Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Elizabeta Kos
Zeloo surprised I was above average over the rapid response The answers I received even at the times when I would be astonished many people looked at me and said that they had finished their workday. Beautiful thank Mrs. Evi Mladenovič is sent between you and the agency Definitely recommend this agency and I will recommend your own acquaintances ... and I'll be happy every time you contact them.
Zeloo presenečena sem bila nad nadpovprečno hitro odzivnostjo Odgovore sem dobivala celo ob urah,ko bi me marsikdo začudeno pogledal in mi povedal,da so svoj delavnik že zaključili. Najlepše se zahvaljujem ge. Evi mladenovič,ki je posredovala med mano in agencijo Vsekakor to agencijo priporočam in jo bom priporočila svojim znancem...sama pa se bom z veseljem vsakič obrnila nanje.
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(14 June 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Krzysztof Barc
I highly recommend the service at a very high level.
Gorąco polecam obsługa na bardzo wysokim poziomie.
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(13 June 2013)
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Polish (original)
Mate Farkas
Correct, quick bend and uniform. It's a soccomentic on the side cruise liner, I love everybody!
Korrekt, gyors tajekoztatas es ugyintezes. Igazan zokkenomentes az oldalon keresztuli szallasfoglalas, ajanlom mindenkinek!
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(13 June 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
István Brockhauser
Very good site and responsive to the office. It would be important, in addition to small icons on the accommodations, where the distance from the sea is also listed there should be a letter to your apartment or room (terrace) with sea view or not.
Nagyon jó a honlap és készséges az iroda. Fontos lenne, hogy a szállásnál lévő kis ikonok mellett, ahol a tengertől való távolság is szerepel oda kellene írni, hogy a lakás vagy szoba ( terasz) tengerre néző-e.
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(12 June 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Agata Soćko
I am very pleasantly surprised service agencies. This is the first time I am using their services, but not the last!!! I will recommend you to everyone:) Regards
Jestem bardzo mile zaskoczona obsługą agencji Jest to pierwszy raz kiedy korzystam z ich usług ale nie ostatni !!!!!!!! Będę polecać Was każdemu:) Pozdrawiam
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(12 June 2013)
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Polish (original)
Анатолий Попович
The fourth year of armor accommodation through your agency. Manager Svetlana Golubich beyond praise. Assists in the seemingly intractable situations. Very nice to work with you. Therefore, other agencies in Croatia and not looking. Recommend and will recommend to all my friends and acquaintances. Good luck and prosperity!
Четвертый год бронирую жилье через Ваше агентство. Менеджер Светлана Голубич выше всяких похвал. Помогает в, казалось бы, неразрешимых ситуациях. Очень приятно с Вами работать. Посему другие агентства в Хорватии и не ищу. Рекомендую и буду рекомендовать всем своим друзьям и знакомым. Успехов и процветания!
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(12 June 2013)
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Russian (original)
Dariusz Dobisiak
During the May weekend we were guests of the apartment A-2658 "KATIA" in Tucepi. The hosts really care about their gości.otwarci, friendly and you can see that they love what they do. The rooms are spacious, well equipped and have magnificent view of the sea and the mountains. The stay was a real pleasure working with the office recommendable.
Podczas weekendu majowego byliśmy gośćmi apartamentu A-2658" KATIA" w Tucepi. Gospodarze bardzo dbają o swoich gości.otwarci, życzliwi i widać,że kochają to co robią. Pokoje są przestronne, doskonale wyposażone, posiadają wspaniały widok na morze i góry. Pobyt był prawdziwą przyjemnością a współpraca z biurem godna polecenia.
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(11 June 2013)
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Polish (original)
Sanja Milaković
For now I am more than pleasantly surprised-website very functional, precise and with a wide range of accommodation. Past contacts regarding reservations seem to me to be very professional, fast and me something totally unexpected and so far unseen by us, so I thought that we (as a country), though, and finally on the right track because so imagine working in our tourism industry. I hope it will go well and the holidays so that I can once again with praise regarding accommodation occur in August.
Za sad sam više nego ugodno iznenađena- web stranica vrlo funkcionalna, precizna i s bogatom ponudom smještaja. Dosadašnji kontakti u vezi rezervacije čine mi se vrlo profesionalni,brzi i meni nešto potpuno neočekivano i do sad kod nas neviđeno, tako da sam pomislila da smo (kao država) ipak i konačno na dobrom putu jer tako zamišljam rad u našem turizmu. Nadam se da će i ljetovanje proći dobro pa da ću se još jednom s pohvalama u vezi smještaja javiti i u kolovozu.
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(10 June 2013)
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Croatian (original)
Czech Republic
Josef Bukvic
It's not the first time using the services of "" and I can only say that I have always been fully satisfied. I never expect any unpleasant surprises, home has always behaved very politely and with respect přívětivě.Co website so everything is A-OK.
Není to poprvé co využívám služeb "" a mohu pouze konstatovat že jsem vždy byl plně spokojený. Nikdy mě nečekalo žádné nepříjemné překvapení, domácí se vždy chovali velice slušně a přívětivě.Co se týče internetových stránek tak vše je naprosto OK.
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(10 June 2013)
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Czech (original)
Knopf Sándor
We are satisfied with everything because they were flexible and fast administration. We are here for the second year, but next year we are sure!
Megvagyunk elégedve mindennel, mert rugalmasak voltak, és gyors az ügyintézés!Második éve foglalunk itt, de jövőre is ittfogunk biztos!!
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(10 June 2013)
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Hungarian (original)