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+385 21 456-456
We speak English
Mon - Fri
08:00h - 22:00h
14:00h - 22:00h
  • 400 m
  • 27
Facility is situated near a local road Yes
Local road between the property and the beach Yes
The property is located by the beach No
Car access possible Yes
Macadam road 50 m
Narrow street 50 m
The facility is situated in relatively quiet surroundings Yes
The facility is located in a secluded area No
Location of the additional facilities near the property
Sea 300 m
Beach 400 m
Centre 18 km - Zadar
Shop 550 m
Restaurant 350 m
Urgent medical care 18 km
Clinic 3.8 km
Pharmacy 3.2 km
Tourist info 200 m
Post office 3 km
Exchange office 200 m
ATM/Bank machine 2.2 km
Night club 3 km
Diving center 4.5 km
Airport 28 km
National Park 22 km
Nearby beaches
  Nearest beach Other beaches
Type Sand, pebble Sand, pebble, concrete slabs
Sea entrance Long shoal Long shoal
Natural shade No No
"Private" beach No No
Showers on the beach Yes Yes
Events and entertainment Yes Yes
Beach suitable for nudists (unofficial) No No
Official nudist beach No No
Restaurant Yes No
Paddle boat Yes No
Parasols, deckchairs Yes No
Lifeguard service Yes No
Courtyard 350 m2
Area suitable for children Yes
Sitting area Yes
Shower Yes
Parking lot
Number of parking spaces 6
Distance from the house In the courtyard
Vehicles are parked one behind another Yes
Shared barbecue Yes
Suitable for people with disabilities No
* The availability of additional services in the booked period has to be verified in advance. This applies particularly to services which can be used only in a limited number (parking, additional bed, etc.). Additional services which are not specified in the price calculation are payable directly to the service provider, only under condition that the client uses them.
Available Price
Breakfast No
Half board No
Full board No
WiFi Yes
Baby cot Yes
Hairdryer Yes
Iron Yes
Ironing board Yes
Pets No
Additional bed No
Smoking allowed Yes
* The availability of additional services in the booked period has to be verified in advance. This applies particularly to services which can be used only in a limited number (parking, additional bed, etc.). Additional services which are not specified in the price calculation are payable directly to the service provider, only under condition that the client uses them.

House 14490 in the town of Sabunike, Zadar - North Dalmatia has accommodation units of type Apartment (6) and is 300 m away from the sea. The nearest beach to this accommodation is a sand beach. As the house is divided into several accommodation units, other guests will most likely be present during your stay. The hosts will not be in the house for the duration of your holiday.

Internet use is in this house included in the price. The yard area has a surface of 350 m2. You may use this house's parking space. Within walking distance, the following can be found: Shop, Restaurant. Facilities more than a kilometer away are: Pharmacy, Urgent medical care, ATM/Bank machine, Night club, Centre.

Other guests staying in the house* Yes
The hosts live or occasionally stay in the property No
Knowledge of foreign languages Fair Good Excellent
German Yes
English Yes
* In other accommodation units which can, but also do not have to be included in agency offer.
Riviera Zadar

Riviera: Zadar

The city of Zadar is one of the most desirable destinations in Europe and its importance as a tourist city with all of its attractions grows year after year.... More »
Region Dalmatia

Region: Dalmatia

Dalmatia is an extremely large region. It can be divided into the North, Central and South Dalmatia. Regardless of its geographical location, Dalmatia is specific for... More »

House 14490 in the town of Sabunike, Zadar - North Dalmatia has accommodation units of type Apartment (6) and is 300 m away from the sea. The nearest beach to this accommodation is a sand beach. As the house is divided into several accommodation units, other guests will most likely be present during your stay. The hosts will not be in the house for the duration of your holiday.

Internet use is in this house included in the price. The yard area has a surface of 350 m2. You may use this house's parking space. Within walking distance, the following can be found: Shop, Restaurant. Facilities more than a kilometer away are: Pharmacy, Urgent medical care, ATM/Bank machine, Night club, Centre.

Two bedroom apartment with terrace Sabunike, Zadar


Apartment A-14490-a (4+0)

Position: ground floor Area: 50 m2 + 15 m2 (Terrace) Number of beds: 4
Apartment can accommodate 4 guests. Beds are situated in 2 sleeping rooms, within 50m2. Guests can use a private terrace to enjoy the warm summer evenings. Food can be prepared using barbecue which is shared with other guests too.
Additional information
Satellite TV programme Barbecue (shared) Smoking allowed

P Price list

Apartment A-14490-a
Number of persons 2 3 4
01/07 - 01/09
- - -
01/06 - 01/07
01/09 - 01/10
- - -
01/01 - 01/06
- - -
01/10 - 31/12
- - -
Persons over capacity
(prior notification obligatory)
Child over capacity (0-3 years) without bed:
Included in the price

C Calendar

< June 2025
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
July 2025
  1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
August 2025
        1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
September 2025 >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
Dates updated: 12/03/2025
  Reservation in progress (confirmation expected)   Reserved   Possible arrival/departure   Available

