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Dubrovnik Says Goodbye to the Year 2010

Print Опубликовано: 29.12.10
Dubrovnik Says Goodbye to the Year 2010

Dubrovnik is one of the favourite New Year's Eve destinations in Croatia. Every year performers are being carefully selected for the special event in Dubrovnik – merry New Year's Eve in the main town street, Stradun, with fireworks and fun till early in the morning. In winter there are many guests that are coming to Dubrovnik, the most prominent Croatian tourist town, as for the 15th year in a row spectacular New Year celebration is organized. This year 3500 local and foreign guests are expected to come. There will be performance of the traditional folk songs in the morning, and in the evening there will be four musicians performing on the stage in Stradun to warm up the crowd for the cheerful welcome of the year 2011. There will be great fireworks at midnight to highlight the celebration. Those who will still want to party on Sunday will get the chance to enjoy the concerts of the local music bands.



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