Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
As far as the adriatic CK services are concerned, I have to express my satisfaction. Last summer we have already taken advantage of the services of this CK and have been extremely satisfied. What we have been offered on the internet was actually. I have a reminder of the 24-hour deadline for payment of the deposit. It would be better if they offered at least a 3-day payment period, for example, when the ordering person can not download the invoice because he can not see the incoming mail: smile :: heart :: happy:
Čo sa týka služieb CK adriatic musím vyjadriť len svoju spokojnosť. Minulé leto sme už využili služby tejto CK a boli sme nadmieru spokojný. To co nám bolo ponúkané na internete bolo aj v skutočnosti. Akurát mám pripomienku k 24 hodinovému termínu na zaplatenie zálohy. Bolo by lepšie keby sa ponúkla aspoň 3 dňová lehota na zaplatenie, a to z dôvodu, napr. keď objednávajúci si náhodou nemôže prevziať faktúru, lebo nemá možnosť si pozrieť doručenú poštu.:smile::heart::happy:
You've rated us:
(26 April 2008)
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Slovak (original)
For now I am very satisfied. I hope that both the holiday and the home will satisfy us just as much
Per adesso sono molto soddisfatto. Spero che sia la vacanza che la casa ci soddisfino altrettanto
You've rated us:
(26 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
the organization was efficient
l' organizzazione è stata efficente
You've rated us:
(26 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
Two years ago, we used the services ... the apartment looked exactly like the pictures. We quickly settled formalities. I would recommend! This year we also "leave" with Adriatic:)
Dwa lata temu korzystaliśmy z usług... kwatera wyglądała dokładnie jak na zdjęciach. Formalności szybko załatwiliśmy. Polecam! W tym roku również "wyjeżdżamy" z Adriatikiem:)
You've rated us:
(25 April 2008)
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Polish (original)
It 'been all very efficient and fast The only fact is that it is not allowed to pay with prepaid credit cards
E' stato tutto molto efficente e rapido Il solo appunto è che non è concesso il pagamento con carte do credito prepagate
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(25 April 2008)
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Italian (original)
Holidays will definitely be successful. We look forward. I will share my opinions when I come back from Adriatic !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wakacje na pewno bendą udane.Czekamy z niecierpliwością.Wrażeniami podzielę się jak wrócę z nad Adriaticu!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(25 April 2008)
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Polish (original)
Good website. Immediately answer. Thank you
Good website. Immediately answer. Thank you
You've rated us:
(24 April 2008)
English original |
English (original)
Hello, internet pages are clear and well-worked. And the whole approach is professional and decent. Mertens
Dobrý den, internertové stránky jsou přehledné a dobře zpracované.A celkoý přístup mi píjde profesionální a slušný. Mertensová
You've rated us:
(24 April 2008)
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Czech (original)
I was very excited about the travel agency. Choosing a place, enough information about accommodation and last but not least quick communication and ordering was super: wink: I will leave the overall rating after the holidays. Sometimes what really is in the picture looks different: sad: But I hope our case will not be this year: cool: Kryštofová, Brno
Cestovní kanceláří jsem velice nadšená.Výběr místa,dostatek informací ohledně ubytování a v neposlední řadě také rychlá komunikace a vyřízení objednávek bylo super:wink:Celkové hodnocení ale nechám až po dovolené.Někdy totiž to co je na obrázku ve skutečnosti vypadá jinak:sad:Doufám ale, že náš případ to letos nebude:cool:Kryštofová, Brno
You've rated us:
(23 April 2008)
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Czech (original)
The web is great, you can choose the accommodation exactly according to your ideas. All of them are also very quick / booked, paid, voucher /. The subsequent communication with Mrs. Petrani about our queries is very swift. All you have to do is thank. Now just the sun and the first weather: smile :: smile:
Web je skvělý, lze si vybrat ubytování přesně podle svých představ.Vše je navíc vyřízeno velice rychle/rezervace, zaplacení,voucher/. I následná komunikace s p.Petraniovou ohledně našich dotazů je velice svižná. Nezbývá než poděkovat. Teď už jen to sluníčko a prima počasíčko:smile::smile:
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(23 April 2008)
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Czech (original)