and region where the object is located. Array of <item> elements. See <item> (Geo location data) for details.
<item> - Geo location data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Geo location type of the item. Supported types are:
    • place
    • riviera
    • region
namestringGeo location name.
descriptionstringDescription of the geo location.
imagearrayGeo location image. References to all geo location image variants which belong to this tourist guide item. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details.

Example usage

Retrieve data of private accommodation house with ID 1005.


Retrieve accommodation unit data.

Request parameters

idintAccommodation unit ID. This parameter is required.
prc_wodboolPrices without discounts (applies only to an accommodation service price list). Use this if you want to show original price list (without discount, if any exist) and print (advert) discount information elsewhere, instead of just including discounts into price list. Default value is FALSE.


<unit> - Accommodation unit data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
namestringName (eg. A-1000-c, K-1000, etc.). Name is consisted of type code (K, A, AS or K), house name and character label (not used for house type). This description is for your information only (you don't have to deal with it).
lastIntervalCheckdatetimeTime when availability intervals are last updated. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
typetypeType. Supported types are:
  • house
  • apartment
  • studio-apartment
  • room
labelstringCharacter label. Used to distinguish multiple accommodation units with a same type, within the same house.
housestringName of the house which accommodation unit belongs to. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: House ID.
capacitysetCapacity data. See <capacity> (Capacity data) for details.
classsetClassification data. See <class> (Accommodation unit classification data) for details.
positionsetPosition inside house data. See <position> (Position data) for details.
entrancesetEntrance data. See <entrance> (Entrance data) for details.
disabledPersonsboolIs suitable for disabled persons?
partsarrayAvailable parts. Part is an inner or outer area of accommodation unit (eg. room, terrace, balcony, etc.). Array of <part> elements. See <part> (Part data) for details.
servicesetAvailability and details of services. See <service> (Service data) for details.
priceListsetPrice list data. Accommodation unit daily price depends of date and number of persons. Thus, prices are groupped by date intervals and number of persons. See <priceList> (Price list data) for details.
ratingsetRatings. See <rating> (Ratings (1-5)) for details.
notesarrayAdditional accommodation unit characteristics. Array of <note> elements. See <note> (Additional accommodation unit characteristic) for details.
imagesarrayImages. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (Image) for details.
descriptionsetAccommodation unit description. See <description> (Accommodation unit description) for details.
<capacity> - Capacity data
totalintTotal number of beds.
basicintNumber of basic (main) beds.
additionalintNumber of additional beds.
<class> - Accommodation unit classification data
official intOfficial classification mark (by Croatian authority).
<position> - Position data
floorintFloor. Value of zero represent ground floor, negative values represent basement floors.
floorSpanintNumber of floors through which this accommodation unit spans.
raisedFloorboolIs the unit floor raised? Special examples: if floor is 0 (ground floor) and the floor is raised, it's upper ground floor; if floor is -1 (basement) and the floor is raised, it's half basement.
mezzanineboolIs this a mezzanine floor?
atticboolIs this unit in the attic?
flatboolIs this unit flat in building?
detachedUnitboolIs this detached unit?
<entrance> - Entrance data
sharesetEntrance sharing data. See <share> (Resource sharing data) for details.
sharedboolDoes the unit have a shared entrance (with the host or other units)?
doorSeparatedboolIs the unit separated by door from other units in the object.
entranceTypetypeType of unit entrance. Supported types are:
  • common
  • host
  • unit_hallway
  • out_offer_unit_hallway
entranceFromUnittextContains accommodation unit name if the entrance to the unit is from the stated unit. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
somePartsNotConnectedboolSome parts of this accommodation unit are not connected with the rest of the unit.
<part> - Part data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Part ID.
typetypeType. Supported types are:
  • living
  • dining
  • kitchen
  • bathroom
  • toilet
  • bedroom
  • hall
  • terrace
  • balcony
sizeintSize (in square meters).
houseboolBelongs to the entire house?
airConditioningboolHas an opening to the air-conditioning unit.
bedsarrayAvailable beds. Array of <bed> elements. See <bed> (Bed data) for details.
standardboolHas standard equipment? Used for kitchens only. Standard equipment includes: refrigerator, stove (without oven), sink and dishes
smallKitchen boolKitchen is small (kitchenette)? Used for kitchens only. Standard equipment includes: small refrigerator and sink
fridgeboolHas fridge? Used for kitchens only.
iceChestboolHas ice-chest? Used for kitchens only.
fridgeIceChestboolHas combine fridge/ice-chest? Used for kitchens only.
dishWasherboolHas dish-washer? Used for kitchens only.
ovenboolHas oven? Used for kitchens only.
stoveboolHas stove? Used for kitchens only.
hotPlateboolHas hot plate (table cooker)? Used for kitchens only.
microwaveboolHas microwave? Used for kitchens only. Element has the following attributes:
  • onRequest [bool]: Service available on request?
pricesetPricing data. Used for kitchens only. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