R Room details

Room Area Description
Entrance -
Separate entrance
Dining room 8 m2
The room is connected:
With room "Terrace"
Kitchen 4 m2
Standard kitchen equipment
Combined refrigerator/freezer, Dish sink, Stove, Oven, Microwave oven (available on request)
Bedroom 1 16 m2
Number of beds: 2
Double bed (2)
Bedroom 2 12 m2
Number of beds: 2
2 x Bed (1)
Bathroom 6 m2
Hallway 4 m2
Air conditioning
Terrace 15 m2
The room is connected:
With room "Dining room"
Sea view
Sun protection
Natural shade
Building shade
Show all

G Guest reviews and comments

* * * * * 4.3
* * * * * 4.5
#1 A-14490-f
Radana Valošková , 1 September 2023
Accommodation 5
Host 5
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#2 A-14490-b
Anonymous , 19 September 2022
Apartmán obsahuje všetko čo potrebuje rodina na dovolenku a oddych - je čistý, vybavený všetkým potrebným v kuchyni a pre dovolenkový oddych. Domáci sú veľmi ústretoví a snažia sa splniť všetko čo vidia hosťom na očiach a čo by mohlo dovolenku ešte viac spríjemniť. Nebol problém napríklad získať detskú postieľku keď nás navštívil syn s bábätkom. Mali sme apartmán na prízemí, ktorý má dve terasy so zatienením, veľmi odporúčam najmä pre rodinu s kočiarom, pretože sa dá dostať na terasu aj do izieb veľmi pohodlne zvonka. Z apartmánu vedie na pláž Sabunike krátka cestička na pár minút chôdze. Pláž je jednou z piatich skutočne piesočných pláží v Chorvátsku. Je veľmi vhodná pre rodiny s trochu väčšími deťmi. Po prechode pomedzi kamene na kraji vody - treba nájsť cestičku kde kamene nie sú - je rovné dno s jemným pieskom. Piesok je dosť ťažký na to, aby voda nebola zmútená. Po celej dĺžke pláže až do Ninu, t.j. približne 3km, možno ísť od brehu viac ako 100m s konštantnou hĺbkou vody približne 1.5m. Vhodné pre dospelých aj deti, ktorí majú radi istotu dna pod sebou. Vzhľadom k tomu, že pláž je v zálive voda je tu väčšinou kľudná bez vĺn, vynikajúca pre plávanie a ležanie. Je to talianska dovolenka v Chorvátsku, topánky do vody tu naozaj nepotrebujete. V stredisku je malý obchod kam zájdete ľahko peši s dostatočným sortimentom pre dovolenku - potraviny, drogéria, domáce potreby a pekáreň a trh s ovocím, zeleninou a potrebami pre pláž. Veľký supermarket je 5 minút autom. Vrátili sme sa sem po 15-tich rokoch, pribudli slnečníky a odpadkové koše. Pribudla sprcha a veľmi čisté toalety. Naopak rozšírenie pláže ostrým štrkom na rozdiel od jemného piesku ktorý tu bol v 90-tych rokoch nie je príliš šťastné. Mám veľkú výhradu k obmedzeným službám na pláži a niekoľkokrát som si u "poskytovateľov" sťažoval ale nemá to význam - človek, ktorý odomyká slnenčníky a ležadlá chodí do práce okolo 12:00, dovtedy môžete využiť len tieň slnečníka, lehátka sú zamknuté. Rovnako "bar" kde si možno dať čapované pivo do plastikového pohára alebo iný nápoj a kde je inak veľmi príjemné posedenie tiež otvára len tesne pred obedom. Ak nepotrebujete lehátko, minerálku máte so sebou, máte radi kľud a plávanie s istotou piesočného dna je to najlepšie miesto pre oddych v Chorvátsku.
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#3 A-14490-d
Anonymous , 19 August 2022
Apartám je starší, nešla zásuvka na práčke a tak sme si nemohli oprať, nešla chladnička - museli sme si ju sami opravovať. Kúpelňa z 90-rokov. Domáci sú starší ľudia, ktorí tam bývajú. Teda ste ako keby u nich na návšteve. Dom je v husto zastavanej oblasti, takže terasy sú veľmi blízko seba a tak nemáte súkromie. Uteráky sme nedostali, čo bol pomerne veľký šok. Hodnotím to na priemerné ubytovanie pre nenáročných.
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#4 A-14490-e
Jana Svobodová , 1 July 2022
Ubytovani super,plaz super...Velke zklamani v agenture(booking.com)Nebyla uvedena presna adresa,do agentury se neslo dovolat!!!Po 3 hodinach litani ve vedru s 2letym ditetem a shaneni naseho apartmanu jsem se rozbrecela..Takze agentura opravdu k nicemu!!!!!!
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#5 A-14490-b
Pavel Kriska , 6 September 2021
Skvelá dovolenka, milí domáci. Plne odporúčam. Apartmán bol priestrannýa velmi pohodlny.
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