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Blog despre Croația

citiți despre frumusețile naturale și despre cultura din Croația, adunați idei proaspete pentru călătoria la Marea Adriatică și aflați sfaturi utile.

Krk - Destination of Venus

Krk - Destination of Venus

Publicat: 24.02.2011
Krk has once again revealed a fascinating discovery from its ancient history to the world! Everything happened - by chance. Archaeological remains from Roman times were found during renovation of... Mai multe...
Rab este strămoșul lui San Marino?

Rab este strămoșul lui San Marino?

Publicat: 17.02.2011
Cum Rab a creat San Marino? Astăzi este greu să separăm complet faptele istorice de ficțiune, dar legenda despre înființarea actualului stat de pe peninsula Apenin încă este povestită. Marin, care... Mai multe...
Walled Peljesac

Walled Peljesac

Publicat: 10.02.2011
Peljesac, on the far South of the Adriatic coast, invites visitors with the smell of salt and taste of wine. The oldest European salt pan and autochthonous wine sorts are not the only thing to... Mai multe...
Fairies Seige Pula

Fairies Seige Pula

Publicat: 10.02.2011
Pula is a town in Istria very popular among guests and it is known outside the borders of Croatia by its recognizable symbol – amphitheatre. It is known fact that the one of the best preserved... Mai multe...
Pag Unveils Roman Underground

Pag Unveils Roman Underground

Publicat: 26.01.2011
Pag island and Novalja get into media spotlight mostly with scenes of non stop party on the hot sand of Zrce beach. This image overshadows a bit the fact that Pag has fascinating archaeological... Mai multe...
Sunken Pag

Sunken Pag

Publicat: 27.01.2011
Coves on the Pag island are just perfect for enjoying in summer, and one of them holds a legend of a sunken city, that has been compared to the Atlantis. On the sea bed in Caska cove there lay... Mai multe...


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