bathTubboolHas bathtub? Used for bathrooms only.
showerBathboolHas shower-bath? Used for bathrooms only.
shadesetSun shade data. Used for outer parts (terraces and balconies) only. See <shade> (Sun shade data) for details.
seaViewboolHas sea view? Used for outer parts (terraces and balconies) only.
relatesetRelated data. See <relate> (Related data) for details.
sharesetSharing data. See <share> (Resource sharing data) for details.
passagesetInformation about who has to cross the this part. See <passage> (Part passage data) for details.
separationsetInformation about whether this part is separated from its accommodation unit. Also contains information on entrance into the room. See <separation> (Part separation data) for details.
windowWalledboolInformation about whether the windows shown in the room are walled up.
windowShuttersOnlyboolDo the windows shown in the room have shutters but no window panes?
windowWallViewboolInformation about whether the windows shown in the room face the nearby wall.
<service> - Service data
terrTvboolIs terrestrial TV program available?
satTvboolIs satellite TV program available?
pcboolIs personal comuter available?
safeboolIs safe deposit box available?
fixedGrillboolIs private fixed grill available?
fridgeboolIs fridge available? This is used only when accommodation unit type is defined as a room.
acsetAir conditioner usage data. See <ac> (Air conditioner data) for details.
heatingsetHeating usage data. See <heating> (Heating data) for details.
kitchensetKitchen usage data. Kitchen service can exist only if accommodation unit type is room. See <kitchen> (Kitchen data) for details.
finalCleaningsetFinal cleaning data. See <finalCleaning> (Final cleaning service data) for details.
depositsetDeposit data. See <deposit> (Deposit data) for details.
childBedsetAdditional accommodation for children in bed for children. See <childBed> (Additional accommodation for children in bed for children data) for details.
petboolPet accommodation data.
extraBedOnRequest boolExtra bed on request.
smokingboolIs smoking allowed in the unit?
laundryMachineboolDoes unit have a laundry machine?
<priceList> - Price list data
intervalsarrayPrices by intervals. Array of <interval> elements. See <interval> (Interval data) for details.
yearintPrice list year.
nextYearIntervalsarrayPrices by intervals for the next year. Array of <interval> elements. See <interval> (Interval data) for details.
lowPriceboolAccommodation unit has a low price?
touristTaxIncludedboolAccommodation unit has tourist tax included in price?
shortOrderExtraChargeboolAccommodation unit has short stay charged extra?
<note> - Additional accommodation unit characteristic
<rating> - Ratings (1-5)
placeintAverage place rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
beachintAverage beach rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
accomodationintAverage accomodation rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
hostintAverage host rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
totalintTotal average rating. Element has the following attributes:
  • ratings [int]: Number of ratings.
<image> - Image
selfarrayImage variants. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image type (based on subject). Supported types are:
    • drawing
    • part
  • partId [int]: Part ID. This value makes sense only if type has value of part.
  • view [bool]: Does image represent a view from part? This value makes sense only if type has value of part.
<description> - Accommodation unit description
summarystringAccommodation unit description summary.
<bed> - Bed data
capacityintPerson capacity.
typetypeType. Supported types are:
  • single
  • double
  • foldaway
  • armchair
  • sofa
childrenboolIs it intended for children only?
smallboolDimensions of the bed aren't standard size (80x190 or 160x190)?
<shade> - Sun shade data
existboolSun shade exists?
typesarrayAll available sun shade types. Array of <type> elements. See <type> (Sun shade data.) for details.
<type> - Sun shade data.
selftypeSun shade type. Supported types are:
  • natural
  • awning
  • canopy
  • chervil
  • sunshade
  • object_shade
<relate> - Related data
existboolIs part related with any other part?
partsarrayParts in our accommodation units (in our offering) which relate with this part. Array of <part> elements. See <part> (Related part data) for details.
hostboolIs part related with part used by the host?
otherUnitssetOther accommodation units (outside of our offering) which relate with this part. See <otherUnits> (Other accommodation units data) for details.
<share> - Resource sharing data
existboolIs resource shared with anyone?
hostboolIs resource shared with the host?
agencyUnitsarrayOur accommodation units (in our offering) which share the resource. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit reference data) for details.
otherUnitssetOther accommodation units (outside of our offering) which share the resource. See <otherUnits> (Other accommodation units data) for details.
<passage> - Part passage data
existboolDoes anyone have to cross this room?
hostboolDoes the host have to cross this room?
guestsAgencyboolDo guests from other accommodation units in our offer have to cross this room?
guestsAgencyUnitsarrayList of accommodation units in our offer whose guests have to cross this room. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit data) for details.
guestsOtherUnitssetOther accommodation units (outside of our offering) whose guests have to cross the room. See <otherUnits> (Other accommodation units data) for details.
entranceIntoUnit boolIs entrance into the accommodation unit through this room. Available only for 'bedroom' room type.
passageToPartsarrayList of rooms accessed through this room. Only available for 'bedroom' room types. Array of <part> elements. See <part> (Passage to part data) for details.
