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Croatia Wines and Dines New York

Print Publicat: 25.03.2011
Croatia Wines and Dines New York

Croatia, as it becomes more and more popular among world's top travel destinations, will have the opportunity to shine on the other side of the Atlantic by “liquid” means. Croatia cherishes a long tradition of vine breeding on the sunny hill slopes on the Adriatic., and flavours of its white and red wines will be presented in New York on March 26th. Croatia will get the chance to display a range of its wines at the "Wine 101 One Night" seminar. The participants will have the opportunity to taste 12 wines and have an expert guidance in learning all about the flavours and aromas offered by Croatia. White and red wines, the autochtonous wine sorts unknown to the American audience will be presented by the best enological products of Croatia.When announcing the seminar to the American audience, the organizers ended their invitation with “The names may be hard to pronounce, yet the juice goes down easily” and allow us to add, equally excite the participants.



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