Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
We are repeatedly satisfied with smile:
Se službami jsme opakovaně spokojeni:smile:
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(18 February 2009)
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Czech (original)
So far, everything is good, contacts and ordering and information are at an excellent level, hopefully the same will stay: smile:
Zatím je vše dobré, kontakty a objednávání a informace jsou na vynikající úrovni, doufejme, že stejný bude i pobyt:smile:
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(18 February 2009)
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Czech (original)
So far, everything is good, contacts and ordering and information are at an excellent level, hopefully the same will stay: smile:
Zatím je vše dobré, kontakty a objednávání a informace jsou na vynikající úrovni, doufejme, že stejný bude i pobyt:smile:
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(18 February 2009)
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Czech (original)
I Have Used Their service now for the second time and I am really satisfied:: happy:
I have used their service now for the second time and I am realy satisfied::happy:
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(18 February 2009)
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Dutch (original)
Finding pages quickly and quickly. I use services in the first place, but I am satisfied with the booking system. The experience with the accommodation facility is not yet, but I believe it will be OK in the summer.
Hladanie na strankach prehladne a rychle. Vyuzivam sluzby prvykrat, ale zatial som spokojna s rezervacnym systemom. Skusenost s ponukanym ubytovacim zariadenim zatial este nemam, ale verim,ze v lete bude vsetko OK.
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(18 February 2009)
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Slovak (original)
Maximum satisfaction in dealing with all things in terms of ordering and accommodation security: heart:
Maximálna spokojnosť pri riešení všetkých vecí, čo sa týkalo objednania a aj zabezpečenia ubytovania,:heart:
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(18 February 2009)
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Slovak (original)
I am a new client of this tourist office and I recommend his services. The office is honest and very reliable. Very good communication is with the office by e-mail. I think that I will be happy with the holidays. javascript: insert_smiley ( 'lol')
Jestem nowym klientem tego biura turystycznego i polecam jego usługi. Biuro jest uczciwe i bardzo rzetelne.bardzo dobra komunikacja jest z biurem przez pocztę e-mail.Myślę że ze wczasów także będę zadowolona. javascript:insert_smiley(':lol:')
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(18 February 2009)
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Polish (original)
: cool: I would like to thank Mrs Katarina Homol for professional but also pleasant and warm communication, booking was quick. The Adriatic travel agency website is very clear, I'm looking forward to a holiday and I hope it will take place without the slightest complications, I will not have any unpleasant surprises waiting for me and I will be able to add other positive lines to the guestbook. Thank you so far for the mediation. : wink:: lol:
:cool: Chtěla bych poděkovat pí Kataríně Homolové za profesionální, ale i příjemnou a vřelou komunikaci, rezervace proběhla rychle. Stránky cestovní kanceláře Adriatic jsou velice přehledné, těším se na dovolenou a doufám, že i ta proběhne bez sebemenších komplikací , nebudou mě čekat nějaká nepříjemná překvapení a budu moci dopsat do knihy hostů ještě další pozitivní řádky. Zatím děkuji za zprostředkování.:wink::lol:
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(17 February 2009)
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Czech (original)
This year I first memorized just chosen Adriatic hr. Mirrors I offer them, send mail demand and you would not believe such a rapid feedback would not win any in Kompas. Mrs. Dunja took care of it all and more. Again, thank you for her kindness. I hope that we will have a wonderful time in sumpetarju. Call them, you will not regret it. Greetings from Grosuplje from Mojca
Letos sem prvič kar tako na pamet izbrala Adriatic hr. Ogledala sem si njihovo ponudbo, poslala mail povpraševanja in ne boste verjeli, tako hitre povratne informacije nebi dobila niti v Kompasu. gospa Dunja je poskrbela prav za vse in še več. tu se ji zahvaljujem za prijaznost . Upam, da nas čaka tudi lep dopust v sumpetarju. Pokličite jih, ne bo vam žal. Lep pozdrav iz Grosuplja od Mojce
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(17 February 2009)
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Slovenian (original)
I am satisfied with the existing office services and the method of contact. I will add the rest of my opinion after the stay planned for August: smile:
Jestem zadowolony z dotychczasowych usług biura i sposobu kontaktu. Resztę opinii dodam po zaplanowanym na sierpień pobycie:smile:
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(17 February 2009)
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Polish (original)