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Blog about Croatia

Read about natural beauties and culture of Croatia, get some fresh ideas for trip to Adriatic and find useful tips.

Rijeka – Big Carnival Finals

Rijeka – Big Carnival Finals

Published: 02/03/2011
Rijeka has been preparing a spectacle to mark the end of a carnival festivity that has been occupying the city streets for a month. On Sunday (March 6th) domestic and foreign carnival groups will... More info...
Croatia Under Disguise

Croatia Under Disguise

Published: 19/02/2011
During February Croatia lives for carnival. Coastal area and islands especially cherish tradition of disguising with masks that originates back in ancient times. In the past these “ugly masks” had... More info...
Exhibition in Rijeka Marks Anniversary

Exhibition in Rijeka Marks Anniversary

Published: 25/10/2010
One of the oldest literacy artifacts in Croatia has been put on display at Maritime and Historical Museum in Rijeka. Exhibition opened in honour of 400th anniversary of Franciscan Capuchin order... More info...


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