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Pula - Book Fair

Print Опубликовано: 30.11.10
Pula - Book Fair

This December Pula will host “Sa(n)jam knjige” fair for the 15th time. Couple of enthusiasts decided in 1995 to promote literary creativity to the Istrian public, and today during the fair pula is a place of gathering for many culture enthusiasts and the fair has become one of the most important literary events in the country. This year books will be the main theme in Pula from December 3rd till 15th, 200 publishers will be presented and 190 fair events held, the most interesting ones including meetings with many distinguished writers. The fair in Pula is thematically organized around an idea about communication between literature and film. That is why the fair will be opened by writer Zeruya Shaley and actress Maria Schrader who has directed a film based on a novel of the mentioned writer. Numerous domestic writers will present their latest works and participate in events which will this year again, alongside with the affordable prices, attract many visitors.



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