<separation> - Part separation data
detachedFromUnitboolIs the part detached from its accommodation unit? Not available for parts that belong to an object.
entranceFromtypeSpecifies from where the part is entered from. Supported types are:
  • from yard
  • common_hallway
  • common_parts
  • host_residence
  • from_part
entranceFromPartsetIf part is accessed from another part in our offer, then the data for that part is listed here. See <entranceFromPart> (Entrance from part data) for details.
<capacity> - Capacity for child bed.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • num [int]: Number of children.
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<ac> - Air conditioner data
existboolAir conditioner exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<heating> - Heating data
existboolHeating exists?
typetypeType of heating. Sole supported type is:
  • central
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<kitchen> - Kitchen data
This is used only if accommodation unit type is room.
existboolKitchen exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<finalCleaning> - Final cleaning service data
existboolFinal cleaning service exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<deposit> - Deposit data
existboolDeposit exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<childBed> - Additional accommodation for children in bed for children data
existboolAdditional child bed exists?
pricesetPricing data. See <price> (Pricing data) for details.
<interval> - Interval data
fromdateBegin of interval (format is YYYY-MM-DD). Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
todateEnd of interval (format is YYYY-MM-DD). Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
pricesarrayPrices by number of persons. First price is for maximum number of persons. Array of <price> elements. See <price> (Interval price data) for details.
<discount> - Discount/additional payment data
typetypeDiscount type. Supported types are:
  • special
  • extra_day
  • first_minute
  • valentine
  • special_term
  • easter
  • last_minute
  • highlighted
valuesetPercent, money or freeDays value. See <value> (Discount/additional payment value) for details.
<value> - Discount/additional payment value
Percent, money or freeDays amount. Negative values are discounts, positive values are additional payments.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Value type. Supported types are:
    • percent
    • amount
    • extra_day
percentfloatPercent value.
amountfloatMoney amount value. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
freeDaysintNumber of free days. Element has the following attributes:
  • total [int]: Total number of days.
<variant> - Image variant data
Image variants are versions of the same image, differentiated by size, listed if exist.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image variant type (size class). Supported types are:
    • l - large (max. 365px, horizontal or vertical)
    • s - small (115x86px)
    • m - medium (200x133px)
    • max4000x2667 - jumbo (max. height 4000px)
urlstringImage variant URL.
<price> - Pricing data
typetypePrice type. Supported types are:
  • extra - service is charged additionaly
  • extra_adult - service is charged additionaly only for adults
  • included - service is not charged additionaly
  • agreement - service price is subject of agreement with house owner
  • extra_by_device - service is charged additionaly for each device
  • consumption - service is charged additionaly based on consumption
amountfloatPrice amount. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
unittypePrice unit type. Supported types are:
  • onetime
  • day
  • person
  • person_day
  • hour
  • minute
  • second
  • page
  • kb
  • mb
  • gb
  • wash
  • call
  • kwh
  • agreement
  • transport
  • week
  • day_piece
<unit> - Accommodation unit reference data
selfstringAccommodation unit name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
  • type [type]: Accommodation unit type.
  • label [string]: Accommodation unit character label. Used to distinguish multiple accommodation units with a same type, within the same house.
  • capacityBasic [int]: Basic capacity of the accommodation unit.
  • capacityAdditional [int]: Additional capacity of the accommodation unit.
<otherUnits> - Other accommodation units data
existboolOther accommodation units exists?
countintCount of other accommodation units.
<part> - Related part data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Related part ID.
  • type [string]: Related part type.
objectintID of the house that the room belongs to. Used for shared rooms. Set to 0 if room belongs to an accommodation unit.
thisUnitboolPart is used by this accommodation unit.
sharesetSharing data. See <share> (Resource sharing data) for details.
<part> - Passage to part data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Related part ID.
  • type [string]: Related part type.
objectintID of the house that the room belongs to. Used for shared rooms. Set to 0 if room belongs to an accommodation unit.
thisUnitboolPart is used by this accommodation unit.
sharesetSharing data. See <share> (Resource sharing data) for details.
<entranceFromPart> - Entrance from part data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Related part ID.
  • type [string]: Related part type.
objectintID of the house that the room belongs to. Used for shared rooms. Set to 0 if room belongs to an accommodation unit.
thisUnitboolPart is used by this accommodation unit.
sharesetSharing data. See <share> (Resource sharing data) for details.
<price> - Interval price data
amountfloatPrice amount (per day). Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
personsintNumber of persons.

