Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
We have already used internet agencies but the accommodation did not exactly match the promises. We'll see and we'll know .... For the moment, anyway, great service. Thank you. : Happy:
Abbiamo già usufruito di agenzie su internet ma gli alloggi non corrispondevano esattamente alle promesse. Vedremo e faremo sapere.... Per il momento, comunque, ottimo servizio. Grazie.:happy:
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(10 May 2008)
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Italian (original)
: smile: For the moment that happiness! We have very quick answers to our questions. we do not feel alone in research! Hope that the stay is consistent with the photos !!
:smile: Pour le moment que du bonheur ! On a des réponses très rapides à nos questions. on ne se sent pas seuls dans recherche! Espérons que le séjour soit conforme aux photos !!
You've rated us:
(9 May 2008)
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French (original)
Very good, congratulations for the quick service.
Très bien, bravo pour le service rapide.
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(9 May 2008)
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French (original)
Everything is nice and right, no problems and problems.
Vse lepo in prav, brez težav in problemov.
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(8 May 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Thank you very much Svetlana Blueberry! How many times the bank did not confirm payment to me, and she was very attentive to all my letters, answered always on time and in essence! Soon we go to Croatia, thanks !!!!: lol:
Спасибо большое Светлане Голубик! Сколько раз мне банк не подтверждал оплату, а она очень внимательно относилась ко всем моим письмам, отвечала всегда вовремя и по существу! Скоро едем В Хорватию, спасибо Адриатик.хр!!!!:lol:
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(7 May 2008)
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Russian (original)
With the web. the pages are full of satisfaction, in my opinion they are clear, they personally suit me.: happy: I am happy with Mrs Petrani's approach and approach, which I thank. All the correspondence was correct and without complications: heart: My impression with CK Adriatic and services is very good: heart :: heart :: heart :: smile: The second part of my opinion (evaluation) will follow after the holiday we are all looking forward. Martinková "BA"
S web. stránkami úplná spokojenost, podle mého názoru jsou přehledné, mě osobně vyhovovaly.:happy: Jsem spokojená s jednaním a přístupem paní Petraniové, které tímto děkuji. Všechna korespondence probíhala korektně a bez komplikací.:heart: Múj dojem s CK Adriatic a službami je veľmi dobrý.:heart::heart::heart::smile: Druhá část mého názoru (hodnocení) bude následovat po skončení dovolenky, na kterou se všichni těšíme. Martinková "BA"
You've rated us:
(6 May 2008)
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Slovak (original)
The pages are very clear. All the things we have agreed to have been met: cool :: happy :: heart :: lol:
Stránky velice přehledné .Vše O.K. co jsme se domluvili bylo splněno:cool::happy::heart::lol:
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(6 May 2008)
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Czech (original)
Excellent agency! Precise, punctual and exquisite courtesy. I recommend it to everyone!
Ottima agenzia!
Precisa, puntuale e di squisita cortesia.
La consiglio a tutti!
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(6 May 2008)
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Italian (original)
I go for the first time a bit worried because the agency did not have money for a long time, but now everything is ok. I will describe the impressions of the visit after returning: smile:
Jadę pierwszy raz trochę sie martwiłam bo długo na konto agencji nie wpływały pieniądze, ale teraz wszystko jest ok. Wrażenia z pobytu opiszę po powrocie:smile:
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(5 May 2008)
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Polish (original)
I express my deep gratitude to the agency and in particular Svetlana Golubich! The second year in a row I use the services of the agency. Excellent site in Russian, excellent navigation, a huge selection of apartments in any corner of Croatia, minimum costs when searching and paying for a reservation, responsible attitude of the manager to work with clients! Thank you very much, Svetlana, keep it up!
Выражаю огромную благодарность агентству и в частности Светлане Голубич! Второй год подряд пользуюсь услугами агентства. Отличный сайт на русском языке, отменная навигация, огромный выбор аппартаментов в любом уголке Хорватии, минимуим затрат при поиске и оплате бронирования, ответственное отношение менеджера к работе с клиентами! Спасибо Вам огромное, Светлана, так держать!
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(5 May 2008)
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Russian (original)