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Kroatië Blog

lees over het natuurschoon en de cultuur in Kroatie, verzamel reisadvies en nuttige tips.

Romantic Istria

Romantic Istria

Gepubliceerd: 06-01-11
Istria does not drive attention with its coastal region with string of beautiful coves and historical towns only. Village homesteads, hilly landscape with valleys and hummocks, curvy roads,... Meer...
Zadar - Greeting to the Sun

Zadar - Greeting to the Sun

Gepubliceerd: 25-10-10
Zadar has recently paid much attention to refurbishing town public places. Such move has paid off multiple times as two town installations are considered to be the most attractive spots in Zadar.... Meer...
Croatia - A New Star in Britain

Croatia - A New Star in Britain

Gepubliceerd: 25-10-10
Croatia won high 4th place in British Travel Awards this year, in Most Desirable Tourist Destination category. The list was compiled by renowned British Guardian magazine, and its annual choice... Meer...
Hvar - Best 5th Island in the World

Hvar - Best 5th Island in the World

Gepubliceerd: 19-10-10
Hvar has yet again been pronounced as one of the top destinations on the “world stage”. Internet site travelandleisure.com included Hvar in its top ten islands of the world. Every year visitors... Meer...
Duce "Made of" Sand

Duce "Made of" Sand

Gepubliceerd: 03-08-10
Beside Omis, Duce is one of the most popular places on Omis riviera. Their popularity is mostly owed to the beautiful long sandy beach which stretches along the entire place. In fact, both... Meer...


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