Example usage

Retrieve data of private accommodation unit with ID 1868.


Get accommodation unit(s)'s availability status.

Request parameters

idlist Comma delimited list of accommodation unit IDs. Example: "1868,1869". This parameter is required.
i_fromdateBegin of interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD. This parameter is required.
i_todateEnd of interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD. This parameter is required.


<status> - Availability data
availboolAll specified accommodation units are available? Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Availability status type. Supported types are:
    • avail - available
    • unavail_temp - temporarily unavailable
    • unavail - unavailable
unitsarrayAvailability by accommodation unit. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit availability) for details.
<unit> - Accommodation unit availability
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
availboolAccommodation unit is available? Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Availability status type. Supported types are:
    • avail
    • unavail_temp
    • unavail

Example usage

Get availability status of accommodation units with IDs 1868 and 1869 in date interval 2025-08-09 to 2025-08-15.


Get accommodation unit unavailable dates.

Request parameters

idintAccommodation unit ID. This parameter is required.


<dates> - Unavailable dates data
selfarrayUnavailable dates (if any). Array of <date> elements. See <date> (Unavailable date data) for details.
<date> - Unavailable date data
selfdate Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST). Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Availability status type. Supported types are:
    • unavail_temp
    • unavail

Example usage

Get unavailable dates of accommodation units with ID 2459.


Search geography locations (except beaches). Method is pagination aware (results are split across multiple pages).

Request parameters

idintComma delimited list of region, riviera and place IDs. Example: "re-2,ri-17,pl-106".
qstringSearch string (case insensitive).
q_matchtypeString matching mode. Hint: begin and begin_word modes can be used for implementation of location input field with autocomplete support. Supported types are:
  • substring - Anywhere in the string
  • begin - At the beginning of the string
  • begin_word - At the beginning of any word in the string
  • exact - Exact match
Default value is substring.
ttypeLocation type. Supported types are:
  • region
  • riviera
  • place
sorttypeSort criterion. Supported types are:
  • name - Location name
  • type - Location type
Default value is name.
sort_dirtypeSort direction. Supported types are:
  • asc - Ascending
  • desc - Descending
Default value is asc.
pageintPage number. Default value is 1.
limitintNumber of results per page (max. 25). Default value is 10.


<list> - List data
itemsarrayItems on current page. Array of <item> elements. See <item> (List item data) for details.
pagersetSet of pager elements. See <pager> (List pager data) for details.
<item> - List item data
idstringLocation ID.
namestringLocation name.
typetypeLocation type. Supported types are:
  • region
  • riviera
  • place
rivierastringRiviera name. Available only if location type is place. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
regionstringRegion name. Available only if location type is place or riviera. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
imagearrayImage of location. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details.
coordinatessetGeography coordinates. Available only if location type is place. See <coordinates> (Geography coordinates) for details.
<pager> - List pager data
totalItemsintTotal items that match search criteria.
totalPagesintTotal pages.
currentPageintCurrent page.
pageLimitintMaximum number of items per page.
<variant> - Image variant data
Image variants are versions of the same image, differentiated by size, listed if exist.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image variant type (size class). Supported types are:
    • l - large (max. 365px, horizontal or vertical)
    • s - small (115x86px)
    • m - medium (200x133px)
    • max4000x2667 - jumbo (max. height 4000px)
urlstringImage variant URL.
<region> - Region data
namestringRegion name.
rivierasarrayReferences to all rivieras which belong to this region. Array of <riviera_ref> elements. See <riviera_ref> for details.
imagesarrayRegion images. Array of <image> elements. See <image> for details.
<coordinates> - Geography coordinates
longitudedecimalGeographical longitude.
latitudedecimalGeographical latitude.
altitudedecimalGeographical altitude.

Example usage

Find geography locations with word 'hvar' in name.


Retrieve geography location data. Supported location types are place, beach, riviera and region.

Request parameters

idstringGeography location data. This parameter is required.


