Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Zbigniew Szkudlarek
We used your agency for the first time. High level of service. Hosts on the spot nice and helpful, accommodation located in a good point. This was us 8 stay in Croatia. Regards
Pierwszy raz korzystaliśmy z Państwa agencji.Wysoki poziom obsługi.Gospodarze na miejscu mili i pomocni,kwatera umiejscowiona w dobrym punkcie.PS.To był nas 8 pobyt w Chorwacji.Pozdrowienia
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(4 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Jerzy Grabowski
I used the agency for the first time and I am very pleased with your service. apartment and all other things as described, contact with the company very good, hosts very nice. I will be recommending your agency to all going to Croatia.
Z agencji korzystałem po raz pierwszy i jestem bardzo zadowolony z waszej usługi. apartament oraz wszystkie pozostałe rzeczy zgodne z opisem, kontakt z firmą bardzo dobry, gospodarze bardzo mili. Będę polecał waszą agencję wszystkim wybierającym się do Chorwacji.
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(4 August 2013)
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Patrizia Venturini
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(4 August 2013)
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Italian (original)
Michał Górecki
Great site, I really recommend it. All very much in order. There is nothing to worry about. Recommend
Wspaniała strona, naprawdę polecam. Wszystko jak najbardziej w porządku. Nie ma się o co martwić. Polecam
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(4 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Matej Surovič
Services from the Adriatic, we used the second time and i recommend them to others. Keep it up:-)
Služby od Adriatic sme využili už druhýkrát a odporúčame ich i ďalším. Len tak ďalej:-)
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(3 August 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Helena Kudrnacova
Services from Adriatic I used the first time and I can say that nelutujem.Jednanie fast, reliable, information provided is true, prices vyborne.Sme mximalne happy with it.
Sluzby od Adriatic som vyuzila prvy krat a mozem povedat ze nelutujem.Jednanie rychle,spolahlive,informacie pravdive,ceny vyborne.Sme mximalne spokojni.
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(3 August 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Mária Ostrožlíková
Already two times I have used the services Adriatic.Páči like a quick and clear communication and reliable and truthful information about ubytovaní.Vrele recommend ..... thanks best regards Mary Ostrožlíková
Už 2-krát som využila služby Adriatic.Páči sa mi rýchla a zrozumitelná komunikácia a spolahlivé a pravdivé informácie o ubytovaní.Vrele odporúčam..... vdaka s pozdravom Mária Ostrožlíková
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(2 August 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Damjana Kralj
First, we decided to organize holidays through your agency. With all the services we were very pleased. Priporočava the rest!
Prvič sva se odločila za organiziranje počitnic preko vaše agencije. Z vsemi storitvami sva bila zelo zadovoljna. Priporočava tudi ostalim!
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(2 August 2013)
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Czech Republic
Kurt Schöniger
With site and the services provided are satisfied. During the two days we had ordered a holiday at the last minute and within a week we go. Thank you. After returning we know how to ...
S webem a poskytovanými službami jsme maximálně spokojeni. Během dvou dnů jsme měli objednanou dovolenou na poslední chvíli a do týdne vyrážíme. Děkujeme. Po návratu dáme vědět jak bylo...
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(2 August 2013)
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Czech (original)
Szalóky Réka
The site is very convenient and the staff's personal help is simply fantastic - immediately and efficiently!
Nagyon kényelmesen használható az oldal, és a munkatársak személyes segítsége egyszerűen fantasztikus - azonnal és hatékonyan!
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(2 August 2013)
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