Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Anonimno Full satisfaction from my side! Congratulations on creating such an efficiently operating company. I heartily: smile: Pełna satysfakcja z mojej strony! Gratuluje stworzenia tak sprawnie działającej firmyPozdrawiam serdecznie:smile:
You've rated us:
(27 April 2009)
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Polish (original)
Full professionalism, instant contact, quickly, efficiently and very easy:)
Pełny profesjonalizm, błyskawiczny kontakt, szybko , sprawnie i bardzo prosto:)
You've rated us:
(26 April 2009)
English Google Translate |
Polish (original)
The locations shown in your site are in a clear, comprehensive and very booking is easy to do and the response rapidement.J hope to use you for a future stay in your pays.Merci and cordially . Jean Pruvost: heart:
Les locations présentées dans votre site le sont d'une manière claire,complète et très réservation est facile à effectuer et
la réponse donnée rapidement.J'espére avoir
recours à vous pour un
prochain séjour dans
votre pays.Merci et
bien cordialement.
Jean Pruvost:heart:
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(24 April 2009)
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French (original)
Hello, before we first used the travel agency Adriatic. It was now the best holiday we have ever experienced. Drašnice is a beautiful little village with peace, which we seek. More should be beautiful waves and every night from the balcony we watched the sunset. Landlady was very nice and always accommodating. I highly recommend for families with small children.
Dobrý deň, pred rokom sme po prvýkrát využili služby cestovnej kancelárie Adriatic. Bola to do teraz najlepšia dovolenka akú sme kedy zažili. Drašnice sú krásna malá dedinka s kľudom , ktorý sme hľadali. More malo nádherné vlny a každý večer sme z balkóna sledovali západ slnka. Pani domáca bola veľmi milá a vždy ústretová. Vrele odporúčam rodinám s malými deťmi.
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(23 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
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(22 April 2009)
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Spanish (original)
We are very satisfied with the offer of accommodation on your site and we believe that we will also have a holiday that we booked right at yours: smile:: smile:: smile: thank you
Sme velmi spokojni s ponukov ubytovania na Vasej stranke a verim ze budeme aj s dovolenkou ktoru sme si zarezervovali prave u Vas:smile::smile::smile: dakujeme
You've rated us:
(21 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
You've rated us:
(21 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
That organized approach to the client certainly requires a lot of effort. Are you and wish you great success Sea.
Takhle zorganizovaný přístup ke klientovi jistě vyžaduje spoustu úsilí. Jste skvěli a přejí Vám moře úspěchů.
You've rated us:
(21 April 2009)
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Czech (original)
This year it's kind of a bit of what we choose HR holiday right through Vas. I think that's what we're talking about for myself and I firmly believe that after returning from the holy vacation we will be as minimally as happy as last year when it was really cool.
Tento rok je to po druhy krat, co si vyberame dovolenku v HR prave cez Vas. Myslim, ze to hovori samo za seba a pevne verim, ze po navrate z tohorocnej dovolenky budeme minimalne tak spokojni ako vlani, kedy to bolo naozaj super.
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(19 April 2009)
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Slovak (original)
I made a reservation at Instant contact with the office in Polish with a very nice Agnieszka, the king gave exhaustive answers and helped complete the booking. I recommend OK !!!!!
Dokonałem rezerwacji w
Błyskawiczny kontakt z biurem w języku polskim z bardzo sympatyczną Agnieszką, króra udzieliła wyczerpujących odpowiedzi i pomogła dokończyć rezerwację .
Polecam OK !!!!!
You've rated us:
(18 April 2009)
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Polish (original)