<location> - Location data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Location ID.
typetypeLocation type. Supported types are:
  • region
  • riviera
  • place
regionsetRegion name. Available only if location type is region. See <region> (Region data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
rivierasetRiviera name. Available only if location type is riviera. See <riviera> (Riviera data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
placesetPlace name. Available only if location type is place. See <place> (Place data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Place ID.
beachsetBeach name. Available only if location type is beach. See <beach> (Beach data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Beach ID.
<region> - Region data
namestringRegion name.
rivierasarrayReferences to all rivieras which belong to this region. Array of <riviera> elements. See <riviera> (Riviera reference) for details.
imagesarrayRegion images. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (Image) for details.
<riviera> - Riviera data
namestringRiviera name.
regionstringRegion name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
typetypeRiviera type. Supported types are:
  • mainland_not_sea_coast
  • mainland_sea_coast
  • island
  • islands
  • island_bridge
placesarrayReferences to all places which belong to this riviera. Array of <place> elements. See <place> (Place reference) for details.
imagesarrayRiviera images. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (Image) for details.
<place> - Place data
namestringPlace name.
rivierastringRiviera name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
regionstringRegion name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
nationalParkstringNational park name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: National park ID.
  • inArea [bool]: Place is located within the boundaries of the National park.
typetypePlace type. Supported types are:
  • large_city
  • tourist_city
  • small_city
  • cove
largerPlacesetLarger place data. See <largerPlace> (Larger place data) for details.
isletsetIslet data. See <islet> (Islet data) for details.
beachesGeneralsetGeneral info on beaches which belong to this place. See <beachesGeneral> (Place beaches data) for details.
beachesarrayReferences to all beaches which belong to this place. Array of <beach> elements. See <beach> (Beach reference) for details.
imagesarrayPlace images. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (Image) for details.
coordinatessetGeography coordinates. See <coordinates> (Geography coordinates) for details.
<beach> - Beach data
namestringBeach name.
placestringPlace name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Place ID.
rivierastringRiviera name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
regionstringRegion name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
outsideAPlaceboolIs beach outside a place?
coordinatessetGeography coordinates. See <coordinates> (Geography coordinates) for details.
typetypeMain beach type. Supported types are:
  • sand
  • pebble
  • stone
  • concrete
  • sharp_stone
  • riva
typesarrayAll available beach types. Array of <type> elements. See <type> (Beach type) for details.
accesstypeSea access type. Supported types are:
  • long_shallow
  • short_shallow
  • no_shallow
privateboolBeach is 'private' (isolated)?
naturalShadeboolBeach has a natural shade?
showerboolBeach has a shower?
entertainmentboolBeach has an entertainment content?
nudeOfficialboolBeach is official nudist beach?
nudeSuitableboolBeach is suitable for nudism?
extraarrayAll available extra beach content. Array of <extra> elements. See <extra> (Extra beach content) for details.
othersetData of other beaches in the same place. See <other> (Other beaches data) for details.
imagesarrayBeach images. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (Image) for details.
<region> - Region reference
selfstringRegion name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Region ID.
<riviera> - Riviera reference
selfstringRiviera name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Riviera ID.
<place> - Place reference
selfstringPlace name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Place ID.
<beach> - Beach reference
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Beach ID.
<largerPlace> - Larger place data
existboolLarger place exists?
namestringLarger place name (only if the larger place exists).
idstringLarger place ID (only if the larger place exists).
boatTransportboolBoat transport is necessary to get to the larger place (only if the larger place exists)?
<islet> - Islet data
existboolPlace is on an islet?
namestringIslet name (only if the islet exists).
transportCarboolCar can be transported onto the islet (only if the islet exists)?
<beachesGeneral> - Place beaches data
nudeOfficialboolPlace has an official nudism beach?
nudeSuitableboolPlace has a beach suitable for nudism?
entertainmentboolPlace has a beach with an entertainment content?
naturalShadeboolPlace has a beach with a natural shade?
showerboolPlace has a beach with a shower?
privateboolPlace has a beach that is 'private' (isolated)?
extraarrayAll available extra beach content. Array of <extra> elements. See <extra> (Extra beach content) for details.
typesarrayAll available beach types. Array of <type> elements. See <type> (Beach type) for details.
accesstypePlace has a beach with this access type. Supported types are:
  • long_shallow
  • short_shallow
  • no_shallow
<other> - Other beaches data
typesarrayAll available beach types. Array of <type> elements. See <type> (Beach type) for details.
accesstypeSea access type. Supported types are:
  • long_shallow
  • short_shallow
  • no_shallow
nudeOfficialboolOfficial nudism beach?
nudeSuitableboolSuitable for nudism?
entertainmentboolEntertainment content?
naturalShadeboolNatural shade?
showerboolHas shower?
privatebool'Private' (isolated)?
extraarrayAll available extra beach content. Array of <extra> elements. See <extra> (Extra beach content) for details.
imagesarrayImages of other beaches. Array of <image> elements. See <image> (Image) for details.
<extra> - Extra beach content
cateringFacilityboolCatering facility?
waterParkboolWater park?
jetSkiboolJet ski?
pedalBoatboolPedal boat?
sportFacilitiesboolSport facilities?
playground boolPlayground?
beachumbrellaDeckchairboolBeachumbrella or/and deckchair?
lifeguardboolIs guarded by lifeguard?
parkingNearboolIs parking near?
adaptedForDisabledboolIs adapted for disabled?
suitableForDisabled boolIs suitable for disabled?
<image> - Image
selfarrayImage variants. Array of <variant> elements. See <variant> (Image variant data) for details. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image type (only for place). Supported types are:
    • place
    • beaches
<variant> - Image variant data
Image variants are versions of the same image, differentiated by size, listed if exist.
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Image variant type (size class). Supported types are:
    • l - large (max. 365px, horizontal or vertical)
    • s - small (115x86px)
    • m - medium (200x133px)
    • max4000x2667 - jumbo (max. height 4000px)
urlstringImage variant URL.
<coordinates> - Geography coordinates
longitudedecimalGeographical longitude.
latitudedecimalGeographical latitude.
altitudedecimalGeographical altitude.
<type> - Beach type
selftypeBeach type. Supported types are:
  • sand
  • pebble
  • stone
  • concrete
  • sharp_stone
  • riva

