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14:00h - 22:00h

Warming Up for Festival of Dalmatian "Klapa" Singing in Omis

Print Posté: 26/06/10
Warming Up for Festival of Dalmatian "Klapa" Singing in Omis

Festival of Dalmatian “Klapa” Singing in Omis will be held traditionaly in June. On the open stage of the Omis town square the best "klapas" will present themselves in competition nights. As an announcement of the festival, several concerts were held outside Omis in June, along the Adriatic coast. For instance, Evenings of Popular Tunes and Evenings of Guitar Compositions were held in Blato on the island of Korcula and in Vodice, and in Opuzen there has been a performance of mixed “klapas”. The Omis Festival is a central cultural and entertainment event of the town and of the whole Omis riviera. That's why the visitors who have found accommodation in one of the apartments or hotels in Omis, Duce, Stanici or in some other place on Omis riviera should take an opportunity to enjoy the singing skills of Dalmatian “klapas”.



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