Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Grażyna Stalmach
The services of the office we used for the first time. The fact call (tel. always received), the correspondence of the most inquisitive questions remained unanswered no response, even though it was pessimistic ... Accommodation, which is offered to us for our two office - the family company was idealna.Gospodarz nice and accommodating. The beach blisko.Restauracje, shops on-site. Location is ideal for families with small children and for people who want peace and quiet, without the hangover, RECOMMEND
Z usług biura korzystaliśmy po raz pierwszy. Fakt, rozmowa telefoniczna(tel. zawsze odbierany), korespondencja z najbardziej dociekliwymi pytaniami nie pozostawała bez odpowiedzi odpowiedzi, mimo to byliśmy pesymistami...
Kwatera , którą zaproponowało nam biuro dla naszego 2 - rodzinnego towarzystwa była idealna.Gospodarz miły i uczynny. Do plaży blisko.Restauracje, sklepiki na miejscu.
Miejscowość idealna dla rodzin z małymi dziećmi i dla osób pragnących ciszy i spokoju, bez nocnych szaleństw,,,POLECAM
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(20 October 2013)
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Polish (original)
Marion Neubert
I advise any tourist particularly in pre season, herself looking at a room on site, as the description of the accommodation and places of adriatic often do not agree. We had picked out a tiny bay on Hvar, the crowd was full of tourists in September.
Ich rate jedem Touristen insbesondere in Vor und Nachsaison, sich selbst vor Ort ein Zimmer zu suchen, da die Beschreibung der Unterkünfte und Orte von adriatic oft nicht stimmen.
Wir hatten uns eine winzige Bucht auf Hvar herausgesucht, die im September massentouristisch voll war.
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(9 October 2013)
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German (original)
Nikolai Ivanov
I would like to mention the professionalism of employees Adriatic, a range of accommodation options, user-friendly website, and friendly attitude during the refinement us details of the reservation. Largely due to the agency, our first trip to Croatia has failed to start planning. Thank you!
Хочется отметить профессионализм сотрудников Adriatic, большой выбор вариантов размещения, удобный сайт, а также доброжелательное отношение в ходе уточнения нами деталей бронирования. Во многом благодаря агентству наша первая поездка в Хорватию удалась еще на начале планирования. Спасибо!
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(5 October 2013)
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Russian (original)
Olivera Jović
I am very satisfied with the services of the agency, quickly and professionally, hopefully long and successful collaboration
veoma sam zadovoljna sa uslugama agencije,brzo i profesionalno,nadam se dugoj i uspješnoj suradnji
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(4 October 2013)
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Croatian (original)
Öcsi Erzsébet
Thank you for your service fast, flexible, attentive management of! Hotel also features excellent chance volt.Nem discussed every year! The Croatian coast never gets old!
Köszönjük az iroda gyors, rugalmas, figyelmes ügyintézését!A szálláshely szolgáltatása is remek volt.Nem véletlenül térünk minden évben vissza ! A horvát tengerpart megunhatatlan !!!
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(29 September 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Czech Republic
Richard Šindler
During the evening I found and inspected the apartment, via Google-Earth omrknul area, paid a deposit card and set a goal to navigation. Everything worked out perfectly. When Croatia and the Adriatic again.
Během večera jsem našel a prohlédl apartmán, přes Google-Earth omrknul okolí, kartou zaplatil zálohu a nastavil cíl do navigace. Vše klaplo perfektně. Když Chorvatsko, tak s opět s Adriatic.
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(22 September 2013)
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Czech (original)
Tibor Cséplő
Thank you to the office, helpful and rugalmasak.A hotel and holiday was perfect. Thanks for your help!
Köszönet az irodának, segítőkészek és rugalmasak.A szálláshely és a nyaralás tökéletes volt. Köszönjük a segítséget!
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(20 September 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Czech Republic
Frtantišek Sviba
Adriatik I found on the internet service I used for the first time. Before leaving on vacation, I was still feeling uncertain how it goes and if I make a mistake to book a holiday and pay for it only on the basis of Internet communication without references from friends. The result, however, was absolutely brilliant, the apartment we found, as described the first time, we were pleasantly welcome, including small hospitality suite was clean and pleasant with a terrace overlooking the sea with privacy. Parking at the building so it was good to see the vehicle at times. Beach, food, restaurants all within about 5 minutes. It can be argued that holidays and relaxation perfect place.
Adriatik jsem objevil na internetu, služeb jsem využil poprvé. Před odjezdem na dovolenou jsem měl stále nejistý pocit jak to dopadne a zda jsem se neudělal chybu si objednat dovolenou a uhradit ji jen na základě internetové komunikace bez referencí od známých. Výsledek byl ale naprosto skvělý, apartmán jsme našli dle popisu napoprvé, byli jsme mile přivítání včetně malého pohoštění, apartmán byl čistý, příjemný s terasou s výhledem na moře se soukromím. Parkování bylo u budovy takže bylo dobré na vozidlo občas vidět. Pláž, potraviny, restaurace vše do cca 5 minut. Lze prohlásit, že na dovolenou a odpočinek ideální místo.
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(20 September 2013)
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Czech (original)
Oleg Pashynskyi
Through the agency ordered accommodation in Croatia 3 times and enjoyed haul our friends. Professional and quality services in the selection of vacation spots, documentary support, and more. I recommend this to all agency
Через агенство заказывал размещение в Хорватии 3 раза, а также улугами пользовались наши друзья.
Профессиональное и качественное оказание услуг в подборе мест отдыха, документальное сопровождение и многое другое. Рекомендую всем данное агенство
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(20 September 2013)
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Russian (original)
Szilvia Kleiner
All of the foregoing and the promises made to you. The hotel was very nice. The office is very competent and professional job done. Very well done to our holiday! Thank you for your contribution!:)
Minden a leírtaknak és az ígérteknek megfelelően történt. A szállás nagyon klassz volt. Az iroda nagyon felkészült és profi munkát végez. Nagyon jól sikerült a nyaralásunk! Köszönöm a közreműködést!:)
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(18 September 2013)
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Hungarian (original)