Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
on vacation was perfect home super sure you go back: cool:
na dovolenke bolo perfektne domaci super urcite sa tam vratime:cool:
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(15 September 2008)
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Slovak (original)
guest: Veturia Sukosd First of all, I thank the agency that provided me with all the promising and high quality services that I saw on the net we found in reality. host: five star house: four star beach: three stars
oaspete:Veturia Sukosd
In primul rind multunesc agentiei care mi-a pus la dispozitie toate serviciile promt si de calitate ,cea ce am vazut pe net am gasit si in realitate .
gazda :cinci stele
casa :patru stele
plaja :trei stele
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(15 September 2008)
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Romanian (original)
guest: Veturia Sukosd First of all, I thank the agency that provided me with all the promising and high quality services that I saw on the net we found in reality. host: five star house: four star beach: three stars
oaspete:Veturia Sukosd
In primul rind multunesc agentiei care mi-a pus la dispozitie toate serviciile promt si de calitate ,cea ce am vazut pe net am gasit si in realitate .
gazda :cinci stele
casa :patru stele
plaja :trei stele
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(15 September 2008)
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Romanian (original)
: Cool:: cool:: cool: all great. fast feedback, apartment complies with the specifications. I recommend
wszystko super. szybka informacja zwrotna, apartament zgodny z opisem. polecam
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(14 September 2008)
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Polish (original)
Croatia is a wonderful country. If you add to this wonderful accommodation reserved through guaranteed a good rest. Mila and owner of the apartment as shown on the site. I highly recommend Valet company. : Cool:: happy:
Chorwacja to wspanialy kraj. Jezeli do tego dodac wspaniala kwatere zarezerwowana poprzez to dobry wypoczynek gwarantowany.
Mila wlascicielka i kwatera jak pokazano w serwisie. Goraco polecam usugi firmy.
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(14 September 2008)
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Polish (original)
It was a very pleasant and relaxing holiday and I was very pleased and the accommodation was exactly as described on the site and your services.
A fost o vacanta foarte placuta si relaxanta si am fost foarte multumit si de cazare care a fost exact descrisa pe site si de serviciile dumneavoastra.
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(14 September 2008)
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Romanian (original)
I am very pleased with your stay in Croatia. I recommend to all. As for accommodation there did not surprise me, everything was so, as shown in inetnecie. The hostess was very nice and friendly. Moreover, Croatia is a beautiful country, where the views are unforgettable, it is warm, and the sea is clean. : Smile:
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z pobytu w Chorwacji. Polecam wszystkim. Jeżeli chodzi o kwaterę nic mnie nie zaskoczyło; wszystko było takie, jak przedstawione w inetnecie. Gospodyni była bardzo miła i przyjazna. Poza tym Chorwacja to piękny kraj, widoki są tam niezapomiane, jest ciepło, a morze jest czyste.:smile:
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(13 September 2008)
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Polish (original)
For the first time we used your service travel agency and we were very satisfied. Location Ivan Dolac is a beautiful place to relax, relax, comfort, beautiful beaches and friendly people. Thanks a lot. I wish you much success and positive comments:-): happy:
Letos poprvé jsme využili služeb Vaší CK a byli jsme moc spokojeni. Lokalita Ivan Dolac je krásné místo na relax, klídek, pohoda, nádherné pláže a příjemní lidé. Moc díky. Přeji hodně zdaru a kladných komentářů:-) :happy:
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(13 September 2008)
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Czech (original)
This year, for the first time, we used the services of your CV and were very satisfied. Ivan Dolac location is a beautiful place to relax, relax, relax, beautiful beaches and pleasant people. Thanks a lot. I wish a lot of good luck and positive comments:-): happy:
Letos poprvé jsme využili služeb Vaší CK a byli jsme moc spokojeni. Lokalita Ivan Dolac je krásné místo na relax, klídek, pohoda, nádherné pláže a příjemní lidé. Moc díky. Přeji hodně zdaru a kladných komentářů:-) :happy:
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(13 September 2008)
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Czech (original)
We are very pleased with the holiday on the Adriatic, very amiable host, accommodation tailored to the requirements of our family, I am very pleased with the service and welcome the opportunity to skorzystzm once again. Marzena Towasz and family (from Lublin): lol:: heart:
Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z wakacji nad adriatykiem, bardzo sympatyczny gospodarz,kwatera dostosowana do naszych wymagan rodzinnych, jestem bardzo zadowolony z usług i z miłą chęcią skorzystzm poraz kolejny. Towasz i Marzena z rodziną (z lubelszczyzny):lol::heart:
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(13 September 2008)
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Polish (original)