Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Hello, We also use Adriatic services for the second time, and I believe we will be happy with this holiday this year. The pages are clear and so people know where and where they are going:
Dobrý deň,
Aj my využívame služby Adriaticu už po druhý krát, a verím, že aj tento rok budeme s dovolenkou spokojní. Stránky sú prehľadné a tak človek vie, kam a do čoho ide.:smile:
You've rated us:
(9 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
You've rated us:
(9 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Regarding all the praise itself, especially go. Dunja, who was extremely friendly and also quick with answers.
Glede vsega same pohvale, predvsem go. Dunji, ki je bila izredno prijazna in tudi hitra z odgovori.
You've rated us:
(9 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Regarding all the praise itself, especially go. Dunja, who was extremely friendly and also quick with answers.
Glede vsega same pohvale, predvsem go. Dunji, ki je bila izredno prijazna in tudi hitra z odgovori.
You've rated us:
(9 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
About your WEB page I can tell you that it's very well designed and easy to use. The information is complete and indescribable. Regards Borbely L
Despre pagina Dvs. de WEB va pot spune ca este foarte bine conceput si usor de utilizat. Informatiile sint complete si indestulatoare.
Cu respect
Borbely L
You've rated us:
(9 June 2008)
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Romanian (original)
I highly recommend the services always profsional.
goraco polecam usługi
zawsze profsjonalne.
You've rated us:
(8 June 2008)
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Polish (original)
I would like to thank Mrs. Alena Bešinová and the whole CK for the quick fulfillment of our order and we look forward to a nice stay: smile: I wish a lot of satisfied clients: smile: Dobešová Vlaďka
Chtěla bych moc poděkovat paní Aleně Bešinové i celé CK za rychlé vyřízení naší objednávky a těšíme se, že i pobyt bude fajn:smile:přeji hodně spokojených klientů:smile:Dobešová Vlaďka
You've rated us:
(7 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
I would like to thank Mrs. Alena Bešinová and the whole CK for the quick fulfillment of our order and we look forward to a nice stay: smile: I wish a lot of satisfied clients: smile: Dobešová Vlaďka
Chtěla bych moc poděkovat paní Aleně Bešinové i celé CK za rychlé vyřízení naší objednávky a těšíme se, že i pobyt bude fajn:smile:přeji hodně spokojených klientů:smile:Dobešová Vlaďka
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(7 June 2008)
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Czech (original)
Reservation performed exactly as expected: smile:
Rezervacia prebehla presne podla ocakavania:smile:
You've rated us:
(7 June 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Very fast and friendly service. The pages are very good, because they really do not let anything coincide. We will contact you.
Zelo hiter in prijazen servis.
Strani so zelo dobre, saj res ničesar ne prepuščajo naključju.
Še vas bomo kontaktirali.
You've rated us:
(6 June 2008)
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Slovenian (original)