Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Surprising efficiency and speed. Congratulations. Great job! : Smile:
Sorprendente l'efficienza e la celerità.Complimenti
Ottimo lavoro !
You've rated us:
(15 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
: happy: I have been using this agency for several years to book the apartment for the summer holidays and I have always found the advice really good
:happy:sono diversi anni che mi servo di questa agenzia per prenotare l'appartamento per le vacanze estive e mi sono sempre trovato bene la consiglio veramente
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(15 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
Anonimno's travel agency website is very well-developed and offers its clients very detailed information on the accommodation offered. We've decided to use your agency for the first time, and it's all done quickly and without any problems. So now we hope our holiday will be in the same spirit, we are looking forward to it and if we are satisfied with your agency then we will be happy to use your services in the following years as well:
Internetové stránky cestovní agentury jsou velmi dobře zpracované a nabízejí klientům velmi podrobné informace o nabízeném ubytování. Služeb vaší agentury jsme se rozhodli využít poprvé a zatím vše proběhlo rychle a bez problémů. Tak teď doufáme, že i naše dovolená proběhne ve stejném duchu, už se moc těšíme a pokud budeme i poté s vaší agenturou spokojeni, rádi využijeme vašich služeb i v následujích letech.:smile:
You've rated us:
(14 April 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am very pleased with your agency, as I was able to book my vacation easily via the Internet. I hope that I will also like the selected apartment.
Z vašo agencijo sem zelo zadovoljna, saj sem dopust brez težav rezervirala preko interneta. Upam, da mi bo všeč tudi izbrani apartma.
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(14 April 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
We drive from Adriatic for the first time, but we are still satisfied with the services and orders. Thank you: wink:
Těd jedeme z Adriatic poprvé ale zatím sme spokojení z vyřízením služeb,a objednávky.
You've rated us:
(13 April 2008)
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Czech (original)
Everything went well and very fast.
Vše proběhlo v pořádku a velice rychle.
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(13 April 2008)
English Google Translate |
Czech (original)
great site and great availability of staff !! Thank you so much for the clarity of the site and the answers very fast !!
ottimo sito e grande disponibilita del personale!!Grazie mille per la chiarezza del sito e le risposte molto veloci!!
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(13 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
I already used the office services last year, I was very happy, this year we are also going with Everything on 5+
Korzystałem już z usług biura w zeszłym roku,byłem bardzo zadowolony, w tym roku jedziemy też z na 5+
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(13 April 2008)
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Polish (original)
After some doubts and uncertainties for the use of an online agency, I can say that I am fully satisfied with both the availability and the clarity of the information I have been given. For all the rest you are waiting, we will definitely contact you on our return, commenting on the stay in your wonderful land. See you soon good work
Dopo un pò di dubbi e incertezze per l'utilizzo di un' agenzia on line,posso dire che sono pienamente soddisfatta sia della disponibilità sia per la chiarezza delle informazioni che mi sono state date.Per tutto il resto restate in attesa,vi contatteremo sicuramente al nostro ritorno,commentando il soggiorno nella vostra meravigliosa terra.A presto buon lavoro
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(13 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
The pages are clear twice, we have convinced that they correspond to reality.We believe that this will be the case this year.Spolupráce is good and on the level if the problem was always solved to our satisfaction.
Stránky jsou přehledné již dvakrát jsme se přesvědčili,že odpovídají skutečnosti.Věříme,že tomu tak bude i letos.Spolupráce je kvalitní a na úrovni,pokud vznikl problém byl vždy řešen k naší spokojenosti.
You've rated us:
(12 April 2008)
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Czech (original)