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Blog sur la Croatie

Lisez davantage à propos des beautés naturelles et de la culture de Croatie, prenez de bonnes idées pour votre futur voyage sur la mer Adriatique et profitez de ces conseils utiles.

European Museum of the Year in Croatia?

European Museum of the Year in Croatia?

Posté: 02/03/11
Among many museums in Croatia, one has a chance to win the European Museum of the Year Award. The choice is focused on those museums that showed artifacts presentation innovation thus attracting... En plus...
Mljet - Ulysses Cave

Mljet - Ulysses Cave

Posté: 16/11/10
As many other Dalmatian islands, Mljet is also characterized by steep, inaccessible parts of its coast where there are always many intervening adventure tales. One of the legends related to the... En plus...
11th Rally Porec

11th Rally Porec

Posté: 08/11/10
11th Porec Rally will be held in Porec next weekend. From November 12th till 14th the town will host many speed and car lovers. The contestants will drive 290km on asphalt ground in this race, and... En plus...
Promotion of Croatia in Prague

Promotion of Croatia in Prague

Posté: 01/11/10
Croatia will present its offer for the upcoming season at the MADI Travel Market in Prague. It is the most important meeting of professional workers in tourism for Central and Eastern European... En plus...
Croatia - A New Star in Britain

Croatia - A New Star in Britain

Posté: 25/10/10
Croatia won high 4th place in British Travel Awards this year, in Most Desirable Tourist Destination category. The list was compiled by renowned British Guardian magazine, and its annual choice... En plus...
Croatia at The World Fairs

Croatia at The World Fairs

Posté: 23/09/10
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies informed that Croatia was being presented at two major world fairs, in USA and Japan. Croatian National Tourist Board in USA participated in "The Trade... En plus...



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