Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
thank you for the beautiful holiday spent by the adriatic agency. All photos and information were true, and that's scarce. rod. Vinczeová and Martinková, Trenčín
ďakujeme za krásne strávenú dovolenku, ktorú nám odporučila agentúra adriatic. Všetky fotky a informácie boli pravdivé a to je vzácnosť. rod. Vinczeová a Martinková, Trenčín
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(12 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Yesterday we came back from a beautiful holiday from Duce. Very nice to thank travel agency for the great places it has for clients in this town, respectively. village Duce. We were about 100 m from the beach, the trip to the beach lasted 1 minute. We were in object no. 2821, the landlords were very nice people. The building was clean and it was easy to say that everything was in a modern style. Once again thanks for a wonderful holiday. Everything I recommend this is modern, close to the beach and is still clean. Andrea and his family
Včera sme sa vrátili z prekrásnej dovolenky z Duče. Veľmi pekne sa musím poďakovať cestovnej kancelárii za ozaj skvelé miesta, ktoré má pre klientov práve v tomto mestečku, resp. dedinke Duče. My sme bývali asi 100 m od pláže, cesta na pláž trvala 1 minútu. Bývali sme v objekte č. 2821, prenajímatelia boli veľmi príjemní ľudia. V objekte bolo čisto a dá sa povedať, že tam všetko bolo v modernom štýle ladené. Ešte raz vďaka za nádhernú dovolenku. Každému tento objekt odporúčam, je moderný, blízko k pláži a je tam stále čisto. Andrea s rodinkou
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(12 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Fast and efficient service. On Monday payment of the advance payment, on Thursday the voucher. I recommend this office. I hope that everything will turn out ok.Reszta wrażeń after return. Regards for Monika: smile:
Szybka i sprawna obsługa.W poniedziałek wpłata zaliczki ,w czwartek voucher.Polecam to biuro.Mam nadzieje ,że na miejscu wszystko okaże się ok.Reszta wrażeń po powrocie.Pozdrowienia dla Pani Moniki:smile:
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(12 July 2007)
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Polish (original)
Everything was great !!! And the most important was Mrs. Monika's lovely service !!! Thank you very much Marek Hojka
Wszystko było super !!! A najważniejsza była przemiła obsługa pani Moniki !!! Serdecznie dziękuję
Marek Hojka
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(12 July 2007)
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Polish (original)
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(12 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
so far everything is perfect !! it is hoped that it will be just as good to Hvar as well
fin'ora tutto perfetto!!
si spera che sia altrettanto anche a Hvar
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(12 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
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(12 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
The first time I used the services It was seamless, perfect perfect. I recommend others.
Prvý krát som použil služby Bolo to bezproblémové, priam perfektné. Doporučujem aj ďalším.
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(12 July 2007)
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Slovak (original)
until now the service has been excellent we will let you know better about your stay thanks Teresa Di Lernia
fino ad ora il servizio è stato eccellente vi faremo sapere meglio anche riguardo il soggiorno grazie Teresa Di Lernia
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(11 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
Your website is very good because we have chosen a holiday through your agency.we thank Všianský Pavel with your family
Vaše internetové stránky jsou velmi dobré proto jsme si vybrali dovolenou přes Vaší agenturu.děkujeme Všianský Pavel s rodinou
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(11 July 2007)
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Czech (original)