Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Jitka Porkertová
very happy it was done to perfection and I hope that this holiday will be considered
velice spokojená vše proběhlo na jedničku tak doufám že i tato dovolená bude stát zato
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(12 June 2012)
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Czech (original)
We managed to find the ideal solution in a few days after months of fruitless searches on other sites. Congratulations for the site did very well for the professionalism and speed. It gives me security for the holiday that we will in August in Hvar. Thanks
Siamo riusciti a trovare la soluzione ideale in pochi giorni dopo mesi di inutili ricerche su altri siti. Complimenti per il sito fatto molto bene,per la professionalità e la rapidità. Mi da sicurezza per la vacanza che faremo ad agosto a Hvar. Grazie
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(12 June 2012)
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Italian (original)
Alenka Mišvelj
I have a confirmed reservation for a rental apartment in Sali on the island. I booked through the website The very first telephone contact with the agency was promising. Later I managed the matter by email to Mrs Eva Mladenovič who was extremely friendly. It all goes quickly and easily. I was also impressed by the friendly cover letter. In short, hoping to be a really nice holiday. Alenka Mišvelj
Imam potrjeno rezervacijo za najem apartmaja v Saliju na Dugem otoku. Rezervirala sem preko internetne strani Že prvi telefonski kontakt z agencijo je bil obetaven. Kasneje sem zadevo urejala po mailu z gospo Evo Mladenovič, ki je bila izredno prijazna. Vse je teklo hitro in enostavno. Navdušena sem tudi nad prijaznimi spremnimi pismi. Skratka, nadejam se lahko res lep dopust.
Alenka Mišvelj
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(12 June 2012)
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Slovenian (original)
Mariusz Pluta
06/08/2012 I just came back years in New Winodolskim apartment super, but not comfortable.
Właśnie wróciłem 08.06.2012 roku kwatera w Nowym Winodolskim super, chociaż nie komfortowa.
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(11 June 2012)
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Polish (original)
Monika Fančovičová
I'm going to have three summers through the travel agency can be very good to focus on their net-wall site quickly is equipped with everything, if you choose holiday. What I miss is the box for quick search by ID, which in the past there in the top bar was dark, now is not.:)
Idem už tretie leto cez túto cestovnú kanceláriu, veľmi dobre sa dá orientovať na ich net-ovej stránke, rýchlo je všetko vybavené, ak si vyberiem dovolenku. Čo mi chýba, je kolónka na rýchle vyhľadávanie podľa čísla objektu, ktora tam v minulosti v hornej lište tmavomodrá bola, teraz už nie je.:)
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(11 June 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Koósné Sós Krisztina
Even the holiday did not happen, but I'm fine now very satisfied with the quick and friendly helpful hátérmunkával Thank you Adrienne Tornyinak that these are called the work is done! If the holiday and the hotel was worth half as great önnöket will choose!
Még a nyaralás nem történt meg, de már most nagyon megvagyok elégedve a gyors és kedves segítőkész hátérmunkával!Köszönöm Adrienn Tornyinak, hogy ilyen elhívatottan végzi a munkáját! Ha a nyaralás és a szállás fele ilyen szuper lesz már megérte önnöket választani!
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(10 June 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Peter Košč
Solid negotiation, pleasant and quick communication, 10 out of 10
Solídne jednanie, príjemná a rýchla komunikácia, 10 bodov z 10.
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(10 June 2012)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Pavel Vokálek
Fast and friendly negotiations now and in the past synonym for crack-dovolenou.Jitka Vokálkovi and Paul, June 2012, Prague-West
Rychlé a vstřícné jednání nyní i v minulých pro bezva dovolenou.Jitka a Pavel Vokálkovi,červen 2012,Praha-západ
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(10 June 2012)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Olga Musilová
Excellent communication, clear and professional site. Thank you all and recommend
Výborná komunikace, přehledné stránky a profesionální přístup. Děkuji a všem doporučuji
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(10 June 2012)
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Czech (original)
Balogh László
Fast, accurate, fair and helpful. Such markers can list your accommodation reservation kapcsolatban.A peaceful heart, I will recommend friends. My first reservation here, but if it works well in hotels, it is certain that there will be included in the next vacations!
Gyors, pontos, korrekt, segítőkész. Ilyen jelzőket tudok felsorolni a szállás foglalással kapcsolatban.A baráti körben nyugott szívvel fogom ajánlani. Nekem az első foglalásom itt, de, ha szállás be is beválik, biztos, hogy itt fogom a következő nyaralásaimat is foglalni!
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(9 June 2012)
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Hungarian (original)