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Curiosités en Croatie

En savoir plus sur les îles et les villes croates de l'Adriatique.

Exhibition in Rijeka Marks Anniversary

Exhibition in Rijeka Marks Anniversary

Posté: 25/10/10
One of the oldest literacy artifacts in Croatia has been put on display at Maritime and Historical Museum in Rijeka. Exhibition opened in honour of 400th anniversary of Franciscan Capuchin order... En plus...
Zadar - Greeting to the Sun

Zadar - Greeting to the Sun

Posté: 25/10/10
Zadar has recently paid much attention to refurbishing town public places. Such move has paid off multiple times as two town installations are considered to be the most attractive spots in Zadar.... En plus...
Split - Host of 15th SASO Fair

Split - Host of 15th SASO Fair

Posté: 20/10/10
From 20th till 24th of October, Split will host SASO fair. For the 15th time, under the direction of Sajam Split company, exhibitors from various economical branches will present themselves at... En plus...
Hvar - Best 5th Island in the World

Hvar - Best 5th Island in the World

Posté: 19/10/10
Hvar has yet again been pronounced as one of the top destinations on the “world stage”. Internet site included Hvar in its top ten islands of the world. Every year visitors... En plus...
Cavtat in Switzerland

Cavtat in Switzerland

Posté: 19/10/10
Cavtat has been promoted in Switzerland in the best possible way by majorettes. 14th European majorettes tournament was held in the town of Neuchâtel from 8th till 10th of October. Girls from... En plus...



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