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European Museum of the Year in Croatia?

Print Publicat: 02.03.2011
European Museum of the Year in Croatia?

Among many museums in Croatia, one has a chance to win the European Museum of the Year Award. The choice is focused on those museums that showed artifacts presentation innovation thus attracting large audience, i. e. accomplished a goal of making culture an essential part of everyday life of the visitors. Museum of Broken Relationships from Croatia is an ideal candidate for this prestigious award because the museum's “theme” - broken relationships – is new and yet really familiar to each visitor. Museum of Broken Relationships started in a nomadic way – a small collection has been hosted in numerous towns where the visitors donated “artifacts” from their former relationships thus taking an active role in creating the collection. From October 2010 the museum is permanently situated in Zagreb, and during the first week alone, more than a thousand visitors came to see the remains of broken relationships from all over the world.



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