Example usage

Retrieve data of place with ID 'pl-220'.
Retrieve data of beach with ID 'be-223'.
Retrieve data of riviera with ID 'ri-17'.
Retrieve data of region with ID 're-1'.


Retrieve geography location names. Supported location types are place, riviera and region. Method can be used for implementation of location input field with autocomplete support.

Request parameters



<names> - Location names
selfarrayNames of all available locations (except beaches). Array of <name> elements. See <name> (Location name) for details.
<name> - Location name
selfstring Element has the following attributes:
  • id [string]: Location ID.
  • type [type]: Location type. Supported types are:
    • region
    • riviera
    • place
  • parentId [string]: Parent location ID.

Example usage

Get geography location names.


Search created orders (except temporary). Method is pagination aware (results are split across multiple pages).

Request parameters

qstringSearch string (case insensitive).
c_fromdateBegin of creation interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
c_todateEnd of creation interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
m_fromdate Begin of modification interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
m_todateEnd of modification interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
checkout_fromdateBegin of check out interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
checkout_todateEnd of check out interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD.
stypeStatus. Supported types are:
  • new - Reservation order is successfully submitted, waiting for Adriatic.hr to process it (method Order_confirm is called)
  • allowed - Adriatic.hr has checked the availability, confirmed the service availability, authorized and sent a pre-invoice, reservation confirmation is expected
  • denied - Adriatic.hr has checked the availability, the service is not available or the reservation processing has been stopped
  • failed - You aborted the reservation confirmation, the payment has not been made or the parameters have been changed before the reservation confirmation
  • accepted - You confirmed the reservation and Adriatic.hr confirmed it to the facility owner
  • paid_advance - Your advance payment has settled to our account, we are waiting for the payment of the remaining amount
  • paid - Payment of the remaining amount (or the whole total amount) has settled to our account, Adriatic.hr has to authorize the voucher, or the voucher has already been authorized
  • failed_paid - One of the parties canceled the reservation after the confirmation
  • paid_modified - There has been a change of some of the reservation parameters after the confirmation
sorttypeSort criterion. Supported types are:
  • created - Creation time
  • modified - Modification time
Default value is created.
sort_dirtypeSort direction. Supported types are:
  • asc - Ascending
  • desc - Descending
Default value is asc.
pageintPage number. Default value is 1.
limitintNumber of results per page (max. 25). Default value is 10.


<list> - List data
itemsarrayItems on current page. Array of <item> elements. See <item> (List item data) for details.
pagersetSet of pager elements. See <pager> (List pager data) for details.
<item> - List item data
ordersetOrder data. See Order_get - <order> (Order data) for details.
<pager> - List pager data
totalItemsintTotal items that match search criteria.
totalPagesintTotal pages.
currentPageintCurrent page.
pageLimitintMaximum number of items per page.

Example usage

Find orders.


Create new temporary order. It should be confirmed during the ordering process. New order is empty and should be populated with order items and guest data before confirmation (closing).

Request parameters



Same as in {$method["response"]}.

Example usage

Create new empty order. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Retrieve order data.

Request parameters

idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.


