Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Simona Crisan
A trusted site, professional services, prompt answers to questions or questions! I congratulate and rejoice all those who want to go to Croatia!
Un site de incredere, servicii profesioniste, raspunsuri prompte la nelamuriri sau intrebari! Va felicit si recomand cu bucurie tuturor celor care vor sa mearga in Croatia!
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(14 July 2013)
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Romanian (original)
Czech Republic
Zbyněk Kufner
Adriatic may be strongly recommended to all potential customers after this year's experience. Everything happened quickly without a single problem or change of reality than what was offered by the landlord. Thank you and recommend !!!!!
Společnost Adriatic mohu po letošní zkušenosti vřele doporučit všem případným zájemcům.Vše proběhlo rychle bez jediného problému nebo nějaké změny skutečnosti než jaká byla nabízena ubytovatelem. Děkuji a doporučuji!!!!!
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(14 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Paweł Hypki
We rested with my family on the island of Ciovo in the Diocles apartment in June 2013. Very clean and modern interior + operating fully air conditioning + wi fi + close to the beach + close to beautiful Trogir. The owner very nice, with the Adriatic offer we are fully satisfied. I recommend 100% stay in this place, really worth it !!. Arleta, Paweł, Szymon, Mikołaj
Wypoczywaliśmy z rodzinką na wyspie Ciovo w apartamencie Diocles w czerwcu 2013. Bardzo czysto i nowocześnie urządzone wnętrze + działająca w pełni klimatyzacja + wi fi + blisko plaża + blisko piękny Trogir. Właścicielka bardzo sympatyczna, z oferty Adriatic jesteśmy w pełni zadowoleni. Polecam w 100% pobyt w tym miejscu, naprawdę warto!!. Arleta, Paweł,Szymon,Mikołaj
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(14 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Pavel Veselý
A great deal of satisfaction with all that Adriatic offers. Just a proposal: Would it not be possible for a voucher to send a small card that could be printed and submitted when paying phonemes to make it clear that I needed another tax document?
Veliká spokojenost se vším, co Adriatic nabízí.Jen návrh: nešlo by k voucheru zaslat malou kartičku, která by se dala vytisknout a předložit při placení phonných hmot, aby bylo jasné, že potřebuji jiný daňový doklad?
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(13 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Jan Říha
very professional acting I am very surprised. The offer is really what they advertise and everything works on 1.
velice profesionální jednání Jsem mile překvapen. V nabídce je opravdu to co inzerují a vše funguje na 1.
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(13 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Karel Podskalský
Collaboration with you, with the home was great. We liked it very much. Thanks.
Spolupráce s vámi, s domácími byla výborná. Moc se nám líbilo.Díky.
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(13 July 2013)
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Czech (original)
I'm a great bartender, fast, and mindful of everyone. Thank You
Nagyonsegitokeszek,gyors,es figyelmes mindenki.
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(12 July 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Davide Iovine
speechless ... all to perfection
senza parole...tutto alla perfezione
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(12 July 2013)
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Italian (original)
Piotr Zawistowski
Very professional contact and customer care. I am very pleasantly surprised and would recommend with a clear conscience.
Bardzo profesjonalny kontakt i dbałość o klienta. Jestem bardzo pozytywnie zaskoczony i polecam z czystym sumieniem.
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(11 July 2013)
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Polish (original)
Zsuzsanna Nagy
They were very helpful, we tried to solve our wishes together. They were attentive, recalled by phone. They responded quickly to email. Overall, I'm very satisfied.
Nagyon segítőkészek voltak, próbáltuk megoldani együtt a kívánságainkat. Figyelmesek voltak, visszahívtak telefonon. Gyorsan reagáltak az emailre. Összességében nagyon elégedett vagyok.
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(11 July 2013)
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Hungarian (original)