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Kroatië Blog

lees over het natuurschoon en de cultuur in Kroatie, verzamel reisadvies en nuttige tips.

Top 5 ancient destinations on the Adriatic

Top 5 ancient destinations on the Adriatic

Gepubliceerd: 01-04-19
The Roman Empire has long ruled the Adriatic and it left an indelible mark. Numerous buildings and archaeological finds were left as witnesses of this time, which, with the exception of those in... Meer...
How to spend 7 days in Istria?

How to spend 7 days in Istria?

Gepubliceerd: 10-06-17
For your summer holidays, pick Istria, also known as the Croatian Toscana. To help you with your planning, we've created a seven day plan of your Istria stay – which cities to visit and how to... Meer...
 Istria under film-star-spangled skies

Istria under film-star-spangled skies

Gepubliceerd: 05-07-11
A summer filled with movie magic is the welcome Istria has prepared for visitors to its peninsula. The film festival takes over a Roman amphitheater (the Pula Arena) in July, before the adventure... Meer...
 Pula in the hands of the gladiators

Pula in the hands of the gladiators

Gepubliceerd: 27-05-11
Gladiatorial fighting, Roman feasting and music from the ancient times will mark this year's Antiquity Days in Pula. If you wish to acquaint yourselves with the ancient Roman tradition by using... Meer...
The Sound of Pula

The Sound of Pula

Gepubliceerd: 24-02-11
What does Pula and Hollywood have in common? What connects 3000 year old town on the Adriatic with Californian “dream factory”? Answer: “The Sound of Music” film that won 5 Academy Awards. This... Meer...
Fairies Seige Pula

Fairies Seige Pula

Gepubliceerd: 10-02-11
Pula is a town in Istria very popular among guests and it is known outside the borders of Croatia by its recognizable symbol – amphitheatre. It is known fact that the one of the best preserved... Meer...


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