<order> - Order data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Order ID.
itemsarrayOrder items. Array of <item> elements. See Order_addItem - <item> (Order item data) for details.
calcsetCosts calculation. See <calc> (Costs calculation data) for details.
cancellationCalcarrayCancellation calculation data. Array of <cancellationCalc> elements. See <cancellationCalc> (Cancellation calculation data) for details.
inheritedOrderintThe order ID that replaces this one.
userarrayUser data. Array of <user> elements. See <user> (User data) for details.
notesstringUser notes. Special text field which allows user to enter custom notes during (preferably at the last step) the ordering process is highly recommended for better user experience.
statustypeOrder's current status. Supported types are:
  • temp - Order is temporary - it is not finished, i. e. it has not gone through all the steps of the reservation form (method Order_confirm is not called yet)
  • new - Reservation order is successfully submitted, waiting for Adriatic.hr to process it (method Order_confirm is called)
  • allowed - Adriatic.hr has checked the availability, confirmed the service availability, authorized and sent a pre-invoice, reservation confirmation is expected
  • denied - Adriatic.hr has checked the availability, the service is not available or the reservation processing has been stopped
  • failed - You aborted the reservation confirmation, the payment has not been made or the parameters have been changed before the reservation confirmation
  • accepted - You confirmed the reservation and Adriatic.hr confirmed it to the facility owner
  • paid_advance - Your advance payment has settled to our account, we are waiting for the payment of the remaining amount
  • paid - Payment of the remaining amount (or the whole total amount) has settled to our account, Adriatic.hr has to authorize the voucher, or the voucher has already been authorized
  • failed_paid - One of the parties canceled the reservation after the confirmation
  • paid_modified - There has been a change of some of the reservation parameters after the confirmation
makingPaymentDatasetData for making credit card payment. See <makingPaymentData> (Data for making payment) for details.
<calc> - Costs calculation data
itemsarrayCosts calculation item. Array of <item> elements. See <item> (Costs calculation item data) for details.
paymentsarrayPayments ordered by term. Array of <payment> elements. See <payment> (Payment data) for details.
totalPricearrayTotal price amounts. Multiple amount elements in case of multiple currencies. Array of <amount> elements. See <amount> (Total price amount data) for details.
commissionfloatPartner (your) commission amount. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
<item> - Costs calculation item data
namestringItem's name.
unittypeItem's unit. Empty in some cases (e.g. if the item is a discount). Supported types are:
  • night
  • night_person
  • night_pet
  • person
  • total
unitPricefloatUnit price. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
pricefloatItem's price. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
groupintIndex of item's group. This is not intended for display, only as a helper if the similar items should be groupped together in the final (displayed to user) costs calculation table.
<payment> - Payment data
termdatetimeTerm of payment. Date-time string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
amountfloatValue. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
<amount> - Total price amount data
selffloatValue. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
<cancellationCalc> - Cancellation calculation data
amountfloatTotal price amount data. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
commissionfloatPartner (your) commission amount. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
<inheritedOrder> - The order that replaces this one data
idintOrder id of the order that replaces this one.
<user> - User data
firstNamestringFirst name.
lastNamestringLast name.
countrystringCountry name. Element has the following attributes:
  • code [string]: Two-letter country code (according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard) in lowercase.
emailstringE-mail address.
phonesarrayPhone numbers. Array of <phone> elements. See <phone> (Phone data) for details.
<phone> - Phone data
selfstringPhone number.
<makingPaymentData> - Data for making payment
amountfloatValue. Element has the following attributes:
  • currency [string]: Three-letter currency code (according to ISO 4217 standard) in lowercase.
requestCodestringOur custom parameter which describes the payment. Needs to be forwarded to payment provider.
orderDescriptionstringDescription of service consumer is paying for. Must not contain any special characters or line breaks
confirmUrlstringUrl for server-to-server communication. Payment provider sends return values containing the result of the payment process to this link.
paymentUrlstringLink for credit card payment.

Example usage

Retrieve data of order with ID 1234. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Confirm existing order. Should be called at the end of the ordering process.

Request parameters

idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.


No data is returned.

Example usage

Confirm order with ID 1234. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Cancel existing temporary order. Should be called if the order is not accepted (guest changes his mind during the ordering process).

Request parameters

idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.


No data is returned.

Example usage

Cancel order with ID 1234. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Set guest data. Guest data are required to be set before order confirmation.

Request parameters

idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.
fnstringFirst name. This parameter is required.
lnstringLast name. This parameter is required.
cstringTwo-letter country code (according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard) in lowercase. This parameter is required.
estringE-mail address. Required only if phone number is not given.
pstringPhone number. Required only if e-mail address is not given.


No data is returned.

Example usage

Set guest data for order with ID 1234. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Add new order item.

Request parameters

order_idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.
ttypeItem type. Sole supported type is:
  • private_units
This parameter is required.
ulist Comma delimited list of accommodation unit IDs. One or more accommodation units of the same house are supported only. Example: "1868,1869". This parameter is required.
i_fromdateBegin of interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD. This parameter is required.
i_todateEnd of interval. Allowed format is YYYY-MM-DD. This parameter is required.
pintNumber of persons. This parameter is required.
p_agelist Comma delimited list of number of persons per age range. Four age ranges exist and number of persons must be given for all of them (even if it is zero), in the following order: above 18, 12 to 18, 4 to 12 and under 4. Example: "4,0,2,0". This parameter is required.
p_unitlist Comma delimited list of number of persons per accommodation unit. List is 2-dimensional - list item is a semicolon delimited pair of accommodation unit ID and number of persons. This parameter in required only if more then one accommodation unit is chosen. Example: "1868;7,1869;6".
petintNumber of pets. This parameter is required.
pet_descstringPets description. Special text field which allows user to enter pets description is highly recommended for more efficient ordering process.
foodtypeFood service type. Supported types are:
  • breakfast
  • halfboard
  • fullboard


