Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Kovács Róbert
I am satisfied with everything, they have very kind helpful staff! Thanks!
Mindennel elégedett vagyok, nagyon kedves segítőkész munkatársaik vannak! Köszönöm!
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(26 May 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Oláh Gábor
Very correct, and I think the cheapest service. Everyone can recommend it.
Nagyon korrekt, és szerintem a legolcsóbb szolgáltatás.
Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom.
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(26 May 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Szelig Gyula
I am very satisfied.
Nagyon elégedett vagyok.
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(25 May 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Branko Radić
Simplicity and ease of surfing the site sought to find the location and operator friendliness. Thank you
Jednostavnost surfanja stranicom te lakoća pronalaženja trazenih lokacija i ljubaznost operatera . Hvala
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(25 May 2012)
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Croatian (original)
Alenka Juvan
All praise ge.Petri Albrecht for her kindness.
Vse pohvale ge.Petri Albreht za njeno ljubeznivost.
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(24 May 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Alica Mlinarcsikova
With this cestokou go to Croatia for the third time. With their services, we are very satisfied. Willingness, speed, pleasant communication, problem-free equipment. More there is nothing to add. Satisfaction.:)
S touto cestokou pôjdeme do Chorvátska už tretí krát. S ich službami sme maximálne spokojní. Ochota, rýchlosť, príjemná komunikácia, bezproblémové vybavenie. Viac niet čo dodať. Spokojnosť.:)
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(24 May 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Katarína Franczisztiová
I was pleasantly surprised by the speed and great willingness .. We believe that the holiday will be so great.
Milo som bola prekvapená za rýchlosť a veľku ochotu..Veríme,že aj dovolenka bude taká skvelá.
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(24 May 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Very nice site and easy, great selection and super fast communication, if I am so happy with the accommodation is all on 1 * and thank pE Bakeš.
Velmi pěkné a přehledné stránky, velký výběr a super rychlá komunikace, pokud budu spokojená s ubytováním tak je vše na 1* a děkuji p.E BAKEŠ.
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(24 May 2012)
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Czech (original)
Алексей Широков
All clear. I hope it will be so when we arrive and are accommodated ... Special thanks to Svetlana Golubich! )
Все четко. Надеюсь именно так и будет когда приедим и разместимся...
Отдельное спасибо Светлане Голубич! )
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(23 May 2012)
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Russian (original)
Andreas Fast
We have already booked for the third time and time again we are very well looked after by Mrs. Luncan. Thank you and we will continue to take your service to complete.
Wir haben schon das dritte Mal gebucht und immer wieder werden wir bestens von Frau Luncan betreut. Danke und wir werden weiter Ihr service in Anspruch nehmen.
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(23 May 2012)
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