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Blog sur la Croatie

Lisez davantage à propos des beautés naturelles et de la culture de Croatie, prenez de bonnes idées pour votre futur voyage sur la mer Adriatique et profitez de ces conseils utiles.

Dubrovnik Says Goodbye to the Year 2010

Dubrovnik Says Goodbye to the Year 2010

Posté: 29/12/10
Dubrovnik is one of the favourite New Year's Eve destinations in Croatia. Every year performers are being carefully selected for the special event in Dubrovnik – merry New Year's Eve in the main... En plus...
Split - Celebrating New Year in the Sea

Split - Celebrating New Year in the Sea

Posté: 29/12/10
Split will celebrate New Year with traditional 'picigin'. It is a sport that originates from Split, favoured by all age groups and, to the surprise of the unaccustomed spectators, played during... En plus...
Aliens Find Pag Attractive?

Aliens Find Pag Attractive?

Posté: 02/02/11
Pag island has many special features that distinguish that island from others - from lace making which has been on UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and gastronomical treats to the most... En plus...
Astronomy Village Near Split

Astronomy Village Near Split

Posté: 16/11/10
Split offers its visitors much more than a cityscape of cultural and historical attractions, with beaches and promenades. Lovers of “high altitude” adventures have several options to chose from as... En plus...
Cres - Original Tourist Offer

Cres - Original Tourist Offer

Posté: 01/11/10
Cres is known as a habitat of endangered animal species – Griffon vulture. To prevent their extinction, an ecological centre Caput Insulae has been founded. During time, the centre has developed... En plus...
Zadar - Greeting to the Sun

Zadar - Greeting to the Sun

Posté: 25/10/10
Zadar has recently paid much attention to refurbishing town public places. Such move has paid off multiple times as two town installations are considered to be the most attractive spots in Zadar.... En plus...



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