<item> - Order item data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Order item ID.
  • type [type]: Item type. Sole supported type is:
    • private_units
unitsarrayAccommodation units. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Accommodation unit data) for details.
personsetNumber of persons data. See <person> (Number of persons data) for details.
intervalsetDate interval data. See <interval> (Date interval data) for details.
petCountintNumber of pets.
petDescstringPets description.
foodtypeFood type. Supported types are:
  • breakfast
  • halfboard
  • fullboard
<unit> - Accommodation unit data
selfstringAccommodation unit name. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.
<person> - Number of persons data
countintTotal number of persons.
agesarrayNumber of persons per age range. Array of <age> elements. See <age> (Number of person per age range data.) for details.
unitsarrayNumber of persons per accommodation unit. Array of <unit> elements. See <unit> (Number of person per accommodation unit data.) for details.
<interval> - Date interval data
fromdateBegin of interval. Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
todateEnd of interval. Date string in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO 8601). Time zone is Croatian - GMT+1 (+DST).
<age> - Number of person per age range data.
selfintNumber of persons. Element has the following attributes:
  • type [type]: Age range type. Supported types are:
    • 18- - over 18 years
    • 12-18 - 12 to 18 years
    • 4-12 - 4 to 12 years
    • -4 - under 4 years
<unit> - Number of person per accommodation unit data.
selfintNumber of persons. Element has the following attributes:
  • id [int]: Accommodation unit ID.

Example usage

Add new private accommodation order item to order with ID 1234. Order item contains two accommodation units in interval from 2025-07-21 to 2025-07-28, 13 persons and no pets. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Remove existing order item.

Request parameters

idintOrder item ID. This parameter is required.
order_idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.


No data is returned.

Example usage

Remove order item with ID 1 from order with ID 1234. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Set user's custom notes.

Request parameters

idintOrder ID. This parameter is required.
notesstringUser's notes. This parameter is required.


No data is returned.

Example usage

Set user's notes for order with ID 1234. This is a syntax example only, this method can not be used with the test application ID supplied (for security purposes).


Retrieve method text.

Request parameters

mtypeMethod name. Supported types are:
  • Geo_find
  • Geo_get
  • Geo_getNames
  • Private_find
  • Private_findReviews
  • Private_getHouse
  • Private_getUnit
  • Private_getAvailStatus
  • Private_getUnavailDates
  • Order_get
  • Order_addItem
  • Order_setNotes
This parameter is required.


<text> - Text data
selfn/a Element has no value. Element has the following attributes:
  • method [string]: Method name.
paramsarrayMethod parameters with associated text. Array of <param> elements. See <param> (Method parameter data) for details.
nodesarrayMethod response XML nodes with associated text. Array of <node> elements. See <node> (Method response XML node data) for details.
typesarrayTypes with associated text. Array of <type> elements. See <type> (Type data) for details.
<param> - Method parameter data
selfstringParameter text. Element has the following attributes:
  • name [string]: Parameter name.
<node> - Method response XML node data
selfstringNode text. Element has the following attributes:
  • path [string]: XPath path.
<type> - Type data
paramsarrayMethod parameters which use this type. Array of <param> elements. See <param> (Method parameter name) for details.
nodesarrayMethod response XML nodes which use this type. Array of <node> elements. See <node> (Method response XML node path) for details.
optionsarrayType options. Array of <option> elements. See <option> (Type option data) for details.
<param> - Method parameter name
selfstringParameter name.
<node> - Method response XML node path
selfstringXPath path.
<option> - Type option data
selfstringOption text. Element has the following attributes:
  • name [string]: Option name.

Example usage

Retrieve text of method Geo_find.
Retrieve text of method Geo_get.
Retrieve text of method Private_find.
Retrieve text of method Private_findReviews.
Retrieve text of method Private_getHouse.
Retrieve text of method Private_getUnit.
Retrieve text of method Private_getAvailStatus.
Retrieve text of method Private_getUnavailDates.
Retrieve text of method Order_get.
Retrieve text of method Order_addItem.
Retrieve text of method Order_setNotes.


Retrieve error text translation.

Request parameters

codeintError code. This parameter is required.


<error> - Error data
messagetextTranslated error message. Element has the following attributes:
  • code [int]: Error code.

Example usage

Retrieve error message translation for error code 200.
Retrieve error message translation for error code 217.

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