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Blog despre Croația

citiți despre frumusețile naturale și despre cultura din Croația, adunați idei proaspete pentru călătoria la Marea Adriatică și aflați sfaturi utile.

The love story of Dalmatia and UNESCO

The love story of Dalmatia and UNESCO

Publicat: 04.06.2011
The unique beauty of tangible and intangible heritage will win you over with the story written by UNESCO on the coast of Croatia. Dalmatia eagerly awaits with her ten most attractive... Mai multe...
 Pula in the hands of the gladiators

Pula in the hands of the gladiators

Publicat: 27.05.2011
Gladiatorial fighting, Roman feasting and music from the ancient times will mark this year's Antiquity Days in Pula. If you wish to acquaint yourselves with the ancient Roman tradition by using... Mai multe...
 Istria opens up her wine cellars

Istria opens up her wine cellars

Publicat: 21.05.2011
Get yourself acquainted with Istria by trying out some of her finest wines on the Wine Cellars' Open Day. The signatures of Istrian winemakers in the glasses of Malvasia, Muscat and Refosco... Mai multe...
 Makarska: Dalmacija Wine Expo

Makarska: Dalmacija Wine Expo

Publicat: 28.04.2011
Makarska will treat all wine lovers with the opportunity of tasting chosen Croatian wines at this year Dalmacija Wine Expo. From April 28th till 30th best vine sorts will be presented that have... Mai multe...


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