Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Krisztián Major
Not the first and last time I was not using the services of the Adriatic. The site is clear, well-browse and quickly take you to the people we have in the hotel. The clerks have always been fast, accurate and helpful. Not least of the same intermediaries between accommodation providers have not found them cheaper.
Nem először és nem utoljára vettem igénybe az Adriatic szolgáltatásait. A honlap áttekinthető, kiválóan böngészhető és gyorsan eljuthat az ember a szállás foglalásáig. Az ügyintéző eddig mindig gyors, precíz és segítőkész volt. Nem utolsó sorban az azonos szálláshelyet nyújtó közvetítők között eddig nem találtam olcsóbbat náluk.
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(14 May 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Gabriele Perdomi
Impeccable service. If a good day starts in the morning will be a great holiday! Gabriel Perdomi
Servizio impeccabile. Se il buon giorno si vede dal mattino sarà un'ottima vacanza! Gabriele Perdomi
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(13 May 2012)
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Italian (original)
Anna Wacławska-Szaflik
Quick and professional help. I recommend!
Szybka i profesjonalna pomoc. Polecam!
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(13 May 2012)
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Polish (original)
Theodoz Molčányi
An interesting offer for next year? Villa, furnished apartment in a quiet place - the rocky coast. Croatia is our regular summer holiday.
Zaujímavá ponuka na budúci rok? Vila, vybavený apartmán na tichom mieste - skalnaté pobrežie. Chorvátsko je naša pravidelná letná dovolenka.
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(13 May 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Urška Boh
The easiest way to book a holiday: !!! The site is very transparent, your employees are friendly. I recommend it to everyone!
Najlažji način za rezervacijo dopusta:!!! Spletna stran je zelo pregledna, vaši zaposleni so prijazni. Priporočam vsem!
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(12 May 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Judita Marčoková
We travel with Adriatic for the first time, but I believe it will be as great as working with our booking. Thank you very much. Katarina Homolova for care, patience and willingness. Regarding the overall service and online booking service - it's absolutely cool and I recommend it all! Nothing better to meet us - everything we have recovered from our counter:-)
S cestovnou kanceláriou Adriatic pôjdeme na dovolenku prvýkrát, verím však, že bude taká výborná ako spolupráca pri vybavovaní našej rezervácie. Chcem veľmi poďakovať p. Kataríne Homolovej za starostlivosť, trpezlivosť a ochotu. Čo sa týka celkového servisu a fungovania online rezervácie - je to úplne super a všetkým to vrele doporučujem! Nič lepšie nás nemohlo stretnúť - všetko sme vybavili od stola nášho počitača:-)
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(10 May 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Martina Králíková
With our travel agency, we go on holiday for the second time and again we are very happy with the clarity of the websites, the choices and the communication. Thank you very much for Mrs. Katarina Homol's professional, patient and caring approach. I can definitely recommend others!
S cestvovní kanceláří jedeme na dovolenou po druhé a opět jsme velmi spokojení s přehledností webových stránek, možností výběru i s komunikací. Velmi děkujeme za profesionální, trpělivý a starostlivý přístup paní Katariny Homolové. Můžu ostatním rozhodně doporučit!
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(9 May 2012)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Miroslav Mitrega
The travel agency Adriatic go on holiday for the third time, we were the first mole with his son and now after going sami.Moc we like when one has a lot to vybírat.Jsme really very happy to care about customers, it also thank Karin Cane for her help in the selection second tour. M.Mitrega Ostrava
S cestovní kanceláři Adriatic pojedeme na dovolenou už po třetí ,prvý krt jsme byli se synem a teď po druhé jedeme sami.Moc se nám líbí když si má člověk opravdu z čeho vybírat.Jsme moc spokojení o starostlivost o zákazníky,tím děkujeme i Karině Homolové,za jeji pomoc při druhém výběru zájezdu. M.Mitrega Ostrava
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(9 May 2012)
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Czech (original)
Tiziiana Gioppo
very professional, serious, polite and quick, it is the second year that I book a holiday with them, thanks. Tiziana Gioppo
molto professionali,seri,cortesi e rapidi,infatti è il secondo anno che prenoto la vacanza con loro,grazie. Tiziana Gioppo
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(8 May 2012)
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Italian (original)
Franco Bongrazio
Courteous, professional and precise. To repeat and recommend to other people. Congratulations to all the team Adriatic.
Cortesi, professionali, precisi. Da ripetere e consigliare ad altre persone. Complimenti al tutto il team Adriatic.
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(8 May 2012)
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Italian (original)