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Internationalization of business through exhibitions at fairs for Adriatic.hr

The aim of this project is to strengthen the Company's competitiveness and increase its market share in international markets by participating in international tourism fairs in order to present its services and arrangements to potential customers and business partners more easily and qualitatively. The target groups covered by the project are all employees of the Company, current and future customers, partners, closer and wider social community.

Project name: Internationalization of business through exhibitions at fairs for Adriatic.hr; KK.
User's name: ADRIATIC.HR d.o.o.
The total value of the project: 219.301,00 HRK
EU co-financing of the project: 136.370,65 HRK
Project implementation period: 1.11.2019. – 1.6.2021.

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of the publication / broadcast material is the sole responsibility of the company Adriatic.hr d.o.o.

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