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World's Largest Sailing Ship Comes to Zadar

Print Posté: 11/10/10
World's Largest Sailing Ship Comes to Zadar

Zadar has become one of the most attractive destinations in Croatia. Each year more and more visitors are drawn to Zadar due to its historical monuments, modern installations in public places and crisp clean sea. This has been recognized by many, including world's largest sailing ship Sea Cloud that took its passengers to Zadar port. During the first days of October, many curious passers-by had a chance to take a look of this ship anchored at Zadar promenade. This was not the first time that this attractive sailing ship visited Zadar, and since its building in German Kiel in 1931, this sailing ship has sailed worldwide, taking the passengers all around the globe. Zadar will once again host this world attraction on October 9th, and it will be accompanied by its “younger brother” - Sea Cloud II. One sailing ship will be anchored at Zadar in the morning, while the other one will get there in the evening.



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