Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Dušan Palička
Prvýkraát we used CK Adriatic and services, we can conclude that the offered objects correspond to the real state and services, we will use it very well spokojné.Určite budúcnosti.Veľká thanks.
Prvýkraát sme využili služby CK Adriatic a môžeme konštatovať že ponúkane objekty zodpovedajú realnemu stavu a ich službami sme velmi spokojné.Určite to využijeme i v budúcnosti.Veľká vdaka.
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(7 August 2012)
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Czech Republic
Dagmar Jindrová
With CK Adriatic this year we were on vacation for the fourth time and again we were up spokojeni.Profesionální access, pleasant and fast komunikace.Děkujeme. I highly recommend it.
S CK Adriatic jsme letos byli na dovolené už počtvrté a opět jsme byli maximálně spokojeni.Profesionální přístup,příjemná a rychlá komunikace.Děkujeme. Vřele doporučuji.
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(7 August 2012)
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Czech (original)
Oto Švrček
Services CK Adriatic I used several times, always satisfied. Thank you for your active help in finding accommodation to my liking.
Služby CK Adriatic som využil viackrát, vždy spokojnosť. Ďakujem za aktívnu pomoc pri hľadaní ubytovania podľa mojich predstáv.
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(7 August 2012)
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Ruzicska Szilvia
Their website was very useful, booking and confirmation was made quickly. The arrival of the advance payment and the voucher was working as quickly. I can recommend it to everyone!
Nagyon jól használható a honlapjuk, a foglalás és a visszaigazolás villámgyorsan történt. Ugyanilyen gyorsan működött az előleg fizetés és a voucher megérkezése. Ajánlani tudom mindenkinek!
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(7 August 2012)
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Hungarian (original)
Oana Tudor
an excellent site. complete informations. fast, easy, easy collaboration. very satisfied.
un site excelent. informatii complete. colaborare rapida, simpla, usoara. foarte multumiti.
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(6 August 2012)
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Romanian (original)
Varga Sergiu
A-6547 in Vrsi-Mulo near Zadar, excellent conditions, some great people made us feel like part of their family. I sincerely recommend.
A-6547-a in Vrsi-Mulo langa Zadar, conditii excelente, niste oameni super de treaba ne-au facut sa ne simtim ca si parte din familia lor. Va recomand sincer.
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(6 August 2012)
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Czech Republic
Lenka Heliová
The overwhelming satisfaction with the services of travel agencies I used it again this year. Reliability, speed, no problems. Accommodation shall be the price, clean, photos do not lie. Home, very nice lidé.Velmi is well taken care of you. I recommend to everyone.
Naprostá spokojenost se službami cestovní kanceláře využila jsem ji letos podruhé. Spolehlivost, rychlost, žádné problémy. Ubytování odpovídá ceně,čisté, fotografie nelžou. Domácí,moc fajn lidé.Velmi dobře je o Vás postaráno. Doporučuji všem.
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(6 August 2012)
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Dusan Kovacik
With I will go on holiday this year for the second time. I am very satisfied with their services, the internet offer of accommodation is high, clear, the interested person finds the easy information. Upon ordering the accommodation, the entire booking process is very fast, including the payment of the check-in. Based on the experience of the 2011 summer season, I can say that the offered objects are realistic.
S pôjdem na dovolenku tento rok uz druhýkrát. Som s ich službami maximálne spokojný, internetová ponuka ubytovania je na vysokej úrovni, prehľadná, záujemca nájde ľahko potrebné informácie. Po objednaní ubytovania celý ďalší proces rezervácie prebieha veľmi rýchlo, vrátane platby akontácie. Na základe skúseností z letnej sezóny 2011 môžem konštatovať, že ponúkané objekty zodpovedajú reálnemu stavu.
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(6 August 2012)
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Grzegorz Żudro
Suite A-359 we especially liked. Beautiful views from the balcony, the beach nearby. Owners very friendly.
Apartament A-359 bardzo nam się podobała. Piękne widoki z balkonu,plaża blisko. Właściciele bardzo sympatyczni.
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(6 August 2012)
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Polish (original)
Bognárné Szabó Judit
We have found a reliable company, we have found very good accommodation on the website.We spent six weeks in Croatia.
Megbízható pontos cég,nagyon jó szállást találtunk a honlapon.Remek hetet töltöttünk Horvátországban.
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(6 